
Shen Nanxian's first thought was Shen Mange.

When he ran out quickly, he saw Shen Mange standing pale at the door of the studio. Obviously he heard the conversation between Huo Zhenting and Ye Nanxian, and the white tea cup at her feet was broken.

"Don't move, I'll clean it up."

Ye Nanxian was a little worried, he quickly shouted, and then hugged Shen Mange horizontally, and sent it directly to the sofa in the living room outside to sit down.

Shen Mange's expression was dumbfounded.

The news just now was shocking.

She was just a little thirsty. After getting up, she came down without seeing Ye Nanxian. When she saw the light on, she wanted to come over to see it, but she didn't expect to hear such a big news.


It seems that she has never heard of this person, or seen this person.

I always felt that I was missing something, and now I found out that the Huo Family Uncle was missing.

Yeah, Dad is the eldest brother, there are three uncles and young uncles, why is there no second uncle?

I always thought that the Huo family was the home of the martyr. Everyone used to say that the Huo family’s Erlangdu soldiers were on the battlefield, and even Huo Zhenting retired with a broken leg. The same was sacrificed, and now I know that the Huo family sacrificed nothing more than a father.

This feeling made Shen Mange feel bad.

It’s not that Uncle Huo is still alive to make her sad, but because Uncle Huo’s young uncle and second uncle are alive, but his father became a martyr. The love and hatred between her and her aunt made her even more sad.

Ye Nanxian was afraid that the glass fragments would hurt Shen Mange. After holding her on the sofa and sitting down, she said softly: "You can sit down for a while, I'll clean up the fragments, don't think about it, something happened, it happened, we are Juniors, just know the truth, there is no way to comment on who was right and who was wrong.

I know you love your father-in-law, but now I love you, do you know? "

Shen Mange looked at the worried man in front of him, and the uncomfortable heart was slowly filled with warmth, moved, and then nodded.

Seeing her like this, Ye Nanxian got up and found a broom to clean the glass fragments.

At this time, the servants were asleep, and there was no need to wake them up for a cup.

Huo Zhenting saw Shen Mange heard it and couldn't help but sighed and pushed out the wheelchair from the studio.

"Mange, I don't want you to know these things."

"But I still have the right to know after all, uncle."

Shen Mange looked at Huo Zhenting.

She can feel Huo Zhenting's sadness, but she doesn't know what Huo Zhenting is hiding?

Ye Nanxian questioned very sharply just now, but Huo Zhenting didn't answer. It can be seen that some things are true.

For example, the second uncle is still alive.

For example, the second uncle is now in country F.

Such news was a shock to Shen Mange.

The main thing is the sentence that Ye Nanxian said, "The second uncle's status in country F shouldn't be low?"

Not low status?

What identity?


Thinking of this possibility, Shen Mange flinched.

can you?

Fang Ze is the second uncle's child?

Shen Mange was taken aback by his own guess, thinking that this guess may or may not be true.

Huo Zhenting looked at Shen Mange's light and dark face, and was silent for a while.

Shen Mange has the right to know, but he really doesn't want to say something.

Ye Nanxian came back after cleaning the glass.

Seeing the thinness of Shen Mange, he went directly upstairs and brought his coat over Shen Mange.

Ye Nanxian glanced at Huo Zhenting and said lightly, "Uncle, what else do you want to say tonight?

The weather is too cold, you know Mange's body, she can't bear it. "

This remark was somewhat condemned.

Huo Zhenting glanced at Shen Mange and knew that Shen Mange really wanted to know the truth, but he couldn't say it.

"Return to your room early for a bad health. I also suddenly remembered my second brother, so I came to the studio to see it.

I also know what you want to know, but I can let you know what I want to know, and I can’t say anything that I don’t let you know.

Go to rest early. "

After talking, Huo Zhenting pushed the wheelchair away.


Shen Mange wanted to ask something, but was stopped by Ye Nanxian.

"If he doesn't want to say, it's no use asking you.

Are you asleep?

Why did it suddenly come down?

My hands are so cold, I will hold you up. "

After talking, Ye Nanxian went upstairs holding Shen Mange.

Back in the bedroom, Shen Mange's mood is still not high.

"I always thought that my father had left my mother in the army because of the sacrifice of my grandfather. I also complained about my father. It seems that the grandfather's army was to protect the family and protect the country, but isn't it a cruelty for my mother?

But he is my father. Now that no one is here, what can I say?

In the end, my mother chose to bury him in the sea of ​​fire. Even if it was a corpse, my mother would have to be with him. I no longer resented it, but I didn't expect to hear what the uncle said today. There is still such a thing in it. "

Shen Mange's mood was very low.

She is a woman and a daughter. She has been distressed for Xiao Ai's bumpy life. She was complaining about the fact that Huo Zhenfeng threw her mother from the army, but she kept suppressing her.

That is a respect for the dead father.

But I did not expect that everything is the result.

Huo Zhenfeng was also heartbroken?

The woman who loved her wholeheartedly thought she had a skin relationship with the second brother. On the one hand, she was his brother, and on the other, the woman he loved. How uncomfortable should he be?

But what can it do?

I thought it was a perfect exit, but I didn't expect that the person the second uncle loved was someone else.

At that time, Huo Zhenfeng joined the army in frustration, so he would not be afraid of life and death to participate in the task, maybe the mood was not as good as death.

Without these annoying things, Huo Zhenfeng would be considered a soldier, and he would not be counted as a young man, so he would die early in England.

Shen Mange is a little bit hated.

But who do you hate?

Hate the person who took the aunt away?

Or hate the misguided fate?

Shen Mange didn't know, but felt that his heart hurt so badly.

She can also think of her mother's last look at her eyes, which is a kind of attachment to love and love for her father.

A pair of lovers who fall in love with each other are separated for a lifetime due to the yin and yang.

This sadness and sadness enveloped Shen Mange and made her want to cry.

Ye Nanxian knew what his wife remembered, and took her in her arms very distressed.

"Don't be sad, the deceased can be traced, and we can't do anything about it.

Today, somehow, I knew the relationship between Xiao Yao and the second uncle and the father-in-law, and it was not nothing.

Mange, I know you love your mother-in-law, but she and her father-in-law are gone.

We can’t comment on their love. The only thing they can do is to live their lives well and make them happy, which is what they most want to see. "

"I know, but my heart is uncomfortable.

My dad and my mom didn't have a third party, but they staggered their lives.

My dad didn't even know that there was such a daughter as mine. My mom had complained about my dad, otherwise she would give me away to Shen's parents if she would not give birth.

But whether it’s my dad or my mom, they love each other deeply, don’t they? "

Shen Mange's eyes are a bit swollen.

Ye Nanxian saw that his wife couldn't come out, she couldn't help but took her face, slowly kissed her eyebrows, and said softly, "All the songs are gone."

"I know."

Shen Mange lowered her eyelids without stopping Ye Nanxian's kiss, but inexplicably just wanted to cry.


Why is this happening?

I have always wanted to have loved ones, but why are some loved ones distressed? "

"Forget it."

Ye Nanxian is also distressed, distressed Shen Mange.

Shen Mange shook his head, and finally wept.

"Xiao key is intentional, right?"

Her words were haggard, with a trace of discomfort and pain.

Shen Mange is smart, Ye Nanxian always knew.

If Shen Mange did not appear, he would also ask Huo Zhenting the question.

There are not so many coincidences in the world.

There may be two times at a time, but so many coincidences are not coincidences.

They didn't know why Uncle Huo went abroad, but it was a coincidence that he met Xiao Key after going abroad.

After returning home, Uncle Huo saw Huo Zhenfeng and Xiao Ai together and thought that Xiao Ai was Xiao Xiao's time.

However, Uncle Huo, Huo Zhenfeng and Xiao Ai didn't notice the flaw. This is a big flaw in itself, isn't it?

Later, Uncle Huo went abroad and met Xiao Yao again. Ye Nanxian did not believe that Uncle Huo would mention nothing about the encounter between Xiao Ai and Big Brother in China.

If Uncle Huo asked, Xiao Yao would know that there is a woman in China who looks exactly the same as herself.

Under normal circumstances, the average woman knows that there is a woman who looks exactly like herself, and she will definitely go back to China to check or even investigate, right?

But what does Huo Zhenting say?

He said that Uncle Huo and Xiao Key didn't mention anything about Huo Zhenfeng and Xiao Ai in China.

In this case, one case was asked by Uncle Huo, Xiao Xiao knew about the existence of Xiao Ai, but he concealed Uncle Huo and deceived Uncle Huo with rhetoric, so that Uncle Huo could not find out the truth. Addicted to her gentle country.

Another situation is that Uncle Huo found something wrong but did not say so.

However, Ye Nanxian couldn't think of any reason why Uncle Huo had discovered that Xiao Key and Xiao Ai were twin sisters, and the reason was hidden.

He forced his own brother to break up with Xiao Ai, forced his brother to join the army, and watched his brother die on the battlefield to his advantage?

No! All the most likely is the first case.

Xiao Key concealed Uncle Huo, prompting these misunderstandings to happen, so as to ruin Xiao Ai and Huo Zhenfeng's feelings, and even forced Huo Zhenfeng to join the army.

But why did she do this?

Even if you don't care about your sister's family, why should Huo Zhenfeng join the army?

How did Huo Zhenfeng sacrifice his mission?

Ye Nanxian's brain shook suddenly.

It's because Ye Zhiqiu.

Is Xiao Yao and Ye Zhiqiu still related?

Thinking of the identity of Meng Yuke and Yu Ling, it seems that they are all related to the owner of country F. Ye Nanxian's body suddenly became cold.

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