The Lovely Baby’s Arrival: CEO Daddy is on the Way

Chapter 1345: Shen Mange is my bottom line

The court life in the past few years taught her to disguise. When she heard that Ye Nanxian was going to find Shen Mange, Qingluan subconsciously wanted to keep him, but she forgot that Ye Nanxian was not an ordinary man, so she was natural to such tricks. It is transparent.

She is so stupid.

Qingluan glared at Aqiang quickly, and said sharply, "Aqiang, don't talk nonsense. Boss Ye didn't do anything to me, because I didn't stand still. I didn't sleep well these days. I was a little excited when I was nervous. I twisted my foot, it has nothing to do with Boss Ye."

After speaking, Qingluan looked up at Ye Nanxian.

Ye Nanxian still looked at her coldly, and whispered: "Where is the patrol? It is good if you can help. If you can't, don't stop me. You know, you can't stop me."

Ye Nanxian turned and left after speaking.

Qingluan's body paused slightly, and then a trace of unwillingness and jealousy crossed his eyes.

What is so good about that woman Shen Mange?

Is it worth Ye Nanxian to save her so regardless of her own safety?

"Where did people go?"

Qing Luan asked in a low voice.

Xiao Cui quickly said: "We didn't see her, I have asked Archie to find her."

Qingluan's eyes sank slightly.

This Shen Mange seems to be a bit brainy, do you know that she is not credible?

Did she know something?

Qingluan was a little uneasy, but she quickly got up and said in a low voice, "I'm going to chase Boss Ye, you continue to look for Shen Mange, try to find her before us, and then..."


Xiao Cui nodded quickly.

Qing Luan quickly followed Ye Nanxian's footsteps.

"Boss Ye, come with me if you want to save her. I know a way to the base camp of the patrol team, but I don't know if she is there or not."

Ye Nanxian is now anxious and can't hear what Qing Luan is saying, just say coldly: "If you plan to be nice to her from the beginning, she won't have any trouble."

This made Qingluan a little bit unable to come to the stage.

"Boss Ye, what do you mean? Although I have opinions on her, I haven't thought of hurting her yet."

"But you never thought about saving her."

Ye Nanxian stopped suddenly and looked at Qingluan, feeling extremely sad.

"Qingluan, I know you have a deep obsession with me. I also admit that I owe you, but Shen Mange doesn't owe you. I thought you did too much for me, and you did very well. , Definitely won't hurt her, now it seems that I was wrong. I shouldn't believe you, shouldn't put her life in your hands. I shouldn't let her leave me."

Ye Nanxian said this very slowly, no one knew what he was feeling right now, but Qing Luan was suddenly shocked.

He is blaming her!

She even said straightforwardly that she had harmed Shen Mange!

Although she did do this, when did she feel like this in Ye Nanxian's heart?

"Boss Ye, am I such a person in your heart?"

"Does it make sense to say now? Mange is gone, this is the key!"

Ye Nanxian blamed himself.

He knew Qingluan's obsession with him, but he still felt that Qingluan was still the same one before. It was because he was too stupid.

If Shen Mange had anything to do, he would never forgive himself.

Ye Nanxian turned and left after speaking.

"Boss Ye!"

"You stay. Since you don't really want to help me and Mange, from now on, everything and any actions of mine have nothing to do with you. Including my life and death."

Ye Nanxian spoke suddenly, and Qingluan's eyes were filled with tears instantly, this time she really wanted to cry.

"Boss Ye, how can you say this? I am your Qingluan, I am a member of the Sky Alliance, you are here, how can I care about your life and death? You want to make me unable to be in the Sky Alliance. Is it a foothold?"

"Without the Sky Alliance, you still have country F."

Ye Nanxian's words directly made Qingluan cold.

Did Ye Nanxian want her?

Just because she didn't bring back Shen Mange?

Is the friendship between her and him for so many years inferior to that woman who is nothing?

Qingluan was unwilling.

"I don't! I only have the Great Alliance, only Ye Boss, you can't don't want me! I don't care, you can't leave me! What you said, you will take care of me in your life. Brother takes care of me like you did! You said it! You can’t speak for nothing!"

Qing Luan hugged Ye Nanxian abruptly and hugged tightly.

She was scared.

I was afraid that Ye Nanxian would really abandon her, and that Ye Nanxian would really not want her, and expelled her from the Sky Alliance, even more afraid that Ye Nanxian would ignore him from now on.

Ye Nanxian broke Qingluan's fingers one by one, and said coldly: "You can hurt me or kill me, but you should not touch her. Shen Mange is my bottom line, my inverse Lin, no matter who touched it, I won't let it go. Qingluan, you had better not do anything to her, otherwise..."

Ye Nanxian didn't say the following, but it was more depressing and fearful than what he said.

Qingluan didn't want to accept it, and she didn't want to accept it, even if she tried her best, she was still thrown away by Ye Nanxian.

Ye Nanxian jumped out quickly.

"Boss Ye!"

Qingluan wanted to follow, but lost all of them.

She was terrified.

"Quick! Aqiang, let everyone pay attention to Boss Ye's dynamics, and be sure to protect his safety in secret. Also inform Xiao Cui, let Archie give up the murder plan and fully search for Shen Mange's whereabouts. I want her to appear safe and sound. In front of me."

Qing Luan's words made A Qiang slightly startled.

"Hall Master, what are you..."

"I hate her and wish to kill her, but you heard it just now. Boss Ye said that if something happens to her, Boss Ye will not let me go. Except for the Sky Alliance, I will go anywhere. There is My home, where there are my brothers and sisters, and Boss Ye. If I leave the Sky Alliance, what am I? What am I? Shen Mange is damned, but I can’t die now. First find someone for me, and then I have a way Kill her silently."

Qingluan's eyes flashed with madness and jealousy.


Why is Ye Nanxian so good to the woman who climbs the bed?

Even scolded her so much for that woman!

Besides giving birth to him two children, what contribution did she have? What's the use?

Qingluan's heart was tumbling, but in the face of Ye Nanxian's life and death, she still compromised.

After Ye Nanxian ran out of Qingluan's palace, he returned to Yin and Yang according to the path in his memory, but there was no trace of Shen Mange and Mo Yunqing here.

He turned on the tracker on his wrist, but there was nothing on it, which means that Shen Mange's bracelet switch was turned off.

who is it?

Is it Shen Mange himself? Or is there someone else?

Ye Nanxian didn't know, and he was extremely anxious.

At this moment, Fang Ze called.

"Cousin, is Mange with you?"

Ye Nanxian answered quickly and asked about the whereabouts of Shen Mange for the first time.

Fang Ze's voice was a little cold.

"Ye Nanxian, do you think you are particularly awesome? You dare to come here with Mange? Just come, you still leave her alone in the Yin and Yang mouth, do you know if someone from the patrol team I found out, what kind of consequences would Mange have? If you can’t protect her safety, don’t bring her into the political whirlpool. Or you simply hate her and plan to use the political struggle to get rid of her. Then let me marry someone else?"

"No. It was my fault to leave Mange alone. Cousin, you can say anything. Now, please tell me where Mange is?"

Ye Nanxian's attitude is somewhat humble.

Fang Ze snorted and said, "I don't know, you can find it yourself."

Fang Ze hung up after speaking.

In his heart, he has resentment towards Ye Nanxian.

Although a woman like Shen Mange is a bit clever and a little clever, compared to the human spirits immersed in this big dyeing vat, she is a silly white sweet.

Ye Nanxian brought her here is an adventure in itself. Now she is still here alone. If he is in front of Ye Nanxian, he would like to give him two punches, but now he doesn’t want to let Ye Nan go so fast. Xian knows the whereabouts of Shen Mange.

There was a busy tone on Fang Ze's phone, and Ye Nanxian knew that he had hung up, but Fang Ze was the only clue for Ye Nanxian to find Shen Mange.

Here, Shen Mange does not know others, only Fang Ze, and only Fang Ze can rescue Shen Mange.

Now that Shen Mange and Fang Ze are together, Ye Nanxian breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but also worried about Shen Mange's current mood.

She must be scared.

Fang Ze was right, he shouldn't leave Shen Mange alone, care about his yin and yang, and why he can't go with men and women. When did he Ye Nanxian be such a disciplined person?

But now it's too late to say this.

Ye Nanxian didn't know where Fang Ze's palace was, and now no one can inquire about it in a hurry. In fact, he could ask Qing Luan, but from the moment Shen Mange disappeared, he didn't trust Qing Luan anymore.

People who used to leave their backs to the opponent on the battlefield can't be trusted now. Ye Nanxian feels very uncomfortable, but compared to Shen Mange's safety, he still suppressed this uncomfortable feeling.

At this moment, footsteps came from ahead.

Ye Nanxian hid quickly.

There was nowhere to hide, there was only a trash can, but Ye Nanxian was a little disgusted, and in a hurry, he quickly stepped on the pillar and climbed onto the beam, acting as a gentleman of Liang Shang.

The people who came quickly gathered together.

"Have you found someone?"

"Not yet, that **** Aran, turned us around, since I'm back."

This group of people were obviously the people that Yu Feng had followed Fang Ze.

While talking, Yu Feng drove over from the other end.

"Yu Shao."

Several people are very respectful to Feng.

Yu Feng's eyes were extremely cold.

"Lost people?"

"Sorry, Yu Shao, we..."

Before the few people finished speaking, Yu Feng directly sent the dagger in his hand into their chest quickly and accurately, without any mood swings in his eyes.


He pulled out the dagger, and the warm blood spurted out, but he turned a deaf ear to it.

Yu Feng's gloomy eyes were like a poisonous snake, staring in one direction fiercely, and said word by word: "Fang Ze, sooner or later I will break your body into pieces!"

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