Chapter 258 A Dream

Thinking of this, Qin Junshan looked at Ji Yuanyuan and Ji Zixuan with a smile: "Yuanyuan, Zixuan, what shall we have for lunch?"

Ji Zixuan put down the book and replied seriously, "Grandpa Qin, I can eat anything!"

Ji Yuanyuan also nodded: "Me too!"

Qin Junshan took the cane next to him: "Then I'll go to the kitchen to see if there are any dishes!"

He leaned on crutches and moved into the kitchen step by step.

Although Qin Junshan's health is much better, after all, he is old, and his body is full of injuries from his youth.

On such a cloudy and rainy day, my knee still hurts.

Ji Yuanyuan got up and was about to support Qin Junshan when the phone suddenly rang.

Qin Junshan had already walked to the door of the kitchen, so he instructed: "Yuan Yuan, take it over and see if Mu Cheng is calling."

Seeing this, Ji Yuanyuan had to go up and pick up the phone.

"Hello?" It was Qin Mucheng's voice.

"Brother Mu Cheng, grandpa is in the kitchen, he'll be here later!"

Qin Mucheng's voice sounded very happy, and Ji Yuanyuan asked curiously, "Brother Mucheng, are you happy about anything?"

"We had a city-wide mock test a few days ago." Qin Mucheng was a little shy.

"Then did you do well in the test?" Ji Yuanyuan said as he climbed onto the sofa.

Sitting on the sofa, she asked solemnly, "It must be the first in the class, right?"

Qin Mucheng was silent for a moment, and then he said, "It's the number one in the city!"

"Wow, number one in the city!" Ji Yuanyuan was really surprised.

How many sixth grade students are there in the entire city B? Moreover, City B is the capital, and that is the place where the dragons and crouching tigers are hidden.

It was really remarkable that Qin Mucheng could be ranked first in the city among so many people.

She couldn't help sighing in her heart: The gap between people is really too obvious.

This is the difference in IQ!

Hearing this, Ji Zixuan looked over enviously.

Qin Junshan came out of the kitchen and asked excitedly, "What is the number one in the city?"

Ji Yuanyuan hurriedly reported the good news to Qin Junshan: "Grandpa, brother Mu Cheng took the first place in the city in a mock test!"

Hearing that his grandson was so good, Qin Junshan was even more excited. He limped over quickly, took the phone call from Ji Yuanyuan, and asked again and again, "Really? You stinky brat didn't lie to me, did you?"

"Really, of course it's true!" Ji Yuanyuan put his ear to the side of the telephone, and heard Qin Mucheng say.

"Stinky boy, he's much better than when your dad was a kid. He did so well in the test, what do you want, grandpa will buy it for you!" Qin Junshan said happily, speaking at a much higher volume than usual.

"It's just a mock test. Let's talk about it when I get into Mingde!" Qin Mucheng was not at all proud.

"By the way, grandpa, my parents told me to concentrate on preparing for the high school entrance examination. I won't be allowed to run around on May 1st. I can't go there to see you."

Hearing this news, Qin Junshan's expression was a little lost.

But he still forced a smile and said, "It's okay, the middle school entrance examination is about to take place. Naturally, the examination is the main thing. If you can't pass, Grandpa can pass!"

Speaking of which, Qin Junshan did not go back for a long time.

"Grandpa, give Yuan Yuan your phone, I want to talk to Yuan Yuan!" Qin Junshan heard Qin Mucheng say as soon as his mood came up.

He sighed and handed the microphone to Ji Yuanyuan: "Yes, it seems that I don't go back, and he doesn't care!"

"Hey, Brother Mucheng!" Ji Yuanyuan called to the person on the other end of the phone.

"Yuanyuan, my grandfather is coming over on May 1st. Come and play together for two days!" Qin Mucheng advised, "It's fun here, and Qin Doudou, he's grown up now, you don't want to see it ?"

Think, why not?

If she was seventeen this year, she might be able to go. But she is only seven years old this year, and her family will definitely not worry about her going to City B.

But if the family goes together, let's not say whether it is too troublesome for the Qin family.

Let's just say that in the store, it costs dozens of dollars a day, and her mother might not be willing to close the store at all.

"I have to discuss this matter with my mother, I can't say it well." Ji Yuanyuan whispered.

Hearing this, Qin Mucheng felt a little disappointed.

"Okay, then tell your aunt, if you come, I will take good care of you."

Ji Yuanyuan nodded, "Okay!"


Maybe it was because he thought too much during the day, but Ji Yuanyuan had a dream not long after he fell asleep at night.

She was soaked in the wet and cold rain, tossing with the wind and waves.

All the sand in her mouth, she wanted to struggle, she wanted to call for help.

But there is no way!

The village, farmland, and livestock were all submerged by the flood.

She shouted and sat up suddenly from the bed, breathing heavily.

In her previous life, she had read a lot of materials about the flood.

Some scenes are still vivid in my mind.

Soldiers held hands and made a human wall; a weak girl hugged a tree for nine hours before she was rescued; farmers knelt down and cried, begging the soldiers of the people to stop jumping into the water...

This scene, scene after scene, touched Ji Yuanyuan countless times in his last life, but when he thinks of it in this life, his eyes are still red.

"Yuanyuan, what's the matter?" Li Xu, who was sleeping next door, heard Ji Yuanyuan's shout and hurried over from the next door.

She pushed open the door and saw Ji Yuanyuan sitting on the bed, sweating profusely, with dull eyes.

"Baby, have you had a nightmare?" Li Xu hurried forward and hugged Ji Yuanyuan a little distressedly, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, mom is here!"

Ji Yuanyuan nestled in Li Xu's arms and nodded lightly: "Mom, I just had a very strange and terrible dream!"

Li Xu pulled the quilt, surrounded Ji Yuanyuan, and discussed with her softly: "Let's lie down and talk?"

Ji Yuanyuan nodded again, and Li Xu hugged her and lay down under the quilt.

It was cold inside the quilt, so Li Xu pressed against Ji Yuanyuan tightly, trying to keep her warm.

"Tell my mother now, what dreams did you have just now, isn't it scary?" Li Xu asked softly.

Ji Yuanyuan thought and After a long while, he said slowly: "I dreamed that there was a lot of water, and the house, farmland, people, and livestock were all flooded. The water is higher than the house, a lot, a lot. water!"

Hearing this, Li Xu quickly reached out and patted her daughter's back lightly.

"Don't be afraid, it's all a dream!"

Well, how could my daughter have such a dream?

Ji Yuanyuan didn't speak anymore, just whispered: "But it's so true, I can still remember it clearly now!"

"Let's go to bed, and when we get up tomorrow, I'm sure you'll forget about it." Li Xu coaxed her.

"Mom, there is an old grandfather in my dream. He told me to prepare things for flood control in advance, which will be used at that time." Ji Yuanyuan said innocently.

Li Xu only talked nonsense as a child at the time, and did not take this matter to heart.

She patted Ji Yuanyuan's back: "Baby be good, let's close our eyes and sleep, we will forget it tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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