"what happened?"

Grandpa Xiao asked Shen Mange's sad face and couldn't help asking.

"It's okay, Grandpa, Yu Weiwei has given it to you, and I will go back quickly."

"I let Ayong stay with you."

"it is good."

This time, Shen Mange did not refuse.

The two quickly returned to the Ye Family's old house, quietly here, Lan Chen was not there, but Shen Mange felt something was wrong.

"Miss Sun, don't get off the bus, I'll go down and see."

Ayong said she was about to get off, but was stopped by Shen Mange.

"Don't go on, it's too quiet here, it's a little unsettling quietly.

Ah Yong, don't stop and drive straight ahead. "

Shen Mange's face was light.

Although Ayong didn't know what it meant, he obediently added a gear to the car and quickly passed the door of Ye's old house.

Just as they were about to leave the door of the old house, a roadblock suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Ayong, back away."

Shen Mange's heart suddenly picked up.

It seems that Yu Yang is dead, and Yu Yin is waiting for her here.

Sure enough, there was someone behind Yu Yang.

When Ayong was in reverse gear, he didn't know where the four or five jeep came out from behind, and suddenly gave them the back road.

"Miss Sun, we are in ambush."

Ayong frowned tightly.

Shen Mange is the heart of Old Master Xiao, and he must not be allowed to have an accident.

"Miss Sun, I drove them away, and you ran inside."

Ayong's proposal was directly rejected by Shen Mange.

"It's useless. Lan Chen is not here. It must have been an accident. Now the inside is well-equipped. People are waiting for me to drill in."

As soon as I entered, I caught the turtle in the urn, and they were pregnant. "

"What about then?"

A Yong was worried.

Shen Mange's lips slightly raised a bit of bitterness.

"I really don't want to live like this, but I was forced to live like this.

I still have a husband and son to save, so I can't help it. Let's fight.

Ayong, do you have a gun? "

Shen Mange's words made A Yong stunned slightly.

He is the guard of Father Xiao, and he naturally carries a gun with him, but what does it mean to ask Shen Mange?

"Miss Sun, you ..." "Give me a gun, I know you are used to carrying two."

Ayong hesitated, but gave Shen Mange a gun.

Shen Mange shot directly at the outside.

The crisp gunshots suddenly disturbed the whole Haicheng.

Today's Haicheng people are trembling, Yuyang's army robbery has just ended, and there are gunshots from the Ye family's old house, which naturally attracted people's attention.

"Go and see what's going on."

The police dispatched immediately.

Huo Zhenting was suspicious when he learned that Yu Yang had robbed his military vehicle. He heard that the company of Yejia had put employees on vacation in advance, so he was not at ease. The gunfire came to the Ye's old house.

"Hurry, hurry up!"

The Huo family is moving fast.

Shen Mange's gunshot shocked all forces.

The man hidden in the dark hammered the steering wheel hard and said fiercely: "Quick battle and quick decision, the gunshot will make everyone move closer to this side, and it will be difficult to go to the sky if you want to kill Shen Mange.

Shen Mange can't be killed. Brother Feng will not spare us when we go back. "

"But Brother Mao, Shen Mange is in the car. I don't know the exact location, and we can't do anything about it."

His face is embarrassed.

Brother Mao said cruelly: "All of them were shooting at the military vehicle. Since there has been some noise, I am not afraid of being bigger. I will tell the snipers that as long as Shen Mange appears, I will be killed."


Shen Mange knew that his gunshots would bring rescue to himself, but now he still has to rely on himself.

She looked at Ayong and whispered, "I shot the other party and have alarmed the other party. It is very likely that they will make them jump the wall.

Ayong, get down on your body. You are not allowed to come out without my order, and you are not allowed to look up. "

"Miss Sun, my task is to protect you."

"Listen to me, my grandfather is getting older, you have followed him for so long, and although he is a servant, he is a brother of life and death.

I can't let my grandfather get the pain of losing his brother at this age.

You have to be good. "

Shen Mange's words were just finished, and suddenly there was a fierce gunfire outside.

"Get down!"

She pressed Ayong's head down, and she quickly hid under the seat.

Gunshots hit like raindrops.

She wanted to retreat in such an environment and felt a bit difficult.

How to do?

Shen Mange's mind is a little messy.

Gunshots are getting denser, and those rescuers will need time even if they arrive, she must save herself.

Shen Mange glanced at Ayong, her eyes crossed a resolute emotion.

Never let Ayong go wrong.

Shen Mange knew that as long as he was with Ayong, Ayong had no chance to escape.

She bit her lower lip, opened the door directly, and ran out as soon as she rolled.

"Miss Sun."

Ayong shouted in shock, and found that as Shen Mange jumped out, countless bullets shot towards her.

In such a situation, it is possible for Shen Mange to be beaten into a sieve.

He was very anxious, but couldn't get away.

Shen Mange profoundly experienced what is called gun forest bomb rain.

The bullet passed her side, and after she rolled out on the spot, she hadn't had time to do anything. She heard a bang, a big iron pan was thrown directly from an unknown place, and she was impartial People blocked.

The bullet is penetrating, but this iron pan gives Shen Mange time.

Before she could react, she heard a familiar voice.

"Mange, here."

"sister in law?"

Shen Mange never expected to meet Hu Yaxin here! "Come here."

Hu Yaxin ran out and grabbed Shen Mange and pulled her over.

At the same time, the big iron pan cracked, and the bullet holes on the top almost made the big iron pan a sieve.

Shen Mange was terrified afterwards.

Hu Yaxin immediately took off his body armor and buckled it directly on Shen Mange.

"Hurry up."

Shen Mange froze for a moment, and quickly quit.

"No, I can't do it.

You are my sister-in-law and you have to marry Song Wenqi. "

"What a silly saying, the wedding is just a form, we are already a family in law.

How can I watch you in danger?

Put it on quickly.

Their goal is you, but I will be safer. "

Hu Yaxin couldn't let Shen Mange refuse to directly put her body armor on her.

Shen Mange's eyes are warm.

"Sister-in-law, I ..." "Don't say hypocritical words at this time. Our Hu family is nearest to you. I happened to go home to pick up things. I saw the Huo family arrived, as long as we hide here and wait It ’s safe. "

Hu Yaxin held Shen Mange's hand tightly, fearing she would run out and die again.

The scene just scared her to death.

How could Shen Mange believe that Hu Yaxin was a gossip who came back temporarily to get things?

Hu Yaxin knew about Yu Yang's business, and I was afraid that he would have prepared for unexpected support.

Shen Mange's eyes are warm.

Song Wenqi, the couple, how much should she owe them?

How did she pay off?

At this moment, the Huo family finally arrived.

"Catch me alive, I want to see who is going to hurt my Huo family."

Huo Zhenting is on fire.

Shen Mange could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when she saw him, but under the sunlight, she seemed to see a reflective spot.


Shen Mange's heart shook slightly and shouted directly.

"Uncle, be careful sniper!"

The words just fell, and a bullet shot directly at her hidden place.

Over here.

"Be careful!"

Hu Yaxin directly pushed away Shen Mange.

How could Shen Mange watch Hu Yaxin accident?

She threw out the things at hand.

With a bang, the bullet hit the pistol, slowing the impact speed, and Shen Mange took advantage of this to kick Hu Yaxin down.

The bullets flew out of their heads.

Hu Yaxin scared the whole person.

Shen Mange quickly ran over, holding Hu Yaxin in his arms.

"Sister-in-law, are you okay?"

"No, it's fine."

Hu Yaxin shook his head, but his body shivered.

Just so close to death, she was really terrified.

Shen Mange held her tightly and felt very guilty.

Huo Zhenting is not a vegetarian, he found the place where the other party hid when the other party shot, and directly killed the sniper.

The policemen also came.

For a time, the door of Ye's old house was very lively.

Shen Mange left Ayong to deal with this matter, and personally sent Hu Yaxin back to the Hu family.

Grandpa Hu is away, which means that all this is Hu Yaxin's own idea.

Shen Mange doesn't know what to say about his current mood.

In addition to gratitude, there is a trace of fear.

"Sister-in-law, this dangerous thing can't be done in the future, you know?"

Shen Mange's words made Hu Yaxin nod, and suddenly felt that he was quite inferior, and quickly said: "Hi, I'm fine, you are busy with you."

She said she asked Shen Mange to go out.

Shen Mange knows that what happened just now is likely to leave a shadow on Hu Yaxin.

She just let herself go because she didn't want to worry about herself.

Shen Mange pondered for a moment and called Song Wenqi.

"Brother, I'm sorry."

Shen Mange apologized when he came up, but confuses Song Wenqi.

"what happened?"

Shen Mange told Hu Yaxin about the matter.

Song Wenqi was stunned.

He couldn't speak for a long time while holding the phone.

Does the bold woman really know what she is doing?

But after getting angry, he thought that everything Hu Yaxin did was for Shen Mange, and he was suddenly moved.

If there is no Hu Yaxin today, it is really hard to say what will happen to Shen Mange.

This silly woman! How could there be such a silly woman under the sun?

Knowing that he had Shen Mange in his heart, it was clear that there might be a relationship between rivals. The silly woman in the film also nearly matched her life for this rival.

She wanted him to live in guilt for Song Wenqi's life, right?

Song Wenqi's eyes were wet.

Such a virtuous wife, if he fails, it is estimated that it is justified.

Song Wenqi whispered: "You do your business, your sister-in-law I will comfort."

Shen Mange heard his affection for Hu Yaxin from Song Wenqi's tone, and could not help but feel relieved.

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