The Love Of Celestial Prince & The Enchantress

Chapter 67 - Stalking The New Dancing Girl...

Tom's Pov:

So far, I changed many professions and I changed many names and identities...

Now I am in the profession of the commissioner of police and transfer from one city to another city to search for my girl and this profession will help me to find where my girl is...

And now, my name is Tom, the police commissioner, my main target is to sweep the evil in humans...

From day by day, the evil acts done by humans are increasing and I am not supposed to encourage any kind of evil acts whether it is done by Primal magic or dark magic or if it is done by the human race, I am against to it and trying my best to clear it in order to save the innocent humans from the evil humans...

So, I don't want to entertain the human to succeed in their evil acts...

So I take this police job and sweeping all the evil acts doing by the humans and now presently I am dealing with the Mafia and their main dealings of Mafia are drug dealings, women and child trafficking...

These evil bastards are kidnapping or trapping the innocent woman and girl kids by giving the drugs to them and selling them to the other countries mafia through the black market. Till now I saved many of the girls and the kids and arrested many of the mafia dealers relating to it but there are still many to deal with it. So in order to catch them, I started a secret operation and I am in charge of the undercover operation, and I need to find the details regarding the drug Mafia and I need to find them and I need to give them appropriate punishment through the legal process established by this humans, sometimes I will cross my limits by giving punishments to them by crossing their legal process because a few bastards deserve the punishments more than the punishments constituted in the law, so I secretly give punishments to them apart from the legal punishments...

So far, most of the Mafia can be found in the pubs and the prostitute centres and it's easy to trap and catch them in both the places and out of the two places catching them in pubs is more easy than identifying them in the prostitute centres so at first, I choose to search them in all the pubs in the current city I am staying...

And I easily arrested many Mafia leaders in the pubs and while interrogating them I will get the details and hints regarding the other Mafia and by using this chain link, I am arresting many dealers who are dealing with the drugs and asking for the people who are kidnapping the innocent girls and selling them to the prostitute centres or selling them to the other countries through black market...

With my investigation now I finally find a pub which deals with women trafficking and drug dealing in the pub and as per my records I got the information that this pub will trap the girls by using the drugs and export them through the black market and sell them to the other local Mafia gang for huge money...

Now my aim is to find the person who are responsible in maintaining such lewd pub activities by trapping the girls and keeping their lives at risk...

So with my civil dress, I went into the pub like a customer and noticing everything around me to find the drug dealers and the management person responsible for it...

But I did not find anything weird in the pub but due to the information I got, they are dealing with drugs and woman trafficking so I started going to this pub regularly to find the bastards who are behind this...

On one fine day, I usually went to the pub in a civil dress and pretending I am a regular customer of this pub and enjoying the dance on the stage but what shocking me is the new dancing girl...

I am shocked at the moment when the new dancing girl gets on the stage...

The first flash I got when I looked at her is my butterfly...

She exactly looks like my butterfly and her facial features are exactly the same...

I am shocked and still staring into her to confirm if it is my butterfly or not, if she is my butterfly she will definitely ran towards me and hug me and gives me kisses but she did not...

Maybe she is scared to come close to me because of the dark magic witches, maybe the dark magic witches have surrounded us...

I did not understand what is happening but I did not take away my eyes from her I am still staring at her to confirm whether she is my butterfly or not...

Am I hallucinating by looking at every beautiful girl by thinking it is my butterfly?

I once again rubbed my eyes and looked at her to confirm but this time she started starring at me, and I feel so happy and I feel very connected to her and I feel my body is relaxed and relieved from the stress, I can feel a piece of slow romantic music when I am looking at her and I can feel the flutter ff excitement and sense the feeling of butterflies in my stomach...

Even she is staring at me as if I already knew to her by not even flapping her eyes and I can understand both of us are triggered by an adrenaline rush...

We both travel into different worlds by looking at each other...

Why do I feel in such a way for the first time? 

Is it happening just because this girl is similar to the features of my butterfly?



I don't fall for similar features, I will wait for my butterfly...

Wait, Is she really my butterfly?

Maybe yes, that's the reason I feel this sting feeling...



Before I raised my hope and feelings for her first I need to confirm whether she is a human or a witch because my girl gave me a hint that she will be back to me in human form and there may be a chance that the witches may trap me to find my original form, so they may trying to trap me in the form of my girl...

So, I should be more careful and find who she is...

First I need to find whether she is human or a witch...

Secondly, I should get clarity is if she is a human and if it is not a witches trap I need to find whether she is my butterfly in human form or she is a normal human...

Many questions filled my mind and I need to find solutions for them as early as possible, in between my thoughts I once again looked at her and examine her entire body to compare with my butterfly and the shape of her body is so hot and her waist curves are so tempting and any men will fall for her by looking at her beauty and her curves and body structure is exactly similar to my butterfly and her facial features are exactly same as my butterfly but I don't know how to confirm it...

I wish it should be my butterfly and I feel like she should remember me and she should get all the flashes of our sweet memories...


Tom, Sitting here helplessly with full of dilemmas is not a solution...

You should know whether she is your butterfly or not...

I said to myself and still staring at the girl and can't take away my eyes from her, I am admiring by looking at her beauty and I feel her face is filled with some divine energies, I am staring at her with the same feel and I have no idea what to do next but I am still staring at that girl to get any clue...

Suddenly when she is doing her dance I can see her hot coverage a little, she immediately covered her coverage by pulling her dress and by looking at her I can understand she is new to this job and I can feel she is not that kind of girl who will work in these kinds of pubs and if my guess is not wrong someone is trapped or forced her to do this kind of job and I am sure they will trap or kidnap her in the dealings regarding women trafficking...

In between my thoughts, I once again looked at the girl and she is still staring at me and I don't know why she is staring at me but I feel she is my butterfly and she is looking at me out of love towards me...

She is doing the dance to the song and at the same time, she is looking at me, only me. But this time when she bends forward for the dance move, I notice saw a small tattoo kind of thing on her coverage, I am shocked the moment I looked at it, the girl immediately adjusted her dress to hide her coverage...

(Hello readers,

If you want to blow a love portion between Mona and Tom, you need to donate the power stones which will give strength to their love. The more power stones, the more smile on Mona's face.

Thank you so so so much for your love and support, please give review to the book...)

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