Episode 4: She Want to Be Friends with a Mob Character


Class has begun.

The class homeroom teacher, Ms. Maguire entered the classroom and was about to start homeroom, but she noticed something strange and looked around at the students.

She noticed that Dorothy, an honor student, was not sitting in her assigned seat, and she quickly warned her.

“Oh my, don’t move your seat, Miss Dorothy. You’re sitting farther forward, next to Lute, remember?”

“That’s right, Dorothy, get your a*s over here before she marks you absent.”

Lute gets on board with the teacher.

He’s already surrounded by a harem of people, and he’s not happy just because Dorothy isn’t with him.

I think it’s extravagant, but I also want to say something about Dorothy sitting next to me.


Her cheeks are almost loose as she refuses like a selfish child, she’s so cute no matter what she does.

I don’t know if this is the charm of the main heroine, but I’m standing next to her and my heart is not going to hold out at this rate.

No, let’s put that aside for now.

She suddenly asked me if she could sit next to me, and before I could even answer her, she sat down next to me.

She asked me to sit next to her.

“Hey, don’t annoy our teacher, she doesn’t like kids who don’t listen to her.”

“Ah, really?”

“Really… you should stop it.”

She has been cold to Lute for quite a while now, even though she usually gave him a proper answer to whatever in the past.

Is it a lover’s quarrel?

A lover’s quarrel between the hero and the main heroine is something that unfolds in a loose manner.

But this time it seems to be a bit different than just a normal quarrel.

“I don’t care what you say, you’ve never let me do what I want, so now I’m going to do what I want. Lute has nothing to do with it.”

“I’m your childhood friend, you know.”

“So what?”

“We’re supposed to be together.”


Dorothy let out a sigh of annoyance.

The teacher, who understood her attitude, said with a small laugh.

“I’ll forgive you for your behavior. You may return to your seat whenever you feel like it.”

“Huh! Ms. Maguire!?”

Lute protested, but was appeased by the other heroines.

“Well, calm down, Lute, Dorothy can change her mind sometimes.”

“I’m sure that Dorothy is tired and wants to rest in the back of the room for once. She was almost late again today after all.”

“Yes, you should respect her feelings, Lute.”

“…Ah, that’s right. You may be right…”

The main heroine left, and the harem members saw this as an opportunity to persuade Lute, and managed to convince him to stay with them.

In class.

I can’t concentrate in class because the girl next to me keeps staring at me.

I don’t even know if I have opened the right page number in my textbook.

“Hey, Helios-kun.”

I almost jumped out of my skin.

It’s been years since I’ve heard someone call me by name while talking to me.

I can’t remember that even happening anymore.

“Yesterday after school, I hadn’t even told you anything yet, and you turned around and ran away from me, isn’t that terrible of you? Even though I look like this, I’m very vulnerable, you know. So I overslept because I was worried.”

Eh, so that’s why she was late.


“I guess you’re not much of a talker. It’s not a bad thing, I won’t deny it, but you need to turn around when someone speaks to you!”

I was forced to change the angle at which I was looking at her, and I saw Dorothy’s face smiling mischievously at me.

A good smell fills the air around me.

A slender hand touched my cheek, and the feeling was so soft and indescribable that it made my nerves rise.

The students around me happened to not notice Dorothy’s strange behavior, thanks to their concentration on the class.

“Don’t be so cold, I just want to be friends with you. I’ve been wondering about you… for a long, long time.”

When was it?

If I wasn’t attractive enough to blend in with the shadows of the classroom, why did I care about her, the main heroine?

I don’t think yesterday was the trigger for any event.

As I recall, Dorothy was one of the companions who defeated the demon king with the hero Lute, and she is the strongest sorceress in this area.

There’s no way that Lute didn’t raise a flag with her during their long journey.

I’m not so sure about it.

I move my gaze and look at a person.

I looked at my childhood friend Liza, who is chatting with Lute about something even though we’re currently in class.

No way, is she…?

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