"Tang Yuanyuan, are you shameless?"

Lan Ling paid close attention to Tang Yuanyuan when he was a child. When Tang Yuanyuan came to Shen Mange, he stepped forward and protected Shen Mange behind him.

How could Shen Mange let Lan Ling'er block himself?

She grabbed Lan Ling'er's waist and turned slightly, her left foot kicked out instantly.

With a "bang", Tang Yuanyuan's body flew out directly, and then directly hit the instrument on the side, crackling, accompanied by the sound of her landing, it was a wonderful.

Everyone, except Lan Ling'er, was stunned. Obviously, Shen Mange would have such a skill.

Shen Mange's eyes were a little chilly.

She looked at Tang Yuanyuan and said one by one: "If you repost the video, I can ignore it, but if you don't ask Qinghong indiscriminately, just do it for me, then I can't condone you.

1. Not to mention that I have no major grievances with you. Even if I took the place of Xie Shan, it is not your turn to count me like this?

Still thinking about doing it for me?

If I ca n’t respond, it is estimated that I have been disfigured now?

Is it for Xie Shan, is it really because of Xie Shan's grievances, or because you like Fang Ze, but he is jealous of him when he looks at me like this, is it clear to you? "

Tang Yuanyuan was stabbed in the heart, but his buttocks hurt terribly, but his face felt even more painful.

She gave Fang Ze a subconscious look, seeing Fang Ze's eyes looking at herself coldly, and could not help crying.

"You talk nonsense! I'm just for Xie Shan! Nothing else, Xie Shan's family is not easy, you are a company boss to seize her position, you are simply abominable!"

"So I know in advance that Xie Shan's family is not good?

Or is it that if I do n’t join, your team can stop and not record the show?

Want the whole team to be innocent for a few days because of a Xie Shan, these expenses you out? "

Tang Yuanyuan, who was Shen Mange's words, suddenly didn't know what to say.

She wailed and cried like a bully, and Shen Mange was aggressive, as if bullying.

Jiangshan saw the situation so far, and quickly stepped forward and said: "Don't be angry, President Shen, let me handle this matter, I promise ..." she was."

Before Jiangshan's words were finished, Fang Ze spoke directly.

Tang Yuanyuan couldn't believe his ears.

How can Fang Ze be so polite on the screen?

"Fang Ze, I ..." "Shut up! You must mention my name!"

The current Fang Ze is almost like being possessed, which is seriously inconsistent with the image on the screen.

Tang Yuanyuan's mouth grew up, and she was obviously stunned by shock.

Shen Mange has a single sympathy for Tang Yuanyuan.

But she didn't say anything. She directly took Lan Linger and took a step back, and said to Jiang Shan: "Arranger, today it should be impossible to shoot like this. Linger and I went back first."

"Okay, I'm really sorry for today's affairs. President Shen, I will handle it well. Let's continue shooting tomorrow."

"it is good."

Shen Mange nodded with a smile.

"By the way, I will compensate for the damaged things here, I was impulsive just now, sorry."

Shen Mange was humble and polite, and then pulled Lan Ling'er out of the studio.

In addition to the studio, Lan Ling'er said angrily: "This Tang Yuanyuan is usually quiet, and did not expect to be a dog who does not bite.

Use public opinion to flesh you, and you will be miserable by then.

Really mean. "

"No way, who makes her male **** look at me so affectionately."

Shen Mange said a little speechless.

Hearing this, Lan Ling'er suddenly became interested.

"Oh, what's your relationship with Fang Ze?"

"If I tell you that I have nothing to do with him, today is the first time to meet, do you believe it?"

Shen Mange is very helpless.

Lan Ling'er looked at Shen Mange with some surprise, but she still believed what she said to Shen Mange.

"I looked at you so affectionately for the first time?

Have you offended him? "


Shen Mange is speechless than anyone.

She told Lan Linger the fact that Fang Ze wanted to sign Huasheng Film and Television.

Lan Ling'er frowned slightly.

"You didn't ask Ye Nanxian to check his details?"

"There is no news over there."

Shen Mange sighed.

Lan Ling'er's eyes suddenly widened.

"Are you looking for Ye Nanxian?

Are you two reconciled? "

Shen Mange gave a slight pause, then shook his head and said, "No, it just means that some resources need to be used for him. He can help me the best, not help me find others."

"Well, it's not bad, it's actually awkward."

Lan Ling'er was very happy about it.

"I said to you, you believe that anyone else is cheating, but if Ye Nanxian is cheating, I don't believe it."

How can Shen Mange believe?

But there is a gap between them, there is a secret, she really has no way to continue to be with him.

"Okay, okay, when you talk about Ye Nanxian, you are feeling depressed again, not to mention him.

You said this Fang Ze, why the **** are you looking for?

And you say you do n’t know him, but he helps you everywhere, even if you play Guzheng, you are very affectionate.

Although it is wrong to say that Tang Yuanyuan ’s video leaked out, but you have also watched the video, his eyes ca n’t be faked.

You must know that Fang Ze has a lot of wife powder. He looks at you like this, which is a disaster for you. "

Shen Mange didn't know this?

She said a little bit depressed: "So, next we all have to go out through the back door.

If I guess right, Lan Chen should have been waiting for us at the back door. "

As soon as Shen Mange's words were finished, Lan Chen's call came.

"Mr. Shen, I'm already at the back door."


Go out immediately.

, "Shen Mange hung up the phone.

Lan Ling'er smiled and said: "Lan Chen is loyal to you. If it is launched as an actor, it is estimated that it will be better than that of Fang Zehuo.

If you think about it, the appearance of Lan Chen will attract many women as soon as it appears, okay?

Moreover, Lan Chen may not have any plans to fall in love in this life. This person is located in, and he will continue to live for a long time. "

"Lan Chen shouldn't like others talking about themselves."

Shen Mange never thought of Lan Chen.

Lan Chen looks very evil, and Lan Ling'er is right. As long as he wants to enter the entertainment circle, he is sure to get fire, but Shen Mange knows that Lan Chen is still alive because of Fang Ting, because of Fang Ting ’s parents, Because of myself.

He doesn't need to be rich and expensive, so he doesn't need to think about entering the entertainment industry.

Lan Linger said disappointedly: "Look at you, the film and television company has just been established, and there are only three or four months of newcomers in hand. It is not good for the film and television star who can pick up the big beams.

"I know, so I have Zhao Jingxuan looking for someone."

"The company is not famous, no one will sign the contract. Do you think there are some fools like Fang Ze in this world?

No, Fang Ze certainly has a purpose for you. "

Lan Ling'er was very vigilant.

Shen Mange whispered: "I know, so I plan not to sign with him."

"Because of today?"


Shen Mange always felt that Fang Ze's motivation to sign her film and television company was impure.

The two quickly got on the bus. Lan Chen started the car. When passing the front door, Shen Mange pointed out that some reporters were already at the door of the Fortune Building.

If she and Fang Ze walk out from the inside together, it is estimated that she will be caught by the reporter, and she will not know what she will say on the Internet.

Shen Mange was inexplicably irritable.

Lan Ling'er was a little tired because of the recent recording of the album, and took a nap when she got in the car.

Shen Mange didn't bother her, let her take a good rest, but she stared at the phone.

She looked down and it was from Ye Nanxian.

"Are you all right?"

"It's okay, I've gone back."

Shen Mange replied.

She paused for a moment and then said again, "Thank you."

Ye Nanxian looked at the phone and raised his lips slightly.

"Yes, you are still my wife," this sentence made Shen Mange sore.

She has sent Ye Nanxian a long time for the divorce agreement, but Ye Nanxian never signed it. She doesn't have to sign Ye Nanxian now, but this matter is not good to say.

Shen Mange simply changed the subject.

"Did Fang Ze's details be cleared?"

"He is from T country and has a distinguished identity."

The news of Ye Nanxian shocked Shen Mange for a while.

Country T is a small country, but the economy is developed and it is a country that all countries are eager to repair.

As long as they are willing, no matter which country will give them privileges.

Ye Nanxian also said that Fang Ze's identity is outstanding.

If you have a prominent identity, as long as Fang Ze said a word, what would you like?

Why do you have to sign her such a small company?

Shen Mange felt incredible when he thought about it.

Fang Ze is on a whim?

Still interested in yourself?

Or for other purposes?

Shen Mange couldn't guess and couldn't find it. It was good to simply stop it.

"Thank you for telling me this. I will stay away from him. Today's things will not happen again."

Ye Nanxian hasn't said anything yet, Shen Mange has already sent this passage.

His eyes suddenly softened a lot.


The short words are not enough to express your feelings, Ye Nanxian sent another sentence, "Pay attention to your body."


Shen Mange suddenly felt that this mode of getting along was actually not so unacceptable.

The two didn't know what they were talking about for a while.

Ye Nanxian suddenly said: "Zi An has performed well in JQ recently. There will be ten days of vacation. Will I take him to find you then?"

Shen Mange's heart gave a slight pause.

She and Ye Nanxian are now carrying all their children. Ye Zi'an is one of the most sensitive inside. If you let him come, you might find out.

Shen Mange suddenly didn't want the child to know all this.

"Luo Luo and Rui Rui will come too?"

"Not necessarily, Luoluo recently participated in a drawing board. Rui Rui went to the winter camp, only Zi An has time."

Ye Nanxian also knows that if the three children go together, Shen Mange may hide something, but this is not what he wants.

The wife is his own. Since he can't come back, can he please ask his son?

Thinking of this, Ye Nanxian's lips raised a smug smile.

As long as Ye Zi'an comes back, he is not afraid of his wife not going home!

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