The Lovely Baby’s Arrival: CEO Daddy is on the Way

Chapter 1248: Not allowed by your body

Shen Mange shook his head.

"Young Master Mo is your friend. Although his current position may make him have reservations about you, I believe he will not lie to you on this matter, but suddenly I feel that there may be many things we do. unclear.

And these unclear things may be the key to the matter. "

Shen Mange talked about things.

She didn’t know about Mochi, and she had never seen it. She just heard the name of this person a few times, so she really didn’t know what the character of this person was, but Ye Nanxian was able to find Mochi at the most difficult time. , And told her about his situation, that means that Mochi is a trustworthy person for Ye Nanxian.

People who Ye Nanxian trusts will naturally not find out.

Shen Mange This is to support and maintain Ye Nanxian.

Ye Nanxian frowned, but didn't say anything.

The two were silent for a while, but Ye Nanxian broke the deadlock.

"Mange, I want to go to Zhangjiazhai again, maybe there will be answers to many things."

"it is good."

Shen Mange had guessed that he would take this trip a long time ago, and now there is nothing to reject, besides, Ye Luoluo also has any task to go to Zhangjiazhai, which happened to be understood together.

"But Zi'an's body doesn't seem to be very good, so don't take him this time. He needs to be quiet now. I don't worry about wherever he is, and it is impossible to follow us for a long journey. It is better to stay at the headquarters of the Qingtian League. With so many people taking care of him, and He Nanfei, I think it should be safer."

Shen Mange is a mother after all, and she is still very worried about her children.

Ye Nanxian nodded and said, "It doesn't matter if Zi'an stays, it happens to be with Yinhu to help check out Ershu Huo's past and current whereabouts.

According to Mo Shao, Uncle Huo is likely to be in F country.

For this we need the means of Zi'an and Yinhu, after all, country F is now heavily guarded, and we cannot enter. "

Shen Mange nodded.

"We still have to let Zi Ando rest. After all, he was injured and almost broke his heart."

Said this, Shen Mange was very angry, and could not wait to slap Ye Zi again.

"By the way, is Zhao Ning awake?"

"No, the doctor said Zhao Ning's willingness to survive is not very strong."

Ye Nanxian sighed, he understood Zhao Ning.

How deep is his feelings for Ye Zi, now Zhao Ning is hurt more than he is.

From childhood to age, Zhao Ning almost lived for Ye Zi, and even for Ye Zi, he let go of his hatred of the Ye Family, thinking of growing old with her, and even willing to fight for Ye Zi, but everything In the end, all efforts became unilateral.

The woman he had been holding in the palm of his hand actually stabbed him in the heart with a knife so mercilessly, it was something that no one could bear.

Shen Mange followed with a sigh and said: "The word love is too deep and easy to hurt."

"Emotion is a double-edged sword, it depends on whether the two parties in love can control it.

Like me, didn't you hurt you and myself five years ago? "

Ye Nanxian was a little scared when he thought of this. Even now that Shen Mange is by his side, she can see her shadow every day when he wakes up from sleep, but that fire is afraid that it will become the deepest and most painful in Ye Nanxian's heart. The wound is so easy to touch.

Looking at the guilt and sadness in Ye Nanxian's eyes, Shen Mange quickly stepped forward and took his hand, and said softly, "It's all over."

"You always comfort me like this, but I know I can't get through.

If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be what you are now.

Your body will be very strong, and our children will not miss five years of spending time with their father.

Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night, I thank God for sending you mother and son back to me again.

I even feel that even if you spend all your wealth in exchange for your peace, I will not hesitate.

Fortunately, you are all here now, and fortunately, there is still room for reversal.

Mange, I am really really afraid of losing you.

So no matter what happens in the future, you can't carry it by yourself, know? "

After all, Ye Nanxian talked about this topic again.

Shen Mange knew that he was dazed by the fact that he faced Ye Zi alone and was impressed by him, and he couldn't help but sighed and said: "Well, Ye Zi's matter is my lack of consideration, and I promise I won't do it again.

," "I remembered your guarantee.

If you still do this next time, let God punish me. "

As soon as Ye Nanxian's voice fell, Shen Mange stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, and said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about."

"I know you value me more than yourself. In order not to make you foolish, I would rather take myself as a bet.

Only then will you be safe. "

Ye Nanxian's eyes were a little bit starry, but Shen Mange was a little afraid to look directly.

She turned her head away, but a layer of mist appeared in her eyes.

This man's love is so deep, what can she say?

The two were tired and crooked for a while, and Ye Nanxian ordered to go down and prepare a private jet for another trip to Zhangjiazhai.

Before leaving, Ye Nanxian and Shen Mange still have a lot to do.

Shen Mange came to Ye Zi'an's room.

The three children didn't know what they were talking about, they looked very harmonious.

Ye Luoluo raised a smile directly when she saw Shen Mange coming in.

"Mommy, have you finished making out with Daddy?"

Shen Mange almost choked with his saliva.

"Luoluo, where did you know the word intimacy?"


Shouldn't it be used like this?

But it is said in TV series. "

Ye Luoluo blinked his big eyes with a look of doubt and innocence.

Ye Zi'an looked at Shen Mange speechlessly and said, "Luo Luo is watching an ethics drama recently."

"What game?"

Shen Mange felt that he was thundered.

Is it serious for a five-year-old child to watch an ethical drama?

Ye Zi'an nodded helplessly and said: "The ethical drama, the Seven Aunts and Eight Aunts, should have been taken by Uncle Zhan's family. I didn't finish it, so I came back and watched it all day with a tablet."

Ye Luoluo nodded quickly and said, "Yes, it's very beautiful. Aunt Zhan watches it every day."

Shen Mange was a little speechless.

"Should you not watch cartoons?"

"Oh, those are boring."

Ye Luoluo spoke very much like a little adult.

Shen Mange didn't know what to say about her daughter's choice, so she could only change the subject quickly and said: "Then I and your daddy are ready to go, so you and Ruirui go and pack things."

"Where are you going?"

Ye Luoluo asked subconsciously.

Shen Mange didn't answer, just smiled and said, "No matter where you go, don't you like to hang out?

Will Daddy and Mommy take you to play this time? "

"Okay! But what should I do with brother like this?"

Ye Zi'an also looked at Shen Mange, instinctively that Mommy should have something to say to herself, and said to Ye Luoluo and Ye Rui: "Brother, Luo Luo, you go and clean up first, Mommy will arrange it."

"All right, brother, take more rest."

Ye Luoluo's eyes flashed with excitement.

As long as he can leave here, he will be able to head towards Zhangjiazhai quickly, and the things he promised to Zhanyang's brother will be done quickly.

After the two children left, when only Ye Zi'an and Shen Mange were left in the room, Ye Zi'an said depressed, "Mommy, did Daddy and you not plan to take me out?"

Seeing his son's sad look, Shen Mange felt very uncomfortable.

"Zi'an, I'm sorry, Daddy and Mommy also have things to do, and your current wound is really not suitable for long journeys."

"I know, you don't have to say sorry to me.

Mommy, what do you want to tell me? "

Although Ye Zi'an was a little sad and couldn't go out with Daddy and Mommy, but his physical condition was still clear. Once the wound dries up, I'm afraid Daddy and Mommy will both worry about it.

After traveling, there are opportunities. After all, his body is his own, so he should follow Daddy and Mommy's instructions.

Seeing that his son was so sensible, Shen Mange felt that he owed Ye Zi'an a little bit.

She sat next to Ye Zi'an, held his little hand in her own hand, and said: "Zi'an, you are always so sensible. It makes Mommy feel distressed. Mommy hopes that you can act like a baby in my arms. , Angry, even crying is good, your calm look now can only make Mommy feel that you are precocious and distressed."

Ye Zi'an was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Mummy, if I cry or lose my temper, can you and Daddy agree to take me on the road?"

"That won't work, your body doesn't allow it."

Shen Mange quickly shook his head and said.

Ye Zi'an shrugged and said, "So, since the results are the same, does it make sense for me to make a fuss and have a temper?

Since it doesn't make any sense, why do I go to toss it once?

It's better to handle things sensibly and think about the future. "

Hearing what his son said, Shen Mange felt even more uncomfortable.

Look, this is like what a five-year-old child should say.

But Shen Mange also knew that what Ye Zi'an said was reasonable.

He is just more sensible and calmer.

Shen Mange sighed and said, "Zi An, you are always like this, like your daddy."

"I am Lao Ye's son, unlike him who seems a bit unreasonable."

Well, Shen Mange feels that he can't get the upper hand when talking to his son, so he doesn't want to talk about it, and said directly: "Your father hopes that you and Yinhu can help check the whereabouts of my second uncle Huo.

The only clues currently known are that he is in country F and his condition is very bad, and nothing else is known. Mommy knows that this matter may embarrass you. You are still sick, but now except you and Yin Fox, when others check it, Mommy and Daddy are not at ease, after all, our family's current situation is too special. "

Shen Mange knew that Ye Zi'an could not look at him with normal children's thinking, and simply explained everything together.

Ye Zi listened quietly, frowning slightly, and after Shen Mange finished speaking, he whispered: "Mommy, why is the second uncle going to Zhangjiazhai?"

"This is also where your daddy and I were puzzled, and the time of the year was a bit wrong, but now there is no clue, so I and your daddy are planning to go to Zhangjiazhai again."

Shen Mange's words made Ye Zi'an frown, as if thinking of something, and as if thinking of nothing.

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