The opening price at that time was close to 50,000 yuan. Even if it was so expensive, the house was still in short supply.

On the day of the opening, the sales office queued all the way to the gate of the community.

House prices have continued to rise a few months after the market opened.

When the market opened, Cheng Shuqin and Qin Haowen reserved the best house for the two of them as a wedding room.

Originally, I wanted to put the house in the name of Ji Yuanyuan.

But for her, such an expensive house is really stressful.

Therefore, at her insistence, the house was still recorded under Qin Mucheng's name.

Although the house was rough, Cheng Shuqin and Qin Haowen had already reserved the house for them.

Before the market opened, Cheng Shuqin and Qin Haowen were discussing the renovation of the house.

From the decoration to the purchase of the furniture, almost all Cheng Shuqin handled it.

Ji Yuanyuan and Qin Mucheng hadn't been there a few times.

"Okay, let's go take a look tomorrow." Qin Mucheng agreed.

It happens that tomorrow is Saturday, Qin Mucheng can rest.

After eating, Ji Yuanyuan watched TV with Cheng Shuqin for a while, and then came over to measure the size.

After the two girls carefully measured Ji Yuanyuan's size, they handed over a picture album to Cheng Shuqin before leaving.

"These are the shoes in their store. You can choose a few. I'll let them deliver them tomorrow. You can try them on." Cheng Shuqin waved to Ji Yuanyuan.

Ji Yuanyuan stepped forward, faced the album, and chose shoes with Cheng Shuqin.

The next day, the two of them wanted to go to the new house, and Ji Yuanyuan had to try on shoes, so they didn't want to go back and forth.

So Ji Yuanyuan and Li Xu talked, and they didn't go home that night.

They are childhood sweethearts, and it's not that they have never lived in the Qin family.

Moreover, their wedding date is approaching, and they are about to become a legal couple.

Therefore, Li Xu didn't say anything, and readily agreed.

At night, Ji Yuanyuan naturally slept in the guest room.

Qin Mucheng slept in his own room.

This room is no stranger to Ji Yuanyuan.

So not long after lying down, Ji Yuanyuan's consciousness began to blur.

Ji Yuanyuan's sleep quality has always been very good.

Unless there is something in mind, otherwise, the speed of falling asleep has always been

is fast.

Just when Ji Yuanyuan seemed to be sleeping but not sleeping, there was a shrill sound of opening the door suddenly.

Ji Yuanyuan was suddenly awakened.

She opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling, not responding for a while.

When she reacted, there was a big living person lying beside her.

"I can't sleep." Qin Mucheng said pitifully.

Ji Yuanyuan came back to his senses, turned his body sideways, and faced Qin Mucheng: "Why can't you sleep?"

Qin Mucheng didn't speak, just lifted the quilt and wrapped himself in it.

Ji Yuanyuan laughed, stretched out his hand, and patted Qin Mucheng's cheek gently: "Then don't go back, just sleep here."

Qin Mucheng leaned forward, kissed Ji Yuanyuan on the cheek, and whispered, "Well, I will get up early tomorrow morning and quietly go back to my room, my parents won't know."

Ji Yuanyuan stretched out his hand and hugged Qin Mucheng's waist. After yawning, he closed his eyes with satisfaction: "Okay."

However, how could Qin Mucheng let Ji Yuanyuan sleep well?

His hands were dishonest under the quilt.

Ji Yuanyuan opened her eyes suddenly, she looked at Qin Mucheng and blinked.

Seeing Qin Mucheng's hand attacking the city, he was about to reach the highest point.

Ji Yuanyuan suddenly said, "I just found out today that Grandpa has aged a lot this year."

Qin Mucheng's hand froze and didn't move.

At this time, why mention grandpa?

"I mean, Grandpa definitely wants to see his great-grandson born." Ji Yuanyuan whispered.

While speaking, she had already stretched out her hand and led Qin Mucheng's hand to continue attacking the city.

Qin Mucheng endured it and whispered, "No, wait two years."

Although he didn't know what this was for, he always knew that Ji Yuanyuan's obsession with having children was very deep.

However, he did not agree with Ji Yuanyuan's idea.

Ji Yuanyuan is only twenty years old this year, and he is only a child.

How can you take care of another child when you are a child yourself?

What's more, she is still in school.

She has a big belly during school, what should her classmates think of her?

The most important thing is that the most suitable age for women to have children is actually between the ages of 23 and 30.

Giving birth too early is not good for Ji Yuanyuan's body.

All things considered, for Yuan Yuan's sake and for the sake of the child, Qin Mucheng didn't want her to give birth to a child too early.

"Forget it, I'm not interested anymore." After Ji Yuanyuan heard Qin Mucheng's words, his expression suddenly changed.

She took Qin Mucheng's hand out of her pajamas and said lightly.

Qin Mucheng did not expect that Ji Yuanyuan would

To actually do this, he looked at her in surprise, but for a while, he didn't respond.

Ji Yuanyuan closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

After a while, Qin Mucheng finally came to his senses.

He sighed, actually hugged Ji Yuanyuan honestly, and was about to go to sleep.

After waiting for a long time, Ji Yuanyuan, who didn't wait for Qin Mucheng to make any move, opened his eyes in disbelief.

She touched her hand down abruptly, then gritted her teeth and said, "Qin Mucheng, can you still fall asleep even though you are like this?"

Qin Mucheng opened his eyes innocently: "Didn't you say you're not interested? I won't force you, even in bed, I will respect your wishes."

Ji Yuanyuan looked at Qin Mucheng's face, and after a few seconds, she was sure that Qin Mucheng was serious, not mocking her.

Ji Yuanyuan wanted to cry but had no tears: Why does Qin Mucheng look more and more like a previous life.

With his temper, she couldn't even quarrel if she wanted to.

But fortunately, I know his heart in this life.

He does this because he loves

"Since you respect my wishes, then I want a child, why not?" Ji Yuanyuan softened his voice.

"You are too young. After three years, we will have children again."

"No, I can't wait any longer." Ji Yuanyuan said directly.

After thinking about it, Ji Yuanyuan decided to change his approach.

As soon as she turned over, she was propped up on top of Qin Mucheng.

"Brother Mucheng, I want to have a child. As long as you agree, I will promise you everything..." Ji Yuanyuan whispered in Qin Mucheng's ear.

However, before Ji Yuanyuan had time to move, Qin Mucheng slammed his whole body down: "Don't do these things, be honest."

Ji Yuanyuan was imprisoned by Qin Mucheng's arm, she struggled to earn it, but failed to break free.

Intimidation and enticing are not enough, how can Qin Mucheng agree?

Ji Yuanyuan's face was wrinkled.

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