The Lovely Baby’s Arrival: CEO Daddy is on the Way

Chapter 1145: Grandpa, pay attention

Master Xiao really couldn't see Shen Mange's grievances, and could not help but say: "Let me give an idea, no matter what Man Song wants to do, let Zhao Ning go, and then pass a video back. Now that the network is so developed, there is no need to go and watch it in person? "

"I think Grandpa has a good idea."

Song Wenqi directly agreed.

Needless to say, Hu Yaxin must be on the side of Song Wenqi.

With a three-to-one ratio, Shen Mange would have to take a break even if he still had ideas.

"Then I and Zhao Ning can always say that?"

Shen Mange retreated second.

"Yes, let him come in, and he didn't say not to let him in."

Song Wenqi was really good at this time.

Shen Mange glared at him fiercely, and then called to let the doorman let Zhao Ning enter.

When Zhao Ning came in, Xiao Xiao and Song Wenqi were there.

"Grandpa Xiao is good, Mr. Song is good, sister-in-law."

Zhao Ning greeted each other one by one for weeks.

Mr. Xiao nodded and said with a smile, "Sit down."

"Thank you."

Zhao Ning sat down opposite Mr. Xiao.

Song Wenqi knew Zhao Ning and didn't say much. This matter has to be done by Mr. Xiao.

Shen Mange looked at Song Wenqi just now and refused to let him go out, but now he pretended to be deep and could not help but despise it.

"Your cousin is for your own good," Hu Yaxin whispered.

"Got it, Song Wenqi of your family has the most ideas, the most handsome and the most powerful."

Shen Mange satirically satirized.

Hu Yaxin said with a smile: "That is, isn't our family Wen Qi just an individual and a handsome guy?"

"Vag--" Shen Mange exaggerated a vomiting expression, but Hu Yaxin was not angry at all, but instead gave Shen Mange a choking breath.

These two people spread this wave of dog food, it is too sad.

She missed their family Ye Nanxian.

Shen Mange thought a bit depressed.

Mr. Xiao naturally knew what Song Wenqi meant. This is the Xiao family, and Mr. Xiao is the master. Some words have to be said by him.

He cleared his throat and told Song Wenqi what he meant.

When Zhao Ning heard it, he immediately understood.

"The old man said that nowadays, it is very inappropriate for my sister-in-law to go out.

This program is also very good, I have been driving the video, sister-in-law, you can watch my video simultaneously.

If you have any questions, you can also tell me. "

Zhao Ning was quite cooperative.

Shen Mange feels like she has no face, okay?

What she said was also Mrs. Ye's wife, Zhao Ning's sister-in-law. Now she was managed like a child, and she was so shameless.

"Okay, go quickly."

Shen Mange had to hurry Zhao Ning away.

If he stays here again, he may not be able to show Zhao Ning what this old and young can reveal.

She still has a good face.

Zhao Ning's EQ is not low, naturally seeing Shen Mange said that, he quickly got up and said goodbye.

A Yong sent Zhao Ning out.

Shen Mange turned around dejectedly to not look at them.

Song Wenqi didn't care too, and said softly to Hu Yaxin on the side: "Isn't it yesterday that I want to buy some new year's goods?"

now go? "

"it is good."

Hu Yaxin nodded quickly, his eyes full of loving bubbles.

Shen Mange was sour.

"Hey, don't you mean you can't go out for safety?"

What kind of trouble are you doing? "

"We are not human targets, so why not dare to go out?"

Song Wenqi's words were irritated.

Shen Mange pointed at him, you and you for a long time, and finally collapsed on the sofa.

"Go quickly, don't abuse the dog here."

Hu Yaxin yelled and said, "Grandpa, does your family have a dog?"

"Hu Yaxin!"

Shen Mange feels that the woman is owed to clean up.

Hu Yaxin suddenly laughed at the twitching flowers and was taken into his arms by Song Wenqi. He said softly: "Don't be angry with her. In case she turns back and yells at Ye Nanxian and blows a pillow wind, we are married I still do n’t know how Ye Nanxian ’s sullen boss made up for us. ”

"Song Wenqi, you are too much!"

Although Shen Mangehua said so, he was very happy.

Song Wenqi finally found the only one in his mind.

Seeing that he can make a positive result with Hu Yaxin, and he is happy and happy, Shen Mange is still very happy.

Song Wenqi said with a smile: "You are like lemon essence all the time, you have lost your teeth."


Shen Mange directly picked up the apple on the side of the coffee table and threw it towards Song Wenqi.

Song Wenqi caught it with one hand and said with a smile: "One more time, although it is okay for me to take my wife to eat one together, is it a good thing to be a pair, right?"


Shen Mange threw an apple again in the past.

Song Wenqi caught it again and smiled and said, "Thanks."

After he finished taking a bite, he smashed his mouth and said, "It's sweet, my wife, try it.

Eat apples.

As the old saying goes, an apple a day keeps the disease away from me. "

"it is good."

Hu Yaxin took the apple that Song Wenqi took a bite and ate it.

"Well, it's sweet and has your taste."

Song Wenqi's face suddenly turned red.

Was he punished by his wife?

Shen Mange watched as Playboy became a young boy in front of her beloved, she was about to become lemon essence again.

"Brother Yong, drive them out, it's too dirty."

Hu Yaxin smiled very heartily and was left by the villa with Song Wenqi in his arms.

"You don't care, Grandpa."

Shen Mange feels that she has fallen out of favor.

Mr. Xiao said with a smile: "What do you sour about newly married couples?

You and the stink boy in Nanxian abused me less often?

Pity that I am so old, and I have to eat dog food every day. Is it easy for me? "

Shen Mange suddenly choked.

"Grandpa, you are not cute like this."

"is it?

I think I'm so cute.

Ayong, do you think I'm not cute these days? "

Grandpa Xiao looked at Ayong with some seriousness.

Ah Yong thinks Alexander.

What should he say to blame Miss Sun and the head of the house?

"I just remembered that I haven't arranged the security work outside."

After talking, Ayong escaped and left.

Father Xiao laughed suddenly.

Shen Mange shook his head, but heard Zhao Ning's video application sent over.

She crossed straight away.

Zhao Ning has arrived at the small repair shop, but now the door of the shop is locked.

"Sister-in-law, I didn't lock the door when I came yesterday.

I don't know what happened today, but I actually locked the door. "

Zhao Ning's words made Shen Mange sneer slightly.

It was strange that the other party could open the door after such a big explosion.

It seems that this small repair shop is indeed the problem.

"Ask people around you who once knew the owner of this garage."

Shen Mange ordered.

Zhao Ning went directly to the neighbor's house next door.

"Sister, is there something happening next to the car repair shop?

Why didn't you open the door? "

The neighbor glanced at Zhao Ning and said lightly: "The whole family left last night."

"Go back home to celebrate Chinese New Year?"

Zhao Ning asked subconsciously.

The neighbor said: "Yes, go home for the Chinese New Year, this is not the New Year's Eve."

"Then do you know where their hometown is?

When will you be back in the year?

My car will continue to be repaired. "

Zhao Ning made a perfect excuse.

The neighbor shook his head and said, "They don't come back and say they bought the lottery and won't repair the car.

The rent was settled yesterday morning, and the family left in the middle of the night. "

Shen Mange frowned as he listened to the neighbors on the video.

"Zhao Ning, ask the owner's name, and then check his recent capital changes."

"it is good."

Zhao Ning did it according to Shen Mange.

He soon learned that the name of the car repair shop was Wang Gang, who was from Yishui.

Zhao Ning checked it according to this information. Not long ago, Wang Gang received a huge sum of three million yuan, and his son went through the formalities of studying abroad the day before yesterday.

These three million transfers are overseas international groups, the name is unknown, but it is definitely not what the neighbor said that they won the lottery.

At this time, Zhao Ning also clearly realized that he might be used by others.

Perhaps it is also a set of problems with the engine of his car. Maybe he has counted his frugal habits. Use him to inquire about car repairs here. I do n’t know when the time bomb was brought into the Ye family.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ning was almost guilty.

"Sister-in-law, it seems to be my negligence, please scold me."

Zhao Ning is so cute.

Shen Mange smiled and said, "What do I scold you for?

You didn't do it.

Check out Wang Gang. "


After hanging up the video, Shen Mange was a little depressed.

Chalaicha came out with another newcomer. Who is this newcomer?

Yu Feng's people?

This Yu Feng is really annoying.

Although he hasn't seen each other, he has been counted and targeted by him, and Shen Mange feels quite unhappy.

She suddenly remembered that Yu Feng and Yu Ling's paternity test results had not been obtained yet.

Thinking of this, Shen Mange called Fang Ze directly.

Fang Ze took a long time to answer, and the voice over there was a bit noisy.

"what happened?"

Shen Mange asked with concern.

Fang Ze whispered: "It's okay, I just blew up an information bank of the third boy."

The war between His Highness and the Three Highnesses has intensified and gradually reached the point of fierceness.

Shen Mange was a little puzzled to say that their father, the owner of country F, was so indifferent when he saw the two sons fighting like this.

"Are you all right?"

Shen Mange asked subconsciously.

She can now understand the reason for Fang Ze's lack of love.

The biological mother left her with a small fraud, and the biological father ignored him, and watched them fratricidal. It is a blessing that the children who grew up in this situation were not distorted.

And he is still his cousin, based on this, Shen Mange felt that he should care about him.

Fang Ze smiled over there and said, "I'm fine, rest assured.

You called for the paternity test report of Yu Feng and Yu Ling? "


Shen Mange did not say anything else and admitted directly.

"Wait a moment, I will send the data to you, you can see for yourself."

"it is good."

Shen Mange nodded.

Fang Ze suddenly asked: "Has Haicheng snowed?"

"It's down, not big, what's wrong?

Are you coming to see the snow? "

In fact, Shen Mange still hopes that he will be able to return to the Chinese New Year, but of course the prerequisite is that he cannot bring trouble to Mr. Xiao.

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