The Lovely Baby’s Arrival: CEO Daddy is on the Way

Chapter 1269: Pong Bai was stuffed with dog food

Shen Mange's excitement is obvious.

Ye Nanxian took a quick look and paused when he found that it was Xiao Yue.

"She sent a message at this time, is it because of the whereabouts of Uncle Huo?"

"I think so too."

Shen Mange opened Xiao Yue's news slightly excited.

"Mange, Second Uncle Huo is in Han Xiao's hands."

The short sentence made Ye Nanxian and Shen Mange stunned.

, Han Xiao?

Especially Ye Nanxian.

He had been in contact with Han Xichen not long ago. If he knew that Second Uncle Huo was in Han Xiao's hands, he would ask about it.

No wonder Han Xichen said that he should not interfere with these things, because he already knew these things?

Ye Nanxian's face looked a little ugly.

Shen Mange frowned tightly.

"Where is Han Xiao?"

She seemed to be asking herself, somewhat depressed.

Ye Nanxian looked at her, hesitated and said, "I don't know where Han Xiao is, but his son Han Xichen should be here."


Shen Mange looked at Ye Nanxian in surprise.

Ye Nanxian sighed and said, "The man in front of the Southern Tombstone is Han Xichen."


Although Shen Mange guessed that the man's identity was unusual, he didn't expect that the man was Ye Nanxian's half-brother, so he couldn't help being surprised.

Ye Nanxian smiled bitterly and said: "|Don't think too much, either deliberately hiding it from you, or feeling unnecessary.

He... how should I say, there should be no malice.

I just came over to persuade me to leave Zhan's affairs, but I refused. "


He advised you not to worry about Brother Zhan?

What happened to Brother Zhan has something to do with him? "

"Maybe it has something to do with Han Xiao.

I now feel more and more that Han Xiao can't get rid of what happened back then. "

Ye Nanxian narrowed his eyes, looked at the scenery outside, and said in a low voice: "The demise of Zhangjiazhai was because Han Xiao gave Zhao Yueming the map of the village, and he said that Zhang Ma was Zhangjiazhai. The young master of the village is responsible for the village, and only did that if he can’t be with him. She said that as long as Zhangjiazhai is not there, Zhang’s mother will be with him without any distractions, but there is a problem before that. I don't understand."

"what is the problem?"

Shen Mange looked at Ye Nanxian and asked, as long as he felt there was a problem, it was basically the key.

Ye Nanxian whispered: "Zhangjiazhai is a closed stockade. They have been intermarried between stockades for thousands of years and never contact outsiders. Then Han Xiao is not from Zhangjiazhai. How did you get in Zhangjiazhai? What about?

It is said to be hidden in the back mountain of Zhangjiazhai, but you have also seen that the back mountain of Zhangjiazhai needs to pass in front of Zhangjiazhai and even the ancestral hall. If you want to bring an outsider in quietly, you think it is possible ?

Even if Zhang Ma was the young master of the stockade, this matter would probably not last long.

But Han Xiao not only went in, he also had a child with Zhang’s mother, and even after giving birth to this child did the demise of Zhangjiazhai. For nearly a year, there was not a single person in the village. People found out, do you think it's possible? "

Hearing Ye Nanxian's words, Shen Mange suddenly reacted.

"What you mean is that Han Xiao may not have been brought in by Zhang's mother, but he went in from the stockade in a fair manner. It is even possible that he has a great reputation in the stockade, so he can be in the Zhang family, which excludes the existence of outsiders. How long did the villagers stay in front of them for more than a year?"


But Zhangjiazhai has always rejected outsiders from entering. Why is this Han Xiao special?

Maybe something happened in the stockade that we don't know. What I'm talking about is something important more than a year before the extermination of the stockade. "

Ye Nanxian couldn't understand this.

Perhaps if you think about this question clearly, things in Zhangjiazhai will become clearer.

I now know the reason for Zhangjiazhai’s extermination, but that is only a superficial phenomenon.

The only one who knows the truth may be Second Uncle Huo, but it is a pity that Second Uncle Huo is in Han Xiao's hands.

Who else knows what happened in Zhangjiazhai?

Ye Nanxian knew very well that Han Xichen could persuade him to leave here and not to interfere with something. It was out of his own heart, for his own good, and because he thought of him as a brother.

Maybe it's because of the south, maybe that man really longs for family affection, but if Han Xichen turns his gun to face Han Xiao, Ye Nanxian is very sure that Han Xichen can't do it.

, So even if Han Xichen knew something about Zhangjiazhai, he would not say anything, let alone target his father for his so-called brother.

In addition, Ye Nanxian really didn't know who else he could ask about that year.

Ye Luoluo and Ye Rui listened quietly, seemingly not listening, but at this moment Ye Luoluo spoke suddenly.

"I know that a person may know the truth about the extermination of Zhangjiazhai."

"you know?"

Shen Mange was quite surprised, and he couldn't see through his daughter.

Ye Luoluo was a little embarrassed to be seen, and scratched his head and said, "Mummy, don't look at me like this.

It was Chen Yingying, her mother was from Zhangjiazhai, she should be very old now, and when Zhangjiazhai was destroyed, her mother was driven out of the village to survive. Maybe she knows something . "

Only then did Shen Mange and Ye Nanxian think of Chen Yingying.

In Ye Nanxian’s eyes, Chen Yingying is Zhanyi’s. In order to protect her or leave her to do confidential work here, it is necessary to give some special identity and background, so at that time Chen Yingying’s identity was said to belong to Zhangjiazhai. Later generations Ye Nanxian did not take it to heart. After all, Zhangjiazhai was wiped out as the answer given by his Memory Gu, but he did not expect that Chen Yingying, who looked inexperienced and could not even match Ye Luoluo, really was. Descendants of Zhangjiazhai.

At that time, I just thought that Chen Yingying didn't feel the golden gu on him, she was the current owner of Zhangjiazhai, so Ye Nanxian felt that her identity was virtual. For the sake of convenience, I want to come now, maybe because her mother is still alive. , So she didn't have a memory gu, so she couldn't recognize his true identity of Ye Nanxian.

After thinking about this, Ye Nanxian suddenly became enlightened.

"Where does Chen Yingying live?

Do we need to turn around? "

"No, her mom will live in the place where we will go next stop, a small village called Baishui Village."

Ye Luoluo said with a smile.

Thinking of Chen Yingying still owing her good food, she was in a pretty good mood.

When Ye Nanxian saw Ye Luoluo doing this, he couldn't help but smiled and touched her head and said, "Awesome."


| Ye Luoluo is a little proud.

When Shen Mange watched this scene, the corners of his lips rose slightly.

Ye Rui still couldn't adapt to Ye Luoluo's change, and asked in a low voice, "Didn't you just contact Chen Yingying once?

How do you know this information?

Did Zi An check it for you? "

"No, she told me herself."


Ye Luoluo stunned, can't tell Ye Rui that it was when Ye Rui was knocked out by her mom and hid in the kitchen, wouldn't the matter of being a sniper also be known by Brother Rui?

Now she can't accept her brother Rui, in case she knows she can shoot... Ye Luoluo feels that she should be kinder and kinder.

"I forgot. Just remember that she said she wanted to invite me to dinner. She said that there are many delicious foods here. She wants to invite me to eat flying in the sky, running on the ground, swimming in the river, and I don't remember much of the rest."

At this time, Chen Yingying involuntarily sneezed several times, always feeling itchy in her nose.

Who is talking about her?

Ye Nanxian couldn't help but smile when Ye Luoluo said this.

Shen Mange did not pierce Ye Luoluo's words either.

Although Ye Rui was still a little confused, looking at Ye Luoluo's big bright eyes, he finally sighed and said, "You should be a foodie happily."

"I think so.

And have been working hard. "

Ye Luoluo also nodded solemnly, everyone laughed like that.

The atmosphere is happy again.

Shen Mange was looking forward to it.

I thought they were here for Brother Zhan's affairs, but I didn't expect that Zhanyi's affairs and the things they wanted to investigate were becoming more and more mixed, no, or the same thing from the beginning.

, Zhanyi was the controller because of Zhangjiazhai.

Maybe Ye Nanxian was right. Zhan Yi must have known something or touched the truth of Zhangjiazhai's extermination.

Shen Mange looked at the road outside and really hoped that this matter would come to light sooner.

Han Xiao! This man, who had forgotten his name after hearing it a long time ago, has never appeared, unexpectedly became the key figure in this matter.

Why did he go to Zhangjiazhai back then?

Zhangjiazhai is curious about his exceptions, and perhaps the answer will be known soon.

Shen Mange looked forward to it, feeling a little excited.

The things in Zhangjiazhai have troubled two generations, and it has made Ye Nanxian and Ye Nanfang have a very bad life. Now if they can find a breakthrough, they will be able to solve the injustice case that year. It is also considered complete.

Shen Mange held Ye Nanxian's hand tightly, full of hope for the future.

Ye Nanxian's heart was also loosened a bit, seeing Shen Mange's tender eyes, his heart was unusually soft.

His innate mission and calculated destiny made him very miserable. Fortunately, these things pushed Shen Mange to his side, and his feelings are getting better and better. This may be a blessing to be lost.

Ye Luoluo couldn't help feeling a little depressed when he saw the affectionate appearance of the two parents.

What should I do if I suddenly feel full?

What are you doing in this car?

Ping Bai was stuffed with dog food.

Ye Luoluo took a bite of the dragon fruit with a bit of discouragement, pretending not to see anything.

Ye Rui pursed his lips and smiled.

The car quickly drove to Baishui Village, and Ye Luoluo immediately became happy when he looked at the beautiful small village in front of him.

She took out a few photos with her mobile phone, and then sent them to Chen Yingying with a sentence.

"Chen Yingying, I'm at your house, remember to invite me to dinner."

After sending it out, Ye Luoluo was dreaming about a sumptuous meal, but was suddenly pulled by Ye Nanxian.

Ye Nanxian's solemn expression made Ye Luoluo's heart chuckle involuntarily.

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