The Lovely Baby’s Arrival: CEO Daddy is on the Way

Chapter 1201: I like to give you back


Lan Linger glanced at the back when he heard the sound, and it happened to see Ye Nanxian throwing his phone. He could not help but swallowed the corner of his mouth and said, "Man Song, you have to take care of your family Ye Nanxian, although you have Money can't stand such a ruin.

You said how did you like such a prodigal man? "

Ye Nanxian's brow was slightly wrinkled and he looked at Song Tao, who felt cold and whizzing.

"Cough, Ling'er, say your business."

Lan Ling'er saw Song Tao being so useless under the pressure of Ye Nanxian, and couldn't help but say: "You don't frown on my husband, be careful I let Mange kick you."

Ye Nanxian's anger fluttered.

Shen Mange knew that Ye Nanxian was unstable now and could not bear the excitement. He quickly pulled Lan Ling'er and said, "Okay, you newly married Yan'er, don't be so angry.

Anyway, our old leaf just asked me to give you the film company just now.

Leave him a little face. "

"Okay, look at your face."

Lan Ling'er was not afraid of death.

The two whispered quickly again.

Song Tao said a little embarrassedly: "President Ye, you know, Ling'er has such a temper."

"I didn't know her generally, and she is Mange's best friend. I still don't do things that make my wife unhappy.

I just suddenly remembered that someone came. "


"Liu Yi."

Ye Nanxian's voice was not loud, but Shen Mange instantly heard it.

Liu Yi! This is the bodyguard given to her by her grandfather. At first, she was arranged for an investigation because of something, but she failed to rush back during the New Year.

If Ye Nanxian didn't say anything, Shen Mange almost forgot this person.

Now that she heard Ye Nanxian mentioning it, she remembered Ye Nanxian's attitude towards Master Xiao now, and knew in his heart that he did not trust Master Xiao.

Shen Mange believed that Master Xiao would not treat Ye Nanxian, but there were some things she didn't dare to say too much.

Since Ye Nanxian has a barrier to Old Master Xiao, Liu Yi, the bodyguard, is bound to be impossible.

With a slight sigh in her heart, she picked up the phone and sent a WeChat message to Liu Yi.

"After the matter was done, I came back to find A Fei and manage the home with A Fei. My husband and I went on a trip and it was inconvenient to take you with you.

wait me back. "

When Liu Yi received WeChat, she felt a bit shocked.

Was abandoned by her employer, this feels really not very good, but if you think about it, it is not completely abandoned, at least let her go to find Fei?

Thinking of A Fei's second-hand goods, Liu Yi frowned slightly and replied "Okay.

be careful on the road.

Call me whenever I need it. "

"it is good."

Shen Mange talked on the phone and got angry.

Ye Nanxian didn't know that Shen Mange had made arrangements, and said to Song Tao: "People will look at her and let A Fei arrange work for her when they come back. It can be the best in front of her eyes."

At this point, Shen Mange and Ye Nanxian's ideas coincided.

Song Tao nodded.

In the speaking room, the car had driven into the underground parking lot of a building.

Shen Mange and Lan Ling'er looked up, this is a city that never sleeps, it is a landmark of Haicheng.

At night, the lights are red and green, but it is different from the red light district. People here come to relax here, similar to the club, but there are more types than the club.

"I'm going, don't tell me this is also your old leaf?"

Lan Ling'er was a little bit rich.

This Ye Nanxian is too rich, right?

This nightless city is said to have a transaction value of more than 100 million yuan in one night, and it is a real gold-cutting cave for aspiring fans.

Ye Nanxian ticked his lips and said, "This city that never sleeps is under the name of Song Tao."


My husband's? "

Lan Ling'er was completely surprised.

Knowing that Song Tao has some funds and a few venture capital companies, but I didn’t expect that Haicheng’s iconic buildings were all Song Tao’s. This made Lan Linger feel like he was out of luck and accidentally married an invisible man. A low-key local tyrant?

Seeing his wife's hot eyes, Song Tao was embarrassed and said: "Although I am a legal person in this city that never sleeps, it is still Mr. Ye. We are divided into three and seven."

"Who is seven and three?"

The small eyes of Lan Linger's wealth fan suddenly made Song Tao a little funny.

"Mr. Ye, we are seven."

"I'm going to get rich!"

Lan Ling'er jumped like a child.

"Husband, tell me what else do you have to tell me about making money?"

Song Tao hugged Lan Ling'er and said with a smile: "Look at the way you are a fan, this night city was built by General Manager Ye. I just managed it. General Manager Ye gave us a seven-point profit and other things. For the venture capital company, I did it with Mr. Ye. If I don’t count it, the property under my name should have more than a billion."

"Lying trough! Husband, you are amazing."

Lan Ling'er and Song Tao were crooked, but Ye Nanxian got out of the car, took Shen Mange's hand, and took the children to the door of the city that never sleeps, laughing and saying, "Do you like it?"

Shen Mange looked at this towering building and felt really shocked.

"I heard that there is a lot of money here, and the poor cannot get in.

I just didn't expect that you and Song Tao opened it in partnership. "

"Money is not money, it's just a number increase or decrease for me, so I gave Song Tao a seven percent profit.

What I want is something in the city that never sleeps.

," Ye Nanxian's voice was not loud, but Shen Mange froze for a moment.


Is there any other use for this city that never sleeps? "

"This is an intelligence network that gathers all the intelligence and is also an underground transportation network.

We leave Haicheng, and we can go out from here without going through land, sea and air. "

Ye Nanxian surprised Shen Mange for a while.

"Do you know that the city never sleeps?"

"Do you think I will let it know?

After so many years, I can't let all of my cards be known to others.

Apart from Song Tao, no one knows the real purpose here. "

After Ye Nanxian finished speaking, he took Shen Mange's hand and went straight in.

Seeing that Ye Nanxian had entered, Song Tao quickly said to Lan Ling'er: "Okay, come down soon, we will send President Ye them away first."

"Are they in trouble?"

Lan Ling'er didn't check everything, but she didn't want to ask. The feeling of parting now made her feel a little uncomfortable. When holding Song Tao, she couldn't hold back.

Song Tao nodded and said, "Send them out first. Here they leave Haicheng. I don't know when they will come back."

"Can I come back, right?"

Lan Ling'er's voice shivered.

Song Tao patted her back gently and whispered, "Yes, there is me, there is Afei, no matter what, we will let Mrs. Ye and Mrs. Ye come back well."


Lan Ling'er jumped off Song Tao's arms and followed Ye Nanxian and they walked into the city that never sleeps.

There is a dedicated elevator on the side of the city that never sleeps.

Ye Nanxian swiped his face after entering his fingerprints, and the elevator turned on.

"Is this elevator so advanced?"

Lan Ling'er was a little curious.

Song Tao whispered: "Except for the fingerprints and face brushing of General Manager Ye and I, others can't open this elevator."


Lan Ling'er felt that previous poverty really limited his imagination.

The elevator reached the eighteenth floor.

Ye Nanxian they went out.

There are mirrors everywhere, and gems and diamonds are also set on the mirrors, and the light refracted makes people dizzy.

"I'm going, are you too rich?"

Lan Linger took a step forward while talking, but was dragged back by Song Tao.

"what happened?"

"Follow me, you can't walk around here."

Song Tao's tone was a little serious.

Shen Mange didn't move, and Ye Nanxian didn't move, just looked at Shen Mange with a smile and asked, "What did you see?"

"This is a gossip array?"

Shen Mange didn't see it at first, but he glanced at the gems and diamonds on the mirror more, and felt that the angle of the diamond inlay was like a gossip.

Ye Nanxian's smile became more and more obvious.

"My wife is so smart. Follow me. If you go wrong, you don't know which floor you were transported to. If you encounter something bad, you're in trouble."

Ye Nanxian held Shen Mange's hand tightly after speaking.

Ye Zi'an and Ye Rui held Ye Luoluo and followed closely behind Ye Nanxian. The three children didn't talk much along the way.

Lan Ling'er followed Song Tao.

A group of pedestrians walked through the mirror corridor, and a door appeared randomly.

Ye Nanxian brushed his face straight in.

All the men in black are working.

Nuo Da’s site is like an underground palace. There are processed and unprocessed gems everywhere, and the gleaming light makes Shen Mange a bit staggering.

"These are diamonds?"

"Well, it was shipped from Africa, but it hasn't been processed yet.

This is the finished product, the other is unprocessed, the other is the defective product.

But our defective products can be sold for a good price.

The good condition here will be directly auctioned at the 21st floor auction. "

Song Tao explained behind him.

Shen Mange always knew that Ye Nanxian was rich, but to what extent she was rich, Shen Mange really didn't know.

Now looking at the piles of diamonds, she felt faint.

Ye Nanxian didn't feel much about these things and walked over with his wife and children.

The man in black immediately respected Ye Nanxian's luggage.

"Mr. Ye!"

"Well, pick a few people to follow us secretly and protect our safety at any time."

As soon as Ye Nanxian's words fell, someone had to arrange for the bodyguard.

Walking through the diamond warehouse, Ye Nanxian and Shen Mange came to an office.

The decoration in the office is similar to Ye Nanxian's taste.

At a glance, Ye Zian saw several multimedia computers connected to the large screen.

Is this the control room?

Ye Zian's eyes crossed a trace of excitement.

Ye Nanxian smiled and said, "Like?"


Ye Zian has no cover.

Ye Nanxian said with a smile: "I like to give you back all the time, here is the world's most cutting-edge technology and data.

No matter where you want to hack into. "


Ye Zian didn't believe it.

"Try it.

The signal here is.

Interference and protection, the outside can not be detected here, even if there is a master tracking, the server's address is also abroad, and we cannot be found here. "

Ye Nanxian sat down directly after speaking, and turned on the computer. Suddenly, the links to several large screens were completely opened, and the data of each country was jumping.

Ye Zi'an was a little surprised. He walked over itchyly. Before starting the experiment, he saw that Ye Nanxian directly cut a program into the system of the National Security Agency of country M.

His eyes narrowed suddenly.

What does Lao Ye want to do?

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