The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 448: Sarcophagus sympathy

Four forty-eight sarcophagus mercy

"Ka ~" Ye Kong opened the sarcophagus and saw that Liu Ying's girl was lying quietly inside, and she did not know what spell she had been cast, but she seemed to be asleep.

Seeing her safe and sound, Ye Kong pulled away the other sarcophagi, and found three sarcophagi in front of him, with Wan Yang, Li Wei and Liu Ying lying inside, and the four sarcophagus behind were all empty.

It seems that the monks of the two dead yin sects have only arrested three monks so far, and the others are refined mortal corpses.

Ye Kong carefully covered the lid of the sarcophagus again, and then walked to the third sarcophagus, trying to wake Liu Ying, but at this moment, he heard the door opening sound from the door of the opposite house.

Ye Kong desperately thought about it, and quickly jumped into the third sarcophagus. Before the fat man Zhu Shun came in, the sarcophagus was silently covered.

While covering the sarcophagus, a golden-winged ant flew out quietly while taking advantage of the darkness.

The sarcophagus is new, there is no dirty smell inside, but it is filled with the fragrance of virginity on the body of the little girl, and Ye crawls on Liu Ying's body, and can't help but feel a sense of trance in her heart. This is probably the case with the two children's shoes. Inside the sarcophagus, it really is very creative.

Ye Kong and Liu Ying's heads are in one direction, one on their backs and one on their backs, and Ye naturally naturally touches the warm and slippery face, which feels very beautiful.

In fact, Liu Ying's thinking is awake. This is a secret technique of the dead yin sect. From the appearance, it is asleep, but in fact, the brain thinking and physical feelings are all there.

Liu Ying clearly felt that a person was pressing on her, and even she could feel the hot air hitting her face, neck, and ears ... she was so anxious that she thought it was that The fat man got excited, and wanted to go wrong before killing the dead.

However, Liu Ying didn't feel it, because the fat man had a round face and a shiny face. I didn't know how long he didn't wash his face. The face next to her face was relatively dry and felt sharp and angular ...

Do not know why, Liu Ying suddenly thought of that black-faced monk named Li Heizi.

Is it him? impossible.

Liu Ying immediately rejected this speculation. The Li Heizi was so timid as a mouse that she was scared away. How dare you follow me?

However, as the heat exhaled from that man's face became hotter, from accidental grinding to deliberate grinding, Liu Ying looked forward to the Li Heizi instead of the fat Zhu Shun.

Not only Master Eight, but also Li Heizi! I don't want that fat man! Liu Ying shouted in his heart.

God lives up to expectations. Later Liu Ying heard a black man whispering, "Hey, little girl, I'm here to save you, you should wake up soon!"

Although Ye Kong was moving his eyes, he knew that at a very moment, he immediately called out.

It's him! It really is him! God! Really that coward! At that moment, Liu Ying almost had the urge to cry, of course, if she could cry.

The fat Zhu Shun used her corpse yin sect secret technique to penetrate her body, and she has completely wrapped her consciousness. This spell is a bit like Ye Kong's determinant. She has perception but cannot control her body.

Isn't he a coward? How dare he follow in? Isn't he afraid? Liu Ying raised a lot of questions in her heart, but then she thought about the kid's nonsense again. Could he really be interested in me? That's why I tried to save me? Liu Ying couldn't help thinking about it.

I called, but I couldn't feel someone moving because the gold-winged ants had sneaked into the opposite room.

"Uncle, or I'll help you get the two monk-building monks into the blood pool first and practice first." Fatty Zhu Shun's voice came.

The low voice immediately alerted, "What do you want to do? The two monks are mine! You want to catch it yourself!"

Zhu Shun laughed and laughed ~ ~ Uncle, you have misunderstood me, I will help you with the preliminary refining, and never rob you, so you can always completely refining this silver corpse ... ... "

"Without your help, the old man, my silver corpse, will be refined. Naturally, I will go to the two monks who built the foundation. I will tell you, Zhu Shun, you will give me less sloppy eyes, and do your work with peace of mind!"

Zhu Shun laughed, "Uncle seeing what you said, if I lie to you, it would not be to death, in fact, I want to go back soon, there are a thousand corpses, and our task is completed."

The low voice believed Zhu Shun's words and sighed, "It's not as simple as you think. The elder Dawan Zombie Soul Array needs 100,000 stone corpses. Now the gap is very large. If we go back early, We're going to be sent out again to make stone corpses, so we might as well go back later. "

Overhearing Ye Kong, what a million dead corpses are actually needed for this 10,000 zombie soul array, that is the life of 100,000 mortals!

Ye Kong suddenly thought of the Nine Turns and the Spirit Formation. Compared with this 10,000 Zombie Devils Formation, the Nine Turns and the Spirit Formation could be regarded as a damaging peace? It seems that the so-called hurtful nature is purely Hu Yan.

However, the huge array of 100,000 zombies must be very powerful. When he goes out, he must quickly send a note to Cao Lao hair and ask his disciples to go out for inspections. .

Another thing that surprised Ye Kong was that the old Jiedan ancestor had a silver body. Think about the copper corpses being so powerful. The silver corpses are probably even more powerful. Be careful when you fight them right away.

Then I heard the uncle say, "Zhu Shun, it is the key time to completely refining the successful silver corpse. I will let you watch next. After you reach the Dandan period, it will be easier to refining the silver corpse. This Just be my reward. "

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