"Dad, mom?"

When Shen Mange heard the voice of adoptive parents, the whole person was a little stunned.

When she looked at the phone call again and determined that it was their phone number, she did n’t wait for a sigh of relief. She heard Ms. Shen crying and said, “Mange, you must save Pepe, please Must save her. "

"Mom, don't cry first, what's wrong?

What happened to Shen Peipei? "

In Shen Mange's view, Shen Peipei's thing was nothing more than to offend who learned the piano. As long as she is in Haicheng, she can still help resolve it.

When she heard this question from Shen Mange, she suddenly cried even worse.

"Man Ge, someone named Ye Zhiqiu went directly to the house and Pei Pei was taken away. He said that he wanted you to change Pei Pei, otherwise he would tear the ticket.

Mange, Ye Zhiqiu is your second uncle Ye family, right?

You are the daughter-in-law of the Ye family, he will not hurt you, please beg you to replace Pepe, OK?

Mom is such a daughter! My mother has been missing her for so many years, only to find it back, mother can't live without her! "

Shen Mange suddenly froze when he heard these words.

"Mom, do you know that I was stabbed?"

Shen Mange's inquiries made her cry suddenly, and then embarrassedly said, "Are you all right?"

Hearing Mother Shen ’s words, Shen Mange was a little hurt.

The news that she was stabbed had been released long ago, and everyone was here, but her adoptive parents had nothing to say, and she still called her for Shen Peipei.

Not to mention the reason why Ye Zhiqiu caught Shen Peipei, but how do they feel that she can still return Shen Peipei after being stabbed?

Is it really the same as the biological one?

But she was also the child they had raised for more than 20 years. Didn't the love for her be fake before?

Shen Mange's heart was hurt again.

But she said faintly: "I'm badly hurt and can't get up. Do you really want me to go like this? Shen Peipei?

Also, what I want to correct is that although Ye Zhiqiu is the second uncle of the Ye family, he is not at odds with Ye Nanxian, and even wants to kill me.

After I passed, he might have killed me directly to vent my anger. Are you sure you want me to change back to Shen Peipei? "

When Shen heard this, she suddenly cried even more sad.

"what should we do then?

What about my Pepeco?

Why is my life so hard?

My girl! "

Mother Shen was crying to life, although she no longer forced Shen Mange to change back to Shen Peipei, but the words between the lines were like a sharp dagger, and the thorny Shen Mange felt uncomfortable.

"Mom, what else did he say?"

"That's all, Mange, your biological parents are very powerful. Do you think you can let them help and bring Pepe back?

Mom has n’t asked you anything in this life, just begged you, OK? "

Shen's words made Shen Mange suffocate.

When did they reach this point between their mother and daughter?

"Okay, I try my best."

Shen Mange hung up the phone, only to find tears in the corners of his eyes.

She is so sad! Really sad?

! It would be nice if Ye Nanxian was there.

She now urgently needs Ye Nanxian's chest, but Ye Nanxian still can't get in touch.

Shen Mange dialed again unwillingly, still not in the service area.

Not in the service area?

Is it on the plane?

Still on the way back?

Shen Mange never knew that missing someone was so intractable.

She can't sleep anymore.

She was curled up by the bed holding her phone, like an injured mummy, but nobody saw it.

After a minute and a second passed, Shen Mange did not know how long she had been sitting, and she finally reacted.

Shen Peipei doesn't like it very much, but that woman is the life, root and son of her adoptive parents.

Since Mother Shen asked her, although she was sad, but she couldn't bear to adopt her parents, she still picked up the phone and called Huo Zhenting.

"Uncle, Ye Zhiqiu took Shen Pei away, can you see if they can find their news?"

"Shen Peipei?

Okay, let me check it.

Mange, you have a special body now. Do n’t come out easily, let me do this. I will do it. "

"Thank you uncle."

Because of Huo Zhenting's words, Shen Mange's cold heart only had a hint of temperature.

It didn't take long for Shen Mange's phone to lay down, and the phone rang again.

She glanced at Ye Nanxian's number.

Shen Mange answered quickly.

"Nan Xian, where are you?"

"When I first arrived at Haicheng Airport, I was on the plane when you called. The phone may be out of charge earlier than before. Mange, I can't go back for the time being. I'm going to the military area and police station.

Ye Nanxian told his whereabouts and Shen Mange.

When Shen Mange heard that he was okay, this heart settled down. Seeing that he had important things to do, she quickly said, "You are busy, don't worry about me."

"How could it be you?

Are you in the military compound?

Ye Zhiqiu ran away, I already knew about it, and his research base was also broken by us, so now Ye Zhiqiu is a mad dog, no matter what he said, don't you go out and know? "

Ye Nanxian's voice was very quick, and he could be afraid that Shen Mange would be held hostage by Ye Zhiqiu when he went out.

Shen Mange didn't dare to tell him that Ye Zhiqiu held Shen Peipei, and the mother of Shen family wanted her to exchange Shen Peipei for something. She just said softly, "Well, I listen to you."

"wait me back."

After Ye Nanxian hung up the phone, he took someone to the military area.

Shen Mange looked at the phone on the phone, and there were some mixed flavors in her heart.

Regardless of Shen Peipei's words, with Ye Zhiqiu's character, Shen Peipei will definitely die.

She grabbed her hair a little irritably, and suddenly remembered Ye Zi'an, maybe only her son could help herself at this time.

Shen Mange thought about it and turned on the computer and contacted Ye Zian directly.

"Zi An, Mommy needs your help."

"Is it Shen Peipei's business?"

Ye Zi'an responded quickly.

Shen Mange was a little surprised, but still gave the correct reply.

"Mommy, Shen Peipei usually doesn't matter, you don't have to worry about her."

"What do you mean?"

Shen Mange was a little puzzled.

Ye Zian sent a report.

"Look at this report carefully. Just now, when Uncle Xiao asked me to help find Ye Zhiqiu's whereabouts, I knew what grandma meant.

Mommy, is it hard for grandma to do this?

Don't worry about it, just leave it to the little uncle.

Your body needs a good rest now. I heard that Lao Ye is back and coming to our military area. There may be important things.

Mommy, just wait for Lao Ye to go back. You do n’t have to worry about other things. If you do n’t, you can turn off your phone, and the world will be clean. "

Ye Zian said so much in one breath, but Shen Mange didn't expect it. She didn't expect her son's news to be more informed than her.

"it is good."

Shen Mange received the file from Ye Zian, opened it, and frowned.

Shen Peipei is an orphan, but she has received funding from Ye Zhiqiu.

Ye Zhiqiu also gave advice to come back this time.

So Shen Peipei is Ye Zhiqiu?

Shen Mange put down his phone, and his heart was heavy.

Ye Zhiqiu was really painstaking for that data list, and everyone who could insert it would not let go.

Does the Shen family's parents know it or not?

Shen Mange is not sure.

She wanted to ask Shen's parents, but she finally refrained.

The parents of the Shen family, whether they knew it or not, wanted to push him out for the sake of their children. Maybe they thought it was understandable, but Shen Mange could not bear it.

She really turned off her phone.

At this time she needs to be quiet.

When Xiao Ai knocked on the door and came in, Shen Mange was standing barefoot and looking out at the floor-to-ceiling window, his expression a little trance.

She quickly took a coat and put it on Shen Mange's shoulder.

"Why don't you wear shoes?

You are twins now, but you can't stand it. "

Shen Mange reflected that there were more people in the room.

She put on her slippers obediently, then took Xiao Ai with a smile and sat down.

"Mom, do you say that I am a bit cold-blooded?"

"How to say?"

For the first time, Xiao Ai heard Shen Mange say this.

Shen Mange told Xiao Ai about Shen's parents.

Xiao Ai was obviously angry.

"What's this called?

I know they brought you up and are kind to you, but that can't push you out to die! No, I have to talk to them. "

Xiao Aiqi, however, said he was about to get up, but was stopped by Shen Mange.

"Mom, don't go, it will provoke anger back when you go, it might as well be invisible.

Zi An gave me a document saying that Shen Peipei was Ye Zhiqiu, so Ye Zhiqiu would not do anything to her in general.

Nan Xian also came back. I believe their father and son will join hands and they will soon find Ye Zhiqiu. Then Shen Peipei will go home naturally.

Zi An asked me to shut down the machine, and don't take care of these things. I also decided to do so. "

Shen Mange said, Yang Yang turned off the mobile phone that had been turned off and smiled helplessly.

But Xiao Ai could see that there was a bit of sadness and bitterness in Shen Mange's smile.

"I'm sorry, it's all my mother's fault. If it wasn't me, you wouldn't face such an embarrassing situation now."

"It's all gone, aren't we good now?

If you really do n’t feel good about it, just stay alive and watch your grandson be born and help me take the children and the like. "

What Shen Mange said was too beautiful, which made Xiao Ai longing for it.

"I tried as hard as possible."


Shen Mange hugged Xiao Ai, feeling the temperature of maternal love, and whispered: "Mom, I'm tired, I want to sleep, no matter who it is, don't let them bother me?"

"it is good.

Mom is with you, just with you here. "

Xiao Ai sat by the bed and watched Shen Mange go to bed and lay down, and then he evenly heard breathing.

Looking at Shen Mange's tired look, she suddenly felt that she should do something for her daughter.

Shen Mange grows so big, she has never done anything for her children, and now she is dying, if she does n’t do it, it ’s really too late.

Thinking so, Xiao Ai got up and picked up the phone.

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