"Hurry up and hide in the cabinet."

Mo Yunqing's words made Shen Mange and Ye Nanxian a little surprised, but they didn't have time to explain too much. Ye Nanxian quickly pulled Shen Mange into the cabinet for safety.

In this regard, Ye Nanxian believed Mo Yunqing's words inexplicably.

After Shen Mange hid, he was hugged by Ye Nanxian. The breath of the two people was sandwiched together. In the cramped space, Ye Nanxian's body was larger, and it seemed a bit crowded to wrap Shen Mange, but this feeling was still very novel. of.

The voice of the iron chain became louder and louder, and Shen Mange and Ye Nanxian could hear clearly even in the cabinet. When the two looked at each other, they heard Mo Yunqing's indifferent voice coming from outside.

"You want to starve me to death, right? The food delivery time is getting longer and longer. Why? Fang Zheng is getting impatient with me now?"

Although Shen Mange didn't know who Mo Yunqing was talking to, his tone was not very good.

Tie Liansheng stopped abruptly, and then a low male voice sounded.

"Miss Mo joked, our lord is very caring about Miss Mo."

"is it?"

Mo Yunqing snorted coldly, looked at the object in his hand, and said with a sneer: "This blizzard is coming soon, and your country master gave me something to keep me out of the cold? Are you going to freeze me to death? This is turned into nothing. In the human area, the heating has stopped, and I have not prepared some coal for me. How can I live in such a cold season?"

The man respectfully said: "Miss Mo, there are some major issues in China that need to be dealt with recently. The lord of the country said that if you stay through these days, he will arrange it for you."

"Haha, survived these few days? He was afraid that he wanted to freeze me to death. I haven't been able to get anything valuable from me for so many years, so he planned to abandon me and let me fend for myself, right? "

Mo Yunqing was full of anger. However, the other party was an immobile character. He still respectfully said: "Miss Mo is joking, your identity is the greatest value. Naturally, the lord will not let you die. But the lord listens. Saying that strangers have entered the no-man’s land, I hope that Miss Mo will not contact outsiders casually."

"This is really funny. You have turned this place into a no-man's land. You can even come in when you sleep. Is it a ghost?"

Mo Yunqing hummed coldly, obviously not giving the opposite side at all.

The man looked around and frowned when he saw the steaming tea and three tea cups.

"Miss Mo has a guest here?"

"Guest? You have to let you in."

Mo Yunqing naturally saw the teacup on the table, but he still didn't change his face, which made the man a little confused.

"Miss Mo, these three teacups are..."

"I'm too lonely by myself. I imagined that someone would come to visit me. I would make good tea for them. Can't I just chat?"

What Mo Yunqing said seemed to be true.

The man didn't believe it. He wanted to go into Mo Yunqing's bedroom and take a look, but he saw Mo Yunqing stand forward and snorted coldly: "Presumptuous! What are you? How dare you enter my room?"

"Don't dare, but if Miss Mo hides other people here, the subordinates will not be able to explain to the country master. So in order to make everyone better, Miss Mo would better let me take a look."

Although the other party was respectful, what he said was very annoying, at least it made Mo Yunqing very disgusted now.

"How can my identity allow you to be presumptuous! Besides, this house is so big, do you think you can hide?"

"You have to read it before you know it."

After speaking, the man pushed Mo Yunqing away, showing no respect in his attitude. He tickled Mo Yun's clean teeth, wishing to get rid of this man.

Shen Mange's heart suddenly raised.

Who is this man?

It's so arrogant!

Ye Nanxian is also ready at any time, as long as the man opens the cabinet, he will kill the other party the first time.

The tense atmosphere is on the verge.

After the man came to Mo Yunqing's room, he checked everywhere, and he was about to walk in the direction of the cabinet. Mo Yunqing frowned slightly and threw the tea cup in his hand directly. ,

The teacup just hit the man's head impartially. The man was taken aback, and then he heard Mo Yunqing snorting and saying: "Do you really want to die? I don't mind killing the Fang Zheng sent here. Dog, if you die anyway, someone else will come over for you."

These words were very cold, even Mo Yunqing didn't know when he was holding a dagger in his hand, the cold light reflected in the man's eyes, and he seemed a little pensive.

"Miss Mo joked. This is what the country owner will prepare for you to eat in the next three days. If nothing happens, Miss Mo will try to eat less, because the snowstorm is coming and we may not be able to get out."

The man returned to look respectful again, but Mo Yunqing didn't appreciate it at all.


The man didn't care about Mo Yunqing's attitude either, and left after Mo Yunqing finished speaking.

The sound of the iron chain came again, from near to far.

Shen Mange wanted to open the cabinet door, but was stopped by Ye Nanxian.

He shook his head at her.

Shen Mange was slightly surprised, but did not act anymore. In such a place, she subconsciously trusted Ye Nanxian, no matter what decision she made, as long as Ye Nanxian felt it was okay.

The two waited for a while, but Mo Yunqing did not come in either. Instead, he was holding a teacup outside, poured out the tea, and then refilled the tea. He said to himself: "Chi'er, come, drink Tea, taste the Pu'er that my aunt has just cooked. If you can taste the raw or cooked Pu'er, my aunt will have a reward."

Shen Mange was taken aback for a moment, and Ye Nanxian also paused.

Even in this situation, Mo Yunqing still thought about Mochi.

The rumors that she raised Mochi as her own son seemed to be true.

Shen Mange felt sympathy for this woman.

At this moment, Tie Lian did not make a sound, but the previous man pushed in.

Mo Yunqing directly threw out a whole pot of hot tea.

"Do you want to die?"

It might be the first time that a man saw Mo Yunqing lose his temper, and he couldn't help but dodge, but he didn't get away.

Mo Yunqing's teapot did not move towards him, but threw it to the side of the wall, and the splashing hot water instantly burned the man's face.


The man snorted violently, but found a murderous intent rushing toward his face. He hurriedly resisted, but was kicked on his stomach by Mo Yunqing, and his whole body flew out.

Mo Yunqing seemed to really want to kill him, picking up a chair on the side and smashing it towards the man.

The man didn't dare to fight back, seeing that he was about to hit him, he spoke quickly.

"Miss Mo, I didn't mean it. I just came back to tell you that the country's lord said that it was not peaceful recently and told you not to go out.

Mo Yunqing's chair stopped dangerously five centimeters away from the man's head.

Her face was as cold as ice, and her voice was filled with anger.

"Dare to spy on me again, I promise to make your head bloom next time!"

Mo Yunqing was not joking. The man could feel that his heart was not beating easily, and his palms were full of cold sweat.

He has always known that Mo Yunqing is terrible. This woman has been imprisoned here for so many years. Her nerves have long been abnormal. Before him, several people who came to deliver food have died. The lord of the country just gave their family a lot of money. As for the pension, the rest is ignored.

The man naturally didn't want to follow in this way, so after he took over this task, he actually respected Mo Yunqing.

He found that as long as he treats Mo Yunqing courteously, Mo Yunqing will not be embarrassed. It is also because he realized that there is something, he went back and wanted to catch the current situation, but he did not expect to be annoyed by this Mo Yunqing.

Mo Yunqing don't look at it as a woman, but the power to go crazy is that a man is scared, thinking that the chair just hit his brain may cause his brain to burst, and the man's forehead also leaked a trace of cold sweat.

"Miss Mo, I really forgot this sentence and came back to tell you."

The man said quickly.

Mo Yunqing knew he didn't tell the truth, but he didn't bother to care about him now.

She threw the stool away and said coldly, "Get out!"

"Good, good, I'll get out of here!"

The man hurried away.

Mo Yunqing frowned when he looked at the direction he was leaving.

The man walked for a quarter of an hour, Mo Yunqing did not move, and Ye Nanxian naturally did not let Shen Mange go out. ,

Shen Mange thought that if he hadn't listened to Ye Nanxian just now, he would have been exposed and let the other party catch it.

When she thought of this, she was a little scared.

After another few minutes, Ye Nanxian whispered to Shen Mange, "You can go out."

"Would you like to wait any longer?"

Shen Mange was still afraid that the man would go back again, and asked with a worried expression on his face.

Ye Nanxian smiled faintly and shook his head and said, "It's okay, it should be gone. Aunt Mo's brutal energy just now scared him."

"I was scared too."

Shen Mange's words caused Ye Nanxian to stretch out his finger and flick her forehead.

"When are you so courageous?"

"Now, with you by my side, I am the least courageous."

Shen Mange stuck his tongue out, and Ye Nanxian's heart was somewhat moved by his naughty look.

This little woman is getting hooked recently. Lead him.

Ye Nanxian took Shen Mange's arm and walked out of the cabinet.

Mo Yunqing looked at them and whispered: "Did you find it?"


Ye Nanxian nodded, but Shen Mange was confused.

"What did you find?"

She suddenly felt that she couldn't understand the dialogue between Ye Nanxian and Mo Yunqing.

what happened?

Ye Nanxian looked at Shen Mange's blank eyes, and whispered: "The sound of iron chains came when the man came in for the first time, indicating that the door he came in should be blocked by iron chains, but the second time the man went When I returned, there was no continuous sound, indicating that there may be a second exit or entrance here."

"Yes, I always thought there was only one entrance and exit here. After all, the gate was sealed, but now it seems that I was thinking wrong. Also, the man was so careful just now, he should have noticed the strangeness here. I didn't dare to do anything to me, so I went back and asked Fangzheng for instructions. Now we are very dangerous. I just want to ask, can we get out?"

Mo Yunqing's words suddenly made Shen Mange and the others nervous.

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