The Lovely Baby’s Arrival: CEO Daddy is on the Way

Chapter 1063: You should believe your son

Ye Nanxian's arms tightened suddenly.

The guns, bullets, and rain around him are good, as well as punching and kicking, it doesn't matter to him.

All his senses and all cells are clamoring, jumping, and excited for this woman named Shen Mange.

Shen Mange felt that his bones had to be broken by Ye Nanxian.

It seems that this man is really terrified.

How could she come here without preparation?

It ’s simple to go to the meeting alone once, but it ’s stupid to do it three or four times.

What's more, this place is so chaotic, even if she doesn't bring people from the dark night, she will also bring Mr. Xiao and the Huo family.

But Ye Nanxian cares so much about himself, and Shen Mange is still very happy.

Until the oxygen in the chest was almost drained, Shen Mange struggled to push away Ye Nanxian.

She gasped for breath, a blush like a ripe cherry, utterly indescribable style, and even the eyebrows after the emotion were confused and charming.

Ye Nanxian really wished to hide her, so that others would not see her beauty.

"Go, let's go to Zi'an!" Ye Nanxian's words just fell, and he hugged Shen Mange in a hug, and lifted his foot to walk outside.

At this moment, a "bang" gunshot flew directly from behind Ye Nanxian's head, rubbing his scalp.

With a puff, the warm liquid splashed out instantly and splashed on Shen Mange's face.

is blood! Hot! Shen Mange's body stiffened slightly. She looked behind Ye Nanxian. A terrorist was only a few centimeters away from Ye Nanxian. At this time, she slowly fell to the ground.

Blood poured out of his temple, and it quickly spread out on the ground.

Shen Mange was faced with death for the first time at close range, and she could not help being scared.

Ye Nanxian held her tightly in her arms and glanced at the shot. Ye Zi'an's figure suddenly appeared in his sight.

The person who fired the sniper rifle was Ye Zian? ! Ye Nanxian's eyes suddenly widened.

Ye Zi'an stood up without any psychological pressure, and raised his foot toward this side.

Shen Mange apparently discovered this too.

Suddenly she was a little calm.

Was Zi An murdering just now?

Although it was said to protect Ye Nanxian, he was still a child! Is he a kid?

Shen Mange struggled to jump directly off Ye Nanxian's arms and quickly ran towards Ye Zi'an.

"how about it?

Zi An, are you okay? "

Shen Mange shivered.

She didn't know whether it was because she was afraid or because she was worried about Ye Zi'an.

Ye Zi'an said calmly: "It's alright, mainly because old Ye is alright."

"Your boy, how are you ..." Shen Mange was pulled by Ye Nanxian before he finished.

Ye Nanxian was worried when he looked at Ye Zi'an's eyes.

"Go in and see Rui Rui, he is injured, inside."

"Zhang Yin has entered."

Ye Zian said lightly.

Ye Nanxian sensitively noticed that Ye Zian's hand was shaking.

The recoil of the sniper rifle is very strong, not the child of Ye Zi'an's age.

Ye Zi'an had no choice but to make a decision just now.

Seeing Ye Nanxian's eyes, Ye Zi'an put his right hand behind his back and said lightly, "I'll go and see Rui Rui."

After he finished raising his feet, he left without seeing the worried eyes of Ye Nanxian and Shen Mange.

After Ye Zi'an entered Ye Rui's room, she saw Zhang Yin checking Ye Rui's wound, and Lan Chen had already left.

"Zi An."

Ye Rui tilted his neck and grinned at him.

Ye Zi'an nodded his head, but he didn't laugh.

Zhang Yin had taken care of Ye Rui's wound and looked at Ye Zi'an, feeling that the brothers had something to say, and nodded to Ye Rui and retreated.

When only Ye Rui and Ye Zi'an were left in the room, Ye Rui discovered Ye Zi'an's pale and terrible face.

"Zi An, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing."

Ye Zian sat next to Ye Rui, his eyes dull.

"You ..." Ye Rui reached out and touched Ye Zi'an's hand, suddenly frowned and asked, "Why are your hands so cold?"

So much sweat in your palm? "

"I just shot and killed someone."

Ye Zi'an said very calmly, but Ye Rui saw a trace of confusion in his voice and eyes.


These two words are too far away in the hearts and impressions of the children, and Ye Zi'an actually experienced all this not long ago, no wonder this is the case.

"I will give you psychological counseling."

Ye Zian shook his head and said: "No, there will be a counseling psychologist after returning to the military area. I just don't get used to it."

"No one can adapt.

Sleep with me tonight? "

"it is good."

Ye Zi'an did not refuse Ye Rui's request.

Shen Mange looked at Ye Nanxian and asked, "Are Zi An all right?"

"Do you think he looks okay?

Although the child was calm on the surface, he didn't know how to collapse.

This is a human after all.

There will always be a shadow in the first shot. I turned around and said to the boss, let him find a psychological counseling doctor for Zi An, don't leave any shadow. "

Ye Nanxian's eyes narrowed tightly.

He kicked the dead man to the side with one foot, his eyes full of anger.

If Ye Zi'an really leaves a shadow, he will never let Moran go! Shen Mange and Ye Nanxian left here heavily.

The follow-up matter is naturally handled by the army.

Shen Mange saw that the Huo and Xiao families were present and said to them: "You go back first, tell me uncle and grandfather, we are all right here.

Nan Xian and I stayed outside for a few days, and we will go back later. "


Shen Mange looked at Zhang Yin and directed a team of people and asked Ye Nanxian, "What does Zhang Yin's team mean?"

"Have you heard of HG organization?"


Shen Mange feels a little big.

Ye Nanxian told Shen Mange what Ye Zian found.

Shen Mange paused and asked, "Is that Xiao Key my aunt?"

"It may or may not be, and it is not certain yet.

In short, the national conditions of country F are more complicated.

And your aunt's disappearance was likely to have other hidden feelings, and there might even be hidden people behind him.

What I'm afraid of now is that I don't know what the motive and purpose of the black hand behind the scenes. "

Ye Nanxian sighed slightly.

Shen Mange said indifferently: "Whatever his purpose and motive, there must be a way to the mountain before the car. What is the use of worrying about people now?

Let's talk back. "

The two got into the car hand in hand.

When Zhao Jingxuan called, Shen Mange just got on the bus.

She paused for a moment and said doubtfully: "Is the signal here interrupted?

How come there is a call? "

"We've been looking for someone to fix it before we came.

You should believe your son. "

"Zi An did it?"

Shen Mange is proud and dead.

Ye Nanxian's lip angle rose slightly, and it was obvious that he was also proud of Ye Zi'an.

Shen Mange quickly crossed the answer button.

"Mr. Shen, Meng Tiantian's matter has been resolved.

After Yu Yang's death, her parents began to ask the lion big mouth and Meng Tiantian 10 million, Meng Tiantian did not give, his parents directly started Meng Tiantian at the company door.

The legal affairs of our company told her parents directly.

Meng Tiantian does not accept reconciliation and is now mediating, but the initiative is already on our side. "

Hearing Zhao Jingxuan say this, Shen Mange suddenly put down a heart.

It's really a good thing.

Ye Nanxian is fine here, and Meng Tiantian's affairs over there have also been resolved.

"Got it, you can do it. Recently, I don't care about the company's affairs. If it's not too important, don't report to me. You can do it yourself.

Shen Mange hung up the phone after speaking.

In order to avoid being disturbed by others, Shen Mange shut down directly.

Ye Nanxian looked at her suspiciously.

"What are you doing?"

"I have lived in a two-person world with you and don't like other people to disturb."

Shen Mange's words made Ye Nanxian smile bitterly.

"I'm afraid it won't work for now."


"He Nanfei had an accident there. I have to make sure he is fine."

Ye Nanxian made Shen Mange pause.

The fact that He Nanfei was missing still reached Ye Nanxian's ear.

"What do you think about this?"

"Nanfei's disappearance is related to Gong Xueyang. I suspect that Gong Xueyang is fake."

Ye Nanxian's words made Shen Mange stunned again.


Do you have evidence? "

"No, but when Gong Xueyang died, I was by my side. I saw Gong Xueyang shot dead.

We did not rescue Gong Xueyang, but brought Gong Xueyang's body back, and no one could be brought back to life, and after so many years. "

Ye Nanxian whispered, feeling a little low.

Shen Mange believes in Ye Nanxian. As long as he says that Gong Xueyang is fake, then he must be right. This is honey trust.

"Who is this woman who looks exactly like Gong Xueyang?

Gong Xueyang's twin sister? "

"Gong Xueyang is an only child, with only one cousin and no sisters.

So what I worry about now is that Nanfei was deliberately arrested in order to find out the truth. "

Ye Nanxian's words made Shen Mange suddenly understand.

"So this is He Nanfei's plan?

Song Tao and I feel that the skill of He Nanfei should not be kidnapped unless he is willing to do so. I did not expect this relationship. "

Ye Nanxian looked at her and said, "This matter will not be resolved in a moment and a half. I just want to make sure that Nanfei is safe."

"How are you sure?"

"I naturally have my way."

Ye Nanxian sat down straight after speaking, opened the notebook, and after entering a string of codes, the screen there was always black, and nothing happened.

Shen Mange can't understand these computer things and is unconsciously bored.

She leaned on the back of the chair, and suddenly felt a pain in her back, only to remember that her wound had broken apart.

Damn! Would she tell Ye Nanxian about this?

Shen Mange was a little tangled.

She glanced at Ye Nanxian's profile.

This man was dark after he came here, but he was also thin. The dark circles under his eyes made Shen Mange a little distressed.

It is estimated that after coming to South Africa, you will not have a good rest.

Thinking of this, Shen Mange took a deep breath and concealed the fact that the wound was cracking.

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