Ye Nanxian's mouth twitched slightly.

Shen Mange doesn't force him anymore. Anyway, when it comes to this, he can figure it out for himself.

She jumped off Ye Nanxian's back and waved her hand: "You are well prepared, I went to find the children and bought them things."

Shen Mange walked in happily.

Ye Nanxian felt that the whole world was gray.

Disguised as a woman?

Is he really going to do this?

Shen Mange did not care about Ye Nanxian's entanglement in his heart, and took things directly to Ye Zi'an and Ye Rui's room.

Ye Zi'an is still sleeping.

It is rare to see this stinky kid resting during the day, but remembering the pressure he suffered, Shen Mange lightened his pace.

Ye Rui saw Shen Mange coming in and put down the medicine in his hand.


"Come out."

Shen Mange smiled at Ye Rui.

Ye Rui lifted the quilt and got out of bed. He was hugged directly by Shen Mange, and the little face flushed instantly.

"Mommy, I'm fine, I can go by myself."

"Mummy hugs you, your leg is hurt, it's inconvenient."

Shen Mange saw Ye Rui's little blushing after speaking, and said with a smile: "Yo, our Ruirui now knows that he is shy.

But it's nothing. I'm your mum, what's so shy about holding you? "

Ye Rui pursed her lips and didn't speak, in fact, she was a little embarrassed.

After learning the human body structure diagram and knowing the defense of men and women, Ye Rui felt embarrassed every time.

I was embarrassed to say this to Shen Mange, so I could only be silent.

Shen Mange feels that Ye Rui's experience in this year has precipitated a lot of his lively and cheerful temperament, and now he is getting a little more handsome.

I don't know if it's because of studying medicine.

Shen Mange took Ye Rui to the living room and sat down, took out a rectangular box from his pocket and handed it to Ye Rui.

"Look if you like it or not."

Ye Rui looked at Shen Mange with some surprise.

"For me?"

"Well, for you."

Shen Mange's gentle appearance made Ye Rui's nose sore.

"I don't want it, give Zi An."

"Zi'an has Zi'an, this is for you, please open it and see."

Shen Mange urged, Ye Rui had to open the box.

Inside the box is a set of silver needles for acupuncture, and a scalpel.

Ye Rui recognized that this set of tools should have been left by an old senior of Taishan Beidou in the medical world, known as the sage of the medical world, but unfortunately passed away last year.

The tool was auctioned and the price was said to have been raised to 10 million, and was later bought by unknown people.

Now suddenly appeared in front of Ye Rui, Ye Rui was blinded.

He picked up the silver and squinted at the light. Sure enough, he saw extremely tiny abbreviations on the micro end.

This is actually authentic! Ye Rui really likes medicine, and naturally he was excited to see the relics of the medical hand.

"Mummy, where did this thing come from?"

"You don't care where you come from, just like it or not?"

"Like, I like it so much!"

Ye Rui's eyes showed a frenzy and joy.

Shen Mange suddenly felt very satisfied.

"Just like it, Mommy hopes that you will become a sage in the medical profession in the future.

This set of tools is for you.

There is also the scalpel. It is said that it is very sharp. Be careful. Do n’t hurt yourself. You can use it for self-defense at a critical moment. I heard that this scalpel has an organ. "

Just after Shen Mange's words were finished, Ye Rui directly played the scalpel in his palm. The beautiful and skillful knife technique looked like clouds and flowing water, which was very beautiful.

The scalpel clicked, and suddenly a thin needle popped out of the handle, flashing a cold light, and almost surprised Shen Mange.

"This is the institution?"

"Yes, this is the organ. It is used for self-defense. The fine needles are usually fed with poison, but this should be cleaned up by people."

Ye Rui's lips have been rising, and it can be seen that he really likes this gift.

Shen Mange said with some concern: "Be careful yourself and don't hurt yourself by mistake."

"No, it was sent to me by mommy. I will carry it with me and use it all my life."

Ye Rui smiled silly.

Shen Mange suddenly felt distressed.

"Silly boy, just a set of tools. I'll buy you good moms in the future."

"No mommy, the tools still have to be handy, thank you mommy, I like it very much."

Ye Rui carefully put away the things and put them up.

Shen Mange's mood is also very good, it seems that this set of things is really bought right.

She initially thought that she had bought the fake, but Lancheng said that the tool was real, and she only bought it back. Now it seems that she really bought it.

Ye Rui looked at Shen Mange and said, "Mummy, after you and Master went out, why did you come back alone?"


Did she do anything to you? "

Shen Mange gave a slight meal.

She looked at Ye Rui and found that Ye Rui's eyes were very serious and calm.

Shen Mange suddenly felt distressed.

"Why do you ask?

She is your master, what can you do to me?

But there are things to deal with halfway, I just came back first.

Don't be cranky, eh? "

"Mummy, no matter who it is, as long as it hurts you, it is my enemy."

Ye Rui said this very solemnly, and suddenly let Shen Mange's heart sink a bit.

"Rui Rui, there are not so many bad guys in this world, don't think about it, let alone, Zhang Yin treats you as a biological child, and she will not treat me like you for you."


Ye Rui nodded and said nothing.

"Mommy, I'm going back to the room first. My medical skills haven't been memorized yet."

"it is good."

Shen Mange looked at Ye Rui, who worked so hard, and didn't know what else she could do except for her distress.

Ye Rui suddenly stopped when she approached the door of the room.

He turned his head and looked at Shen Mange and said, "Mommy, will Daddy have a birthday tomorrow?"

"Well, what's wrong?"

Shen Mange looked at Ye Rui and asked innocently.

Ye Rui suddenly understood what he said, and said with a smile: "It's okay, I just want you to help me and Daddy say hello."

"What do you mean?

Are you not going to give your father a birthday? "

Shen Mange paused.

Ye Rui smiled and said, "I am going to leave here with Zi An at night, and the army will be drawing together at 8 o'clock tonight.

Zi An ’s mood is not stable, I have to watch it, so I do n’t have time to attend Daddy ’s birthday party. "

Shen Mange didn't know that the army was going to leave here at eight o'clock tonight.

"Can't we go together tomorrow?"

"If we are here, the wattage is too high."

Ye Rui entered the room after talking.

Shen Mange suddenly realized what Ye Rui was saying and could not help but blush.

Does she seem so overbearing that she wants to occupy Ye Nanxian?

Why do children say so?

Shen Mange was depressed and dead.

Ye Nanxian just walked in and saw Shen Mange's depressed look, he couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

Who annoys you? "


Shen Mange was about to get up and leave, but Ye Nanxian grabbed Liu Yao's waist and pulled him closer.

"Speak clearly, how can I offend you?

Ok? "

His breath touched Shen Mange's earlobe, warm and warm, causing Shen Mange to shudder all over.

She suddenly felt that the scene was so familiar, it seemed that she had treated Ye Nanxian like this a while ago?

Shen Mange wanted to withdraw from Ye Nanxian's arms, but he was tightly surrounded by him.

"Run what?"

"Ye Nanxian, are your hardware facilities ready?"

Shen Mange looked at Ye Nanxian provocatively.

Ye Nanxian suddenly smiled and said, "I asked Sunan. He said that this minor operation is actually just two days, so ..." Shen Mange's face was white.


Is it so pitious?

Is n’t it at least ten days and a half months?

Ye Nanxian, don't ruin your lifelong happiness for a little bit of flesh. "

Seeing Shen Mange so frightened, Ye Nanxian couldn't help but smirk.

Shen Mange realized that he was being played by him.

"It's fun, isn't it?

Ok? "

Shen Mange stretched out his hands directly and put it on Ye Nanxian's armpit.

"Let you lie to me, let you bully me!"

"Don't make trouble! Hahaha!"

Ye Nanxian was a little itchy, and was so tortured by Shen Mange that he could not help laughing. The hearty laughter filled the whole room, even drifting outside.

Lan Chen had something to report, he paused when he heard the voice inside, then turned and left.

He solved it himself.

Shen Mange didn't know what was going on outside. Seeing Ye Nanxian smiling cheerfully, he couldn't help but start to be even more ruthless.

"Don't you dare to say that I'm making trouble?


See me not packing you up.

The old lady doesn't show her power, do you think I am a sick cat, right? "

Shen Mange turned to the battlefield and went directly to Ye Nanxian's abdomen.

Ye Nanxian only felt that her weak, boneless hands were like a fire of stars, instantly igniting all his sensory nerves, spreading like a prairie.

If she is tossing like this again, she will really be killed.

Ye Nanxian hurriedly grabbed Shen Mange's hand, and a rollover pressed her under him.

Shen Mange's blushing, peaches want to be ripe, people can not help but want to take a bite.

Her eyes flickered, with a playful light, dazzling and charming.

Ye Nanxian lowered his head gently.

The warm breath made Shen Mange's heart beat faster.

All the old couples and wives are obviously there, but at this moment, she still feels her heart beating like thunder, as if she can jump out of her throat anytime, anywhere, and the expectant heart is eager to try.

Shen Mange couldn't help closing her eyes.

The moment the cool, thin lips were applied to her cherry lips, Shen Mange felt that all the cells in her body were blooming like fireworks.

The haunting kiss seemed to take away her mind, and it blended into Ye Nanxian's body, flowing into his breath.

After this kiss, Ye Nanxianyi still hadn't finished.

He touched Shen Mange's shy and timid face, his voice hoarse.

"Shen Mange."


"I love you."

The three words Ye Nanxian said with a cello-like voice, like an unopened bottle of red wine, mellow and charming.

Shen Mange felt that he was already drunk.

A little bit of starlight flashed in her eyes, her hands were tightly wrapped around Ye Nanxian's neck, her lips smirked, and she said, "It's still a woman's dress, this time it's not confession."

Ye Nanxian's lips twitched suddenly.

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