Ye Zi'an's complexion slightly dimmed.

Who can have such a familiar switching technique besides their group?

"Fu Xichen?"

Ye Zian quickly typed a chat record in the past.

There was a quick reply there.

"Team leader, it's me."

Fu Xichen's font came over, and Ye Zi'an suddenly missed the team members.

"Won't you chat with me seriously?

Why do you want to hack into my computer?

Want to contest the Trojan horse program with me? "

Ye Zi'an quickly typed.

Fu Xichen paused, then replied: "Team leader, there is bad news for you."

"Almost New Year, can you tell me some good news?"

Ye Zi'an thought that Fu Xichen was really funny.

But Fu Xichen was directly converted into black and white fonts, and said heavily: "Team leader, our group's salsa has sacrificed."

Ye Zian's body suddenly paused.

"what did you say?"

Salsa is a member of their group and the only girl over eighteen.

Before Ye Zian didn't enter the group, Salsa was always the leader of their group, but because Ye Zian's computer technology was very high, Salsa took the initiative to let the virtue, but he was still very concerned about them.

Ye Zi'an's impression of Salsa is that the big sister next door is as warm as her mother and as warm as Lolo.

Why did she sacrifice?

"what happened?"

Ye Zi'an found his hand trembling.

Fu Xichen suddenly cried, and he directly sent a video application to Ye Zi'an.

Ye Zi'an couldn't help feeling sad when he saw Fu Xichen crying.

"Don't cry, what's going on?"

Ye Zi'an growled, Fu Xichen immediately stopped crying and said, "Sister Salsa's father was a special combat team member. She recently went abroad to participate in peacekeeping operations, but was shot during the process of protecting the mass transfer. Too.

The terrorists took him hostage and threatened us to withdraw from the battlefield.

This matter was known to Sister Salsa. She went there secretly with everyone behind her, using hacking techniques to temporarily confuse the enemy, but after all, she failed to persist for too long. In order to save her father, Sister Salsa was killed on the spot .

Team leader, they said that Sasa had shed a lot of blood.

After a while, Sasa will be transported back by air. The boss said let us all gather and go to the airport to take Sasa home. "

Fu Xichen cried while speaking.

Ye Zi'an's eyes are sour and sour.

blood! The dreams he slept in recently were all such bright red things.

But he could not think of his teammates, his comrades actually bloodied the battlefield.

A line of tears slipped involuntarily from his eyes.

"I'll go right now, you shut up for me and don't cry! Sister Salsa is the pride of our group, she is a hero, a martyr! She is going home, we can't cry to welcome her home.

Ye Zi'an's voice was hoarse, but suppressed.

Fu Xichen tried hard not to cry, but he couldn't help it.

Ye Zian hung up the video directly, and the whole person was lying on the computer, his shoulders shaking.

Comrades who have been getting along all day long will never be seen again.

After a national flag sent her into the Martyr's Cemetery, the bright red Sasa was no longer seen in this world.

Ye Zi'an's heart couldn't be more heavy.

He never knew how cruel the war was. Even in today's peaceful era, there are still many people who are dying.

He remembered his fear of shooting, but at this moment he felt nothing terrible.

That man **** it! He violated national laws and threatened his parents. He is a bad guy who is innocent.

And he is a soldier of the people.

Behind him stood countless ordinary people.

They will not shoot, nor have the power to shoot. When the war comes, they are the most vulnerable group, and he is a soldier.

His duty is to protect the people.

So what about shooting?

That is his duty! Ye Zi'an suddenly seemed to have figured out many things, and those depressed and heavy feelings were also turned into motivation by him.

He raised his head, wiped away his tears, quickly put on his regular clothes, and went downstairs.

Ye Nanxian and Shen Mange had just packed their things, and when they were ready to be called Ye Zian, they saw him in military uniform and could not help but stunned.

"Zi An, what are you doing?"

"Go to the airport, can Mommy send me?

Or Lao Ye sent me, my teammates, my comrades were transported back home by air.

I ’m the team leader, and I ’m going to pick her up home. "

Ye Zi'an's eyes still contain tears, but his eyes are firm and solemn.

Shen Mange felt that his son was different, but he could not tell, but Ye Nanxian could see it.

Ye Zi'an grew up.

He seemed to know a lot of things overnight, and his emotions became more restrained.

"Comrades sacrificed?"

Ye Nanxian has experienced this, and naturally understands the sorrow hidden in Ye Zi'an's eyes.

Ye Zi'an almost couldn't hold back and nodded quickly.

"I'll take you."

Ye Nanxian put down his work directly.

Shen Mange is a little uneasy.

"I will follow along."

"I will go too."

Ye Rui also spoke.

Ye Nanxian saw that they all demanded that, and he was not at ease to leave them at home. He simply nodded and took them out of the Ye family's old house.

Ye Zi'an said nothing along the way.

Shen Mange was worried about hitting Ye Nanxian with his arm, and asked in a voice that only two people could hear: "Are Zi An now a second person?"

"No, he is normal now."

Ye Nanxian glanced at Ye Zi'an and found that Ye Zi'an looked outside, his eyes full of sadness.

He sighed and said: "Zi An is very sad, and this time he doesn't know how long he can be depressed."

Shen Mange never stayed in the army, and naturally did not understand how deep the friendship between her comrades was, but she was somewhat worried when she saw her son now.

"This split personality has not been cured, and now the sacrifices of comrades-in-arms are happening again. I'm really afraid that this child can't stand it."

"Will not."

Ye Nanxian said calmly: "Perhaps after this incident, Zi An's personality split will be just fine."

"How to say?"

Shen Mange is wondering.

Ye Nanxian said nothing more.

A group of people drove the car to the airport.

Because Salsa is a martyr, the airport opened a special passage for soldiers.

The soldiers come and go in regular clothes and fight in a team.

Ye Zian came here alone because of temporary leave.

Shen Mange was also the first time to see such a solemn and solemn occasion, and could not help but stunned.

Ye Zian sorted out his clothes and hat, then opened the door and went down.

Ye Nanxian's current retirement procedures have not yet been completed, and naturally he still has a military rank. Today, he also put on military uniforms and said to Shen Mange: "You and Rui Rui are waiting for us in the car."

"it is good."

Shen Mange nodded.

Ye Nanxian took Ye Zi'an's hand and walked in.

Ye Rui suddenly said with some envy: "Mommy, I suddenly think it's good to be a military doctor. Wasn't Uncle Su a military doctor before?"

"Don't go."

Shen Mange directly refused, even more worried.

"There is a Zi An wind and rain in the house that is enough to make people sleep well, so don't join in the excitement.

You have to study medicine. Daddy and Mommy won't stop you, but if you want to join the army, it's absolutely impossible.

This time, Daddy and I have decided to let Zi An go into business, so don't even think about it. "

Shen Mange took advantage of this opportunity to interrupt Ye Rui's thoughts early.

Join the army?

Shen Mange now regrets his death and let Ye Zian go to the army.

Ye Rui is the only son of Ye Nanfang. If he has something long and short, who can afford this responsibility?

Shen Mange would rather Ye Rui mediocre I than let him go to the front to charge.

Ye Rui heard Shen Mange say this and could n’t help but stick out her tongue and say, “Mom, do n’t worry, I just talk.”

"It's better to be like this."

Shen Mange is still a little uneasy.

It didn't take long for the national anthem to sound, and the eight soldiers came out on a stretcher.

An eighteen-year-old young girl was lying on the stretcher. Her face was very pale and she was covered with a national flag.

The soldiers all took off their hats and looked sad.

"This is ..." Shen Mange realized the dignity and solemnity of death for the first time.

She saw her husband and son.

Ye Nanxian and Ye Zi'an walked left and right on the stretcher.

Ye Zi'an's eyes are red, and his nose is red. Some of the children behind him have already been crying.

This kind of sadness could not be brought in by Shen Mange, but suddenly there was a feeling of envy.

If this is the way of death in the end of a person's life, it will be too deadly.

It's a pity, then a pretty little girl.

Shen Mange's heart suddenly became uncomfortable.

The military vehicle was waiting outside, and all the soldiers carried Salsa to the Martyr's Cemetery.

A middle-aged woman came head-on, and the moment she saw Salsa, her emotions suddenly collapsed.

"Daughter! My good daughter!"

The woman was crying with pain, and she heard tears when she heard it.

Shen Mange was suddenly scared.

I'm afraid that Ye Zi'an will be carried back like this one day.

When he thought of such a scene, Shen Mange felt distressed.

Do not! She doesn't want her son like this! Absolutely not! Shen Mange made up her mind that Ye Zian must be dragged back from the army.

She has no dream of a home country, she only hopes that her son will be safe and healthy by her side.

It is good to say that she is selfish and that she is not worthy of being a military. In short, she cannot let her son go to such a dangerous front line and battlefield.

Seeing Shen Mange's face pale, Ye Rui couldn't help but stretch out his hand and held Shen Mange's hand.

Her hands are cold and her body is cold.

Ye Rui asked with some concern: "Mommy, are you okay?"

"It's all right."

Shen Mange laughed hard and strong, but saw that Salsa's mother fainted directly.

Many soldiers have red eyes.

On the way to the Martyr's Cemetery, except for the soldiers, Shen Mange and others could not go with them at all.

Ye Nanxian motioned her to take Ye Rui back first.

Shen Mange didn't want to leave.

She let Ye Rui get in the car, and drove herself behind the military car, and drove towards the cemetery of martyrs.

When approaching the Martyrs Cemetery, Shen Mange's car suddenly bumped.

She didn't pay attention, almost hit the windshield.

"Mommy, what's wrong?"

Ye Rui was a little worried.

Shen Mange waved his hand and said, "It may be that the car broke down. Let me take a look."

After she finished, she got out of the car directly, but Ye Rui felt an uneasy feeling.

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