The Lovely Baby’s Arrival: CEO Daddy is on the Way

Chapter 1000: I miss you, I really miss you

"Can't call the police! Shen Mange, you can't do this!"

The speed of Mother Shen can be compared to a sprinter, but the person she met was Shen Mange.

Shen Mange turned his body directly, then quickly dialed the alarm call.

"Hello, I want to call the police, someone wants to murder me!"

"Do not!"

When mother Shen wanted to do something about Shen Mange, Liu Yi stepped forward and an anti-captured her buckled her on the wall.

"Don't move, be honest!"

Liu Yi wanted to shoot just now, but Shen Mange gave her eyes to keep her from moving. She could only watch aside. Now she saw her mother moving towards Shen Mange ’s back, she suddenly remembered Shen Mange ’s back There was an injury, this shot.

Shen Mange's complexion is already very ugly.

She knew that there was a wound on Ms. Shen. She just could n’t **** it. Did Ms. Shen actually plan to deal with her wounds?

If Shen Mange still had a little hesitation just now, at this moment she really wanted to spare them.

They don't deserve her feelings at all now.

"What do you want to do to me?"

Shen Mange's eyes were sharp.

Ms. Shen now looks like a broken jar, tearing her neck and saying, "I said, I want to let you die. You all arrested me by the police. Why do I keep you?"

"You think you hurt me?

You are just relying on my heart, and I do n’t think I ’m going to do anything to you, so I hurt me so unscrupulously and force me, but once I do n’t care about your nurturing grace, you do n’t care how you scold me, you think What else do you have to rely on to let me catch it?

Did Shen Peipei lower the IQ of your old couple? "

When Shen Mange said this, Shen Feng and Shen's mother's face suddenly changed.

"Mange, do you really care about us?"

It seems that Mother Shen didn't realize that Shen Mange was really angry until this moment.

Shen Mange suddenly felt tired.

It would be in vain to tell them more.

She waved her hand and said to Liu Yi: "Looking at her, the police will arrive in a moment.

Today I want to take it seriously and tell the captain. "


Liu Yi nodded quickly.

Shen Mange suddenly felt uncomfortable here.

She lifted her feet and walked towards the corner window, trying to breathe.

Mother Shen suddenly cried.

"Shen Mange, you unconscience, you are not afraid to drown the horse by the spit stars of the public?"

At this moment, A Fei ran in.

"Mrs. I don't know who called a lot of reporters outside. I have been sent by you. You can just go out and rest assured."

As soon as these words came out, Mother Shen froze for a moment, then burst into tears.

Obviously, these reporters were found by her.

As long as Shen Mange entered the hospital, no matter whether Shen Feng's plan was successful or not, whether Shen mother assassinated Shen Mange. At the door of the hospital, she still gave Shen Mange such a trick.

Once she and Shen Feng were taken away by the police, or because of Shen Mange's police, then Shen Mange would become a red man for a while, but it was black and red.

Mother Shen has hired the gunman and intends to write about Shen Mange ’s ungrateful and cold-hearted things, but now Afei is directly in charge.

She suddenly discovered that Shen Mange is no longer the familiar Shen Mange.

As Shen Mange said, once Shen Mange has no feelings for them, what else can they rely on?

In this game, they lost and suffered a terrible defeat.

Mother Shen looked at Shen Mange's back and suddenly said: "Mange, beg your mother to beg you, don't be embarrassed to wear Pei, okay?

If you feel wronged, your mother's life will be lost to you, just hope you don't deal with Pepe, she is just a child. "

Shen Mange suddenly smiled bitterly.

Shen Peipei is the same age as her, and Mother Shen actually said she was a child.

What about her?

Why did she accept Shen Peipei's injury.

"Sorry, I can't do it."

Shen Mange didn't look back. She didn't want to see Mother Shen's face.

After all, she still couldn't say such a heartless words to Mother Shen.

The police came very quickly, maybe Mr. Xiao greeted them. The person they came from was actually the captain.

When he saw Shen Mange, the captain nodded, beckoning, and took Mother Shen away from Liu Yi.

This farce is so hastily ended, although Shen Mange won a great victory, but she did not feel any joy at all, but felt a sadness enveloped herself from the bottom of her heart.

She missed Ye Nanxian.

I don't know what happened to him now. Has the neuralgia improved?

Liu Yi wanted to step forward, but was stopped by A Fei.

"Give your wife a private space."

With that, Afei dragged Liu Yi aside.

Shen Mange has always known what it is like to miss, but it is a pity that she spends a lot of time in it.

Now she doesn't want to abuse herself.

Shen Mange took out his phone and called Sunan directly.

There was a quick answer there.

"How is he?"

"Halo passed twice, and I have just woke up."

As soon as Sunan's voice fell, he heard Ye Nanxian growl.

"Sunan, you shut up."

"Give him the phone."

Shen Mange always knew that Ye Nanxian's voice was nice, but she didn't expect it to be so nice, so she just wanted to cry when she heard it.

Sunan threw the phone directly to Ye Nanxian.

Ye Nanxian sighed and said, "I'm fine. Don't listen to him to scare you. You don't know that the doctor's words need to be heard half and half. They always like to talk alarmistly.

"Ye Nanxian."

Shen Mange suddenly shouted, with a trace of hoarseness and grievances, which immediately made Ye Nanxian feel distressed.

"what happened?

Who bullied you? "

"I'll call the police and the Shen family's parents have arrested it.

I thought I would be happy, but not, I am so sad, I really want to lean in your arms and listen to your heartbeat.

Ye Nanxian, I warn you, if you take good care of yourself, I will not want you.

I went to find another man, I made you jealous of death. "

Shen Mange said his eyes were wet.

She really missed him.

Ye Nanxian said distressedly: "If you don't take your hand, you will tell A Fei to let him do it, there is no need to abuse yourself.

You know, I feel bad about you like this. "

"It hurts when you feel distressed.

Distress is better than neuralgia. "

As Shen Mange said, Ye Nanxian didn't know what to do.

"My neuralgia is really nothing."

"Yeah, it's nothing, nothing will stun the past, nothing will make Sunan Dayuan leave the pregnant wife and run over, Ye Nanxian, do you think I am a child, you can just cheat what?"

Shen Mange's breath made Ye Nanxian speechless.


"Want to say how you are not angry."

Ye Nanxian also said the truth.

Shen Mange suddenly smiled.

"Husband, I miss you, I really miss you."

Shen Mange's sudden softening sound made Ye Nanxian unable to resist at all.

He wanted to fly to Shen Mange now.

"It's not as good as you don't care, come back, I will let people solve those ghosts hiding in the dark."

"It will take a long time, but I can't wait. I want to get things done as soon as possible, and then I will travel with you.

When you got married, you owed me a honeymoon, and when you went to Yunnan, you said it was to compensate me, but what?

There are still so many uninteresting people who bother us.

So I have to catch these ghosts, and then we happily go on a trip, okay? "

Shen Mange's tone is soft, as if a sweetness directly permeates Ye Nanxian's heart. Even if he is not around, Ye Nanxian's mind has begun to imagine the two people traveling.

"it is good."

"You also have to obey Sunan's words.

Heal neuralgia early.

You said that Sunan is not easy. Zitong's pregnant belly is so big, and Su Qing needs to take care. If Sunan is too long with you, would you know what you hate? "

Shen Mange urged.

Ye Nanxian's lips raised a gentle smile.

"it is good."

"Also, remember to miss me every day.

Although I have just returned, I do n’t want you to miss me.

If conditions permit, you have to send me a message saying good night and good morning.

If you feel nervous, do n’t hide from me, that will make me think you do n’t treat me as a wife. "

"it is good."

Ye Nanxian is now a good gentleman, he said yes to Shen Mange.

Sunan shook his body and ridiculed, "You two are sour?

The children are so old, so sloppy, and not too shameful. "

"Get out!"

Ye Nanxian suddenly felt that Sunan's light bulb was too obtrusive, but unfortunately he couldn't let him go, otherwise he could not talk to Shen Mange.

No, he has to find a way for others to send their mobile phones over.

The wife said, saying good morning and good night to her every day.

Ye Nanxian thought so, and heard Shen Mange say: "You are about to celebrate your birthday. I hope that we can go to sea that day."

This made Ye Nanxian pause.

In fact, he didn't really remember his own birthday, but after a few calculations, it was indeed a few days.

The meaning of Shen Mange is obvious. I hope that things will be handled in these few days, and then I will go to the world of two with him.

Ye Nanxian is looking forward to this.

"Well, I try my best."

"Well, hang up, husband, love you."

Shen Mange kissed Ye Nanxian across the phone.

Ye Nanxian blushed suddenly.

"I'm going, Ye Shao, you are innocent."

Sunan teased Ye Nanxian, who threw the phone directly at him.

"Can you completely cure my neuralgia?

Are you a quack doctor? "

Sunan's mouth twitched a little.

"Boss, you figured out, this is neuralgia, is it a difficult disease?

At present, I have no choice but to rely on drugs for maintenance. In addition, you can't be too stressed, and you should also rest.

But why don't you let Sai Yan Zhang Yin show you?

Ruirui has been out for a while, right?

Should he get him back together?

The children will spend too much time in the free range outside, and they will be estranged from you. "

Su Nan's words made Ye Nanxian meditate.

"I will arrange it."

Shen Mange felt better after hanging up the phone.

Sure enough, her husband is her medicine.

Shen Mange took the phone and turned to Liu Yi and A Fei: "Come on, go back to dinner, Grandpa should be worried."

After she finished, she found that Liu Yi and A Fei were gone.

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