The Lovely Baby’s Arrival: CEO Daddy is on the Way

Chapter 965: You can't protect her


Shen Mange exclaimed and immediately attracted Lan Ling'er's attention.

"Are you all right?

Go to the hospital quickly. "

Jiang Shan saw that Shen Mange had bleeds and broke the phase, so naturally he did not dare to delay, and quickly let people make way.

Seeing this scene, Fang Ze paused, then wanted to step forward, but was pushed by Lan Ling'er.

"Go away 1" Her attitude is very unfriendly.

Cindy just saw this scene when he came.

"What are you doing?

Our family Fang Ze is also to help, what's wrong with you newcomer? "

Lan Ling'er's temper is not small.

She snorted coldly and said, "What's going on?

This is to ask your family Fang Ze! We talked well, what did he mean by staring at others?

If it wasn't for his eyes were too exposed, did Mange fail to grasp his strength and collapse his face?

Our family mange is okay, if there is something that looks bad, I will definitely investigate it and let your fans see what kind of virtue the man he likes sleeps. "

If she didn't encounter Shen Mange, Lan Ling'er wouldn't care what Fang Ze was thinking. Now that Shen Mange had an accident, she didn't care who the other party was, and she did it right.

It ’s the first time Fang Ze has debuted for so many years, and this is the first time a newcomer is so arrogant. When Cindy ’s anger is about to happen, he heard Fang Ze say: “This time it ’s my fault. I apologize and will go to the hospital in a while I will pay for all medical expenses. "

"No, I am not short of money. I just hope that Mr. Yibei will stay away from me."

Shen Mange covered his face, blood flowing, but said coldly.

Fang Ze has not spoken since.

Cindy frowned when he saw Fang Ze talking, but he said nothing.

Shen Mange was taken to the hospital, and the wounds left by the string on her face were not small. Fortunately, she did not rely on her face to eat. This made her a little relieved.

Ye Nanxian was informed of Shen Mange's injury for the first time.

He came almost non-stop.

"How is she?"

Lan Ling'er was dragged by Ye Nanxian.

"It's not a big deal, it's just a face injury, it's estimated to be raised for a while."

"Who did it?"

Ye Nanxian didn't believe that his wife's skills were poor.

Lan Ling'er knew that if he said Fang Ze's name now, it was estimated that Ye Nanxian would directly let Fang Ze be hidden in the snow, but this offended Fang Ze and he didn't know anything about it. To be mixed in this circle.

Thinking of this, Lan Ling'er whispered: "The song may not be well rested, and it was too hard when playing."

Ye Nanxian narrowed her eyes. The compelling coercion made Lan Ling'er unbearable, but fortunately he just watched her and then turned her face.

Lan Ling'er could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

When Ye Nanxian came to the ward, Shen Mange was already bandaged, but in spite of this, Ye Nanxian's eyes were a little deep.

Seeing him coming, Shen Mange smiled and said, "I'm fine, just hurt a bit, and it will be fine in a few days."

"Go back to rest."

Ye Nanxian was distressed.

Shen Mange shook his head and said, "No, I have to go back and continue recording. This album has a short time, and I can't delay others' time just because I am alone.

Now Master Gu Zheng is not easy to find, and I have signed a confidentiality agreement. "

Ye Nanxian suddenly pulled Shen Mange's hand and dragged her away.

Shen Mange knows what he means, but now she is not Mrs. Ye, she is now President Shen.

Some things have to be handled by yourself.

"Ye Nanxian, I really can't go back. My injury is nothing."

"It's nothing to hurt your face?"

Ye Nanxian thought Shen Mange was losing his temper with himself.

Shen Mange tried hard to calm himself and said, "Ye Nanxian, I am really nothing. This injury does not delay my work. I am now President Shen, Shen Mange, a worker who has signed an agreement with others.

I have my own job, and I must have my own professional ethics. I have to do this to make me gain a foothold in this circle, you know?

I want to rely on myself, not always on you. "

Ye Nanxian suddenly felt that Shen Mange had changed.

She is serious.

She is breaking away from his life and wants to break out of her own world by herself.

This feeling of not being needed makes Ye Nanxian a little flustered.

"Mange, I really have nothing to do with that woman. If you really want to know, I can tell you that I was with her only because of some things to ask her. I swear I have never done anything that is sorry to you , Really. "

"What are you asking?"

Shen Mange asked casually.

Ye Nanxian suddenly froze.

, "Some things at work."

"is it?"

Shen Mange looked at Ye Nanxian and sighed, "Ye Nanxian, I know you more than you know yourself. You are a bad lie.

If it ’s really a business thing, you do n’t have to hide it from me, but because of this you would rather watch me want to divorce you and not let go of it, then it ’s definitely not a business thing, maybe this thing is about me But it doesn't matter, I don't want to know now, I just want to do my thing well, hope you can understand me. "

Shen Mange has already mentioned this part, if Ye Nanxian still can't understand it, she can't help it.

Ye Nanxian looked at Shen Mange's rare stubbornness and finally let go.

"I don't care what you do, but you can't hurt yourself anymore."

"Okay, I am not so masochistic myself.

, "Shen Mange opened the door and walked out.

Jiangshan, they were still waiting outside. When they saw Shen Mange coming out, they quickly asked, "Are you all right?"

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't affect the lying trough. Let's go back, let's continue."

Jiang Shan appreciates the professionalism of Shen Mange.

Ye Nanxian called Lan Chen after Shen Mange left.

"Check the truth about Mange's injury. I need the surveillance video in the studio."

It didn't take long for Ye Nanxian to get the video.

When he saw that it was because of Fang Ze, Ye Nanxian's face was a bit ugly.

He came to the Fortune Plaza and directly sent a message to Fang Ze.

Fang Ze still blamed herself for Shen Mange's injury, even thinking how to apologize is more useful, she saw a strange text message come in.

"come out!"

With just two words, it seemed to exhale a compelling atmosphere across the phone screen, making Fang Ze frown.

"I go out for a while."

Fang Ze got up and left.

Cindy wanted to follow, but he stopped him.

"You don't have to go out, I can do it myself."

Fang Ze left Cindy, and he came out alone. He knew that someone who could meet him would definitely not be at the front door, so he went directly to the back door.

Just when he was in his early stages, Ye Nanxian punched him in the face.

Because he was caught off guard, Fang Ze's nose bleed, and it was hot and uncomfortable.


"Your uncle!"

Ye Nanxian was mad at the thought of the wound on Shen Mange's face.

Fang Ze returned quickly after being beaten, but sadly found that the opponent's skill was several grades higher than himself.

He was completely beaten.

It wasn't until Fang Ze was gone that he couldn't see the appearance, Ye Nanxian stopped his hand.

He grabbed Fang Ze's collar and said coldly: "I remember I warned you not to disturb Shen Mange's life. You didn't seem to hear it?"

At this time, Fang Ze is really an idiot if he doesn't know who the other party is anymore.

He looked at Ye Nanxian and whispered: "Some things Shen Mange can't hide from, you should know."

"I don't know. I only know that she is my wife. I want to protect her from the life I have now. As for the rest, I don't care, and I don't want her to care. Do you understand me?

"Ye Nanxian, how long can you protect her?

Since I can find her, do you think those people can't find her?

Is it good for her to let her live like an idiot under your hands? "

Fang Ze's words made Ye Nanxian's face even more ugly.

"I don't care what happens in the future, I just want her to live comfortably.

Since she was destined to leave your circle more than twenty years ago, now you have no right to disturb her calmness again.

Fang Ze, I don't care how powerful the background behind you is. If you provoke my wife again, I promise you will regret it.

I might even work with your brother. "

"You ..." Fang Zeqi almost backed his breath, but from the face of Ye Nanxian he couldn't see any joke.

"If you cooperate with my brother, don't you get involved in our circle too?"

"I can have my hands covered with blood, and I can be deceived, but Mange needs a pure land. For this pure land, even if Shangqiangbi falls to Huangquan, I will spare no effort."

Ye Nanxian's words shocked Fang Ze.

"You are so in love with her?"

"Do you think anyone is as cold-blooded as your family?"

Ye Nanxian pushed him away.

, "Don't let those dirty things in your family pollute my chant.

Get out! "

Fang Ze didn't want to leave, but I have to say that Ye Nanxian's true aura is very strong now, so powerful that even he is a bit afraid.

"Ye Nanxian, you can't protect her."


Ye Nanxian drank coldly, and Fang Ze got up and left.

Looking at his back, Ye Nanxian frowned tightly.

Can't protect her?

Even if he couldn't protect him, he wouldn't let her come into contact with those dirty and sinful prematurely.

Ye Nanxian's eyes crossed a stern gaze.

When Fang Ze returned to the studio, everyone was stunned, especially Cindy.

"God, Fang Ze, what's wrong with you?

Who hit you?

Do we call the police? "

Cindy had followed Fang Ze for so many years, and it was the first time that Fang Ze had been beaten up like this.

Did this person deliberately put it?

Knowing that Fang Ze eats by his face, he is now making Fang Ze a pig's head. What should I do with Fang Ze's next announcement?

Shen Mange and Lan Ling'er also just glanced at the side, and they couldn't help but feel a bit stupefied, and Lan Ling'er laughed very unkindly.


Fang Ze looked at Shen Mange's direction, his eyes complex.

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