The Lovely Baby’s Arrival: CEO Daddy is on the Way

Chapter 883: We don't need shareholders anymore

Huang Dong was suddenly taken aback by Shen Mange's eyes.

If he did not know that Ye Nanxian could not appear here, he thought he had seen Ye Nanxian.

Has this woman followed Ye Nanxian for a long time, and even Ling Yun's eyes have become the same?

In Dong Huang's mind, N? N took two clicks, but he looked at Shen Mange with a strong support and said, "Why?"

Am I wrong?

Since they are all shareholders, can't you tell us anything?

You whispered to Song Tao in front of us, who knows what you are studying? "

Shen Mange saw the guilty conscience flashed through Huang Dong's eyes.

It turns out that I'm not afraid of anything.

Shen Mange turned around and sat firmly on Ye Nanxian's seat.

"Huang Dong, I need to explain to you what I said to Song Tao?

What are you

Is your stake in the company higher than mine? "

Shen Mange understood that Ye Nanxian was not here, and she was the largest shareholder, no matter what she said, and Ye Nanxian gave her authorization.

Huang Dong sees Shen Mange's indifferent look now, and can't help but feel some pain in the root of the tooth, but urgingly said: "Everyone's eyebrows are burning now, Mrs. Ye still seldom said these cool words."

"Well, I'll ask, Hengyu Group has been doing this for so many years. Does the company's public relations department all eat dry food?

The company does not have Ye Nanxian. What are the senior executives doing here with high salary?

I do n’t even know when Hengyu Group became a charity organization. Did it help others to provide for the elderly? "

Shen Mange thundered loudly, obviously with a hint of anger.

She said to Song Tao: "Song Tao, go to the manager Zhang to get paid leave, our group will pay for medical expenses, and then go to see who is responsible for this matter, and give me a sweep from top to bottom.

The Public Relations Department sent out the handling method of the Yemen Group, and made people call the police to participate in the investigation of the accidental death of migrant workers.

All that remains is that the company's senior management comes to the family members of the migrant workers with the insurance contract of accidental death and the company's compensation. Who will go to this task? "

Shen Mange looked at the meeting room.

One by one, the shareholders suddenly looked away, afraid that Shen Mange would read his name.

Shen Mange snorted coldly.

"If you can't stand up when something happens in the company, then you can do your head-down turtle well and wait for the dividend at the end of the year.

Ye Nanxian didn't see so many of your opinions when he was there, and he can't even come once a year. What's wrong now?

Knowing that Ye Nanxian is not here, are you planning to seize the opportunity, or do you have other intentions?

You should know that the group keeps you shareholders, not because the company needs you, but because Ye Nanxian cares about your difficulty in following my father-in-law's guarding the group at that time, and gave you the opportunity to provide for retirement.

Do you really think that the Ye family can't buy your current shares?

If anyone does n’t want to stay in the group anymore, I would like to propose it now, and I will buy all the rich shares.

Song Tao, to see who wants to quit the group, record them one by one.

Our Ye family doesn't have so much spare money, does the venture capital company have it?

Our oil mines in East Africa should also be profitable.

Give me back all the shares, we don't need shareholders anymore. "

Shen Mange's words were thrown out, and suddenly the faces of several shareholders changed.

"Mrs. Ye, we didn't plan to sell our shareholders. Today, we don't want to force you, but Huang Dong let us come."

"Yes, yes, Huang Dong let us come, we really don't know anything."

Several other shareholders suddenly pushed everything to Huang Dong.

Huang Dongqi's mouth twitched a little.

"You people are too much."

But no matter what Huang Dong said now, other shareholders did not follow him.

Shen Mange saw that his goal was achieved, and then said coldly: "Since everyone is fine, is there any problem with my treatment plan just now?"

"No, no problem."

"Then go back and wait for the dividend at the end of the year. Where should I travel in this period of time?

You can rest assured, as long as you are really good for the Ye family, our family will not treat you badly.

But if there is one that eats inside and out, do n’t blame us Nan Xian for returning to anyone. "

Everyone knows who Shen Mange said.

I thought Shen Mange could not hold up to a weak woman, but after seeing her deal with all this calmly, I didn't dare to say anything.

Huang Dong angrily took the other shareholders away.

Shen Mange only felt the pain in his head.

Seeing that Shen Mange's face was not very good, Song Tao whispered, "Ma'am, let me go."

The migrant workers have passed away, and their family members are in a more intense mood. If Mr. Ye is not here, I ’m best to go. You can rest assured that I will handle it. "

"Let me go, Linger and Lan Yi still need you over there."

Shen Mange hummed her temples and stood up.

She looked at Song Tao and said with a smile: "Take care of them and let them not be affected is your most important thing at present.

By the way, are you here, is there someone guarding them? "

Song Tao paused, then shook his head.

Shen Mange quickly said, "Go back quickly. I'll take care of the company's affairs. You can rest assured that Nanxian will come back soon, and there will be no problem here.

What I am most worried about now is their sister and brother.

Uncle Ye Er suddenly attacked the Ye family and shot against Ye Nanxian. Although this caught us off guard, there was still evidence to follow, even knowing the cause and effect, but they shot against the Lan family for no reason. Things.

Now Linger and Lanyi are left in the Lan family. It is best to stay by their side at all times.

There are other people in the Ye family, but they are only you.

Hurry back! "

I don't know why, Shen Mange's heart is a little uneasy.

Song Tao paused when he heard Shen Mange say this, and then hesitated and said, "But Mr. Ye is not here. It's really impossible for the wife to go there alone."

"I will find someone to accompany me, so go back quickly."

"it is good."

Song Tao was also uneasy by Shen Mange.

Ye Ershu has indeed directed Ye Family for many years. Even when Shen Mange ’s father-in-law was alive, Ye Ershu had been in trouble for a while, and now it is not impossible to come again. What happened?

The Ye family has not been in contact with the Lan family, but the people of Uncle Ye have destroyed the Lan family, and even took away Lan Ling'er's father. Who knows what dirty things are inside?

Now Lan Ling'er and Lan Yi are the most dangerous.

Song Tao ran out nonstop.

If you can, Shen Mange really wants to follow the way to see how Lan Yi's legs are, and also to see how Lan Ling'er is now, but she can't walk away.

It ’s better not that Ye Ershu did it, otherwise she would really make that man pay the price! Shen Mange felt his head hurt even more.

At this time, Ye Zian called Shen Mange.

"Mommy, I found someone in the company transferring money."

Shen Mange gave a slight meal.

"what did you say?"

"Someone in our Hengyu Group is transferring money, and it is an overseas account, and the amount is still quite large, more than one billion."

Shen Mange's eyes shuddered.

"Are you sure you are an overseas account?

Can I find out the other party's account? "

"In the virtual account used by the other party, under normal circumstances, such transfers are laundered.

Mommy, the other party's computer technology is not low. "

Hearing Ye Zian say this, Shen Mange rubbed his temple again.

"Who is better than you?"

Ye Zi'an naturally heard Shen Mange's exhaustion.

Since the accident, Shen Mange hasn't had much rest. Now that the company has another accident, Ye Zi'an feels distressed to Mummy.

"I should be able to remove the trace, and then transfer the money to another account and save it first."

"Be careful."

Shen Mange knew that there were certain things that he couldn't get started on.

After Ye Zian hung up the phone, Shen Mange got up and went to the finance department.

The supervisor of the finance department saw Shen Mange, although not very familiar, but the matter in the conference room had already been explained by Song Tao before leaving. Naturally, the supervisor knew who the group was now.

She got up quickly.

"Mrs. Ye, what's the matter?"

"Who just used the computer just now?"

Shen Mange knew that if they were really hackers, these people would not notice it, but she asked.

There were not many people in the office. Hearing this question from Shen Mange, they all looked up in surprise and shook their heads.

Shen Mange saw that they didn't seem to be lying, so he told the accountant: "Give me a sum of money to use as a pension."

"Okay, Mrs. Ye, how much is it?"

"Take half a million."

After Shen Mange explained, he called Zhao Ning.

"Drive to the group to pick me up and take me to a place by the way."

Shen Mange knows that if she goes to the accident site, she will definitely become the focus of all media, and may even be trapped there, but if she does not go now, there is really no one to go.

Even if she knew this was a trap, Shen Mange had to go. For Ye Nanxian and the honor of the group, she had to go.

When Zhao Ning came, Shen Mange was already waiting at the door of the company.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry, I'm late."

Zhao Ning gasped.

Shen Mange glanced at him and shook his head.

"It's okay, drive, take me to the construction site."

As soon as Shen Mange said this, Zhao Ning suddenly stopped.

"Mrs. Su Shao said you better not go, he will handle this matter."

"He is a doctor, what do you do?

This is obviously a game against the Ye family. Sunan has no obligation to help us get rid of the game. Besides, Zitong is pregnant. If there is something missing in Sunan, I am not only sorry for Zitong but also Nanxian.

I don't have to listen to him in this matter, I just go. "

Shen Mange knew what Sunan meant, maybe Sunan also saw something, but she couldn't involve the Su family.

When Zhao Ning didn't know what to do, a low-key Rolls Royce drove in front of Shen Mange.

When the window shook down, Shen Mange was stunned.

How could it be him?

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