Chapter 440

The two children took summer vacation and began to run to Qin Junshan every day.

Qin Junshan is also close to the house where Li Miao lives. He knows that Li Miao is preparing for the postgraduate exam, and often asks Xiao Qi to cook something delicious and deliver it to Li Miao.

After the children came over, the heavy responsibility of delivering things was handed over to them.

Of course, in order not to disturb Li Miao's study, they left after delivering things and never stayed.

Qin Xiaojie, who is next door, has nothing to do recently. He has been staying at home, and occasionally sneaks over to have a meal.

Since his sister had a falling out with the family that day, he never came back.

There are only three members of their family in the family, and how can Qin Xiaojie stand in front of two old people who are chatting all day?

In comparison, he naturally prefers to stay here in Qin Junshan.

It is said that men are teenagers until they die. He and Qin Mucheng and Ji Zixuan are only eight or nine years apart.

Sometimes, there is still a common language. For example, games, such as playing games, do not differentiate between ages.

Play a game together and drive a few of them out for a ride from time to time.

Qin Xiaojie's life was also nourishing.

He also followed Ji Ziang and the others to deliver meals to Li Miao several times.

Over time, the contact with Li Miao increased, and Qin Xiaojie's little thought began to come alive again.


Niu Ailan found that her son was a little strange recently. After changing the decadence before, the whole person became happy. Not to mention running out every day, but also dressed up to show off.

"Old man, do you think something happened to Xiaojie recently?" Niu Ailan asked Qin Zhiye at night.

"What can be wrong?" Qin Zhiye said absentmindedly.

Next month is his sixtieth birthday, and it's time to retire.

After working in the unit for half his life, Qin Zhiye felt sour at the thought of retirement.

Niu Ailan naturally knew what Qin Zhiye was worried about. She opened her mouth, but still didn't say the rest.

Forget it, don't tell the old man to worry about it.

Niu Ailan turned over and closed her eyes, thinking about tomorrow's affairs secretly in her heart.

Since Qin Xiaojie returned home, he has lived a life of not sleeping at night and not being able to afford in the morning.

It was three poles in the sun, and it was time to eat lunch, so he slowly got up.

When he came down from the upstairs, he was all dressed up brightly.

A garish short-sleeved shirt with baggy cropped trousers. His half-length hair was neatly combed, and his mouth was whistling.

Seeing Qin Xiaojie's appearance, Niu Ailan was furious.

More than 500,000 yuan, just like that. If this were an ordinary person, he would have to be decadent for a while.

But this kid will soon be like nothing. Now I don't even think about finding a way to make money back, but I can become a salted fish at home with peace of mind.

Especially when he remembered that day, when he said good things to Li Yong, Niu Ailan was so angry that he wanted to scold him.

But before Niu Ailan could scold her, Qin Xiaojie took a piece of bread from the refrigerator and said shyly, "I won't be at home for dinner at noon, you can eat it yourself."

Seeing this, Niu Ailan swallowed all the words in her stomach.

She pretended not to care and nodded: "Okay, come back early in the evening."

Qin Xiaojie took the car keys, bit the bread and went out.

From the corner of Niu Ailan's eyes, she saw Qin Xiaojie driving away, so she hurried to the entrance, took the keys and wallet, put on the slippers, and went out.

Coincidentally, as soon as I went out, I ran into a taxi.

Niu Ailan got into the car and instructed the driver, "Master driver, please keep up with the sports car in front of you."

The driver looked suspiciously at Niu Ailan through the rearview mirror.

Niu Ailan quickly explained: "That's my son. He goes out early and returns late all day and doesn't come home. I'm afraid he will do bad things."

As soon as the driver heard it, he immediately felt the same way: "Okay, you are seated."

At Qin Junshan's house, the nanny Xiao Qi took a foam box, put some cherries in it, and put an ice pack to keep warm. I took another lunch box and poured some fish soup into it.

Qin Haowen and Cheng Shuqin bought some cherries and sent them over. This season, cherries are rare, so Qin Junshan thought of giving some to Li Miao.

It happened that Xiao Qi had stewed the fish soup, so he thought of sending a piece to her.

After packing up, she gave everything to Ji Zi'ang and Qin Mucheng, and ordered, "Don't throw it away."

Ji Ziang nodded: "Don't worry, no."

The two walked into the yard with their things in their arms, and Xiao Li was already waiting.

The three children got into the car, and Xiao Li took them to Li Miao's side.

Along the way, Ji Zi'ang held the fish soup well and did not dare to let go.

Qin Mucheng took a few washed cherries in his hand and put them into Ji Yuanyuan's mouth one by one.

Ji Ziang was a little jealous when he saw it, "Brother Mucheng, have you forgotten that there is still a big living person here?"

Hearing this, Qin Mucheng reluctantly stuffed one into Ji Ziang's mouth.

"It's so sweet!" Ji Ziang exclaimed.

The two were not far away, and soon, they arrived downstairs.

Before Xiao Li could park the car, Ji Yuanyuan found the sports car in front of him.

"Why is that car so familiar?"

Black trots are rare in the county.

So far, she has only seen one in S city.

That is Qin Xiaojie's car.

Speaking of which, this car really looks like Qin Xiaojie's car.

Qin Mucheng probed, looked over, and his expression became serious: "That's my little uncle's car, why is he here?"

Qin Xiaojie is looking for his aunt in private? Ji Yuanyuan's expression also became serious.

When Xiao Li parked the car, she couldn't wait to get out of the car and walked upstairs quietly.

Qin Mucheng also quickly followed, but Ji Ziang was the only one who took the fish soup and got out of the car cautiously.

Seeing that the cherries placed in the co-pilot had not been taken, he looked at Xiao Li again: "Brother Xiao Li, please take it for me and put it in my hand."

Xiao Li took him the cherries with some humor, put them carefully in his hands, and instructed: "Be careful, don't spill them."

Ji Ziang nodded: "I see."

With fish soup in one and cherries in the other, he went up to the second floor and a half, and saw the situation on the top.

Li Miao stood at the door, wearing a wide skirt, and her hair was tied in a ball, looking a little slovenly.

Qin Xiaojie was dressed up and stood outside the door.

In front of Qin Xiaojie is Niu Ailan, and behind him are Ji Yuanyuan and Qin Mucheng.

Ji Ziang quickly put the fish soup and cherries on the ground on the second floor and a few steps, and went straight to the third floor.

He looked at Niu Ailan nervously.

(End of this chapter)

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