The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 450: Cut belly

Forty-five or zero belly cut heart

"No!" Ye Kong called out, lifted the hidden magic charm, raised the sarcophagus cover in one hand, and stood up, holding Liu Ying's hand in the other.

"Hurry up, we must stop the silver corpse from acknowledging the Lord." Ye Kong's voice made Liu Ying unable to pretend to die, and quickly climbed out of the coffin. In fact, when she responded to Ye Kong's kiss, Ye Kong knew she was awake .

They left the morgue and came to the morgue.

The room was bright and transparent, and when I saw it, it looked like a slaughterhouse. There was blood and blood everywhere, and human bodies were piled up everywhere. Some of the bodies were white and green. Ye Ye rolled up in the stomach even when she looked empty. Xiu Liuying couldn't help but retched.

The most eye-catching thing in the room was the huge blood pool in the middle. The blood in the pool seemed to be boiled. There was no air bubbles, and a strong **** smell permeated. An old man in gray clothing covered in blood was beating and struggling.

Seeing Ye Kong and Liu Ying come in, the fat man was frightened. He really didn't understand how this guy came in. Even if he kept following himself, there shouldn't be a twinkling to start the teleportation array.

"You! How did you get in here?" Asked Zhu Shun, a fat man.

"Does this question still make sense?" Ye Kong mocked.

"That's right, it doesn't make sense." Zhu Shun smiled. "You are defeated and you dare to die. Your greatest significance is to become a corpse!"

"It seems you are really stupid." Ye Kong ridiculed, "Since I dared to appear in front of you, it means that your means are not in my eyes, just lost ..."

"That's to find your old nest!" Liu Ying also hated the fat man, and now the interface is loud.

Ye Kong spread his hands and sighed, "Look, my stupid wife knows it, you haven't understood yet, alas, you are really not stupid. Those who are conspired by you are just stupid."

Listening to him calling his wife, Liu Ying's pretty face immediately appeared a thin layer of red mist, scolding this guy and talking nonsense in his heart, but thinking that he just kissed him so enthusiastically, and Xiao Nuoxi's heart was in a mess again. .

Zhu Shun listened to Ye Kong's scolding for being stupid, and was angry, and said with a smile, "Everyone thinks I'm stupid, but they were killed by me in the end, and you are no exception!"

Ye Kong shook his head. "That's because they are not only stupid, they are not strong enough."

Zhu Shunha laughed, "Good breath! You, the second floor of the foundation, think you are very powerful, so let me see your strength!"

After he finished speaking, another shot of his coffin was made by his wife. The zombies made by his wife were very obedient and came out flexibly. The arm that had been bitten before had grown out, exposing Bai Sensen's bones. The bones were full of Bloodstained, terrifying look.

"Your top grade flying sword is still with me, to see what magic tools you use this time! Hahaha!" Zhu Shun looked back at the 10,000 blood pools, his face was frozen, and he immediately ordered, "Hangle them!"

The zombie immediately screamed two harsh, screams and pounced. Zhu Shun hurried to the edge of Wanxue Pool and picked up a small silver bowl from the ground.

The bowl was filled with blood. As soon as Zhu Shun raised his hand, he poured the blood from the bowl to the ground, and then he did something startling.

I saw Zhu Shun holding the bowl in one hand and hammering his own chest with the other hand. After hammering it ten times, he saw a violent turning in his belly ... Vomit!

With a mouthful of Zhu Shun, his face was flushed with red. After a moment, he saw a red thing bigger than his fist spit out and landed in the bowl.

"Oh my god! It's his heart!" Xiao Xiu screamed awkwardly, and she had never seen a picture more terrifying than this.

Ye Kong knows that these eight achievements are the so-called cut-heartedness he heard just now.

In fact, this belly-cutting is the secret of the corpse yin sect, even if the general corpse yin sect is not, and it is too cruel, no one practices it.

In order to control a silver corpse, Zhu Shun practiced this evil skill. He had cut his belly many times before, and he finally used it today. After a while, the silver corpse will come out, use its own heart to perform a ritual ritual, and then recover the heart, and the silver corpse will recognize the Lord.

The blood and water in the Wanxuechi was getting more and more fierce. Zhu Shun knew that the time was up. When he had a silver corpse that was more powerful than Monk Jiedan, what were these two little bugs. He held his own heart and chanted a curse.

Ye Kong understood what the fat man was doing. This guy wanted to entangle himself with a copper corpse, and he went through the final refining and recognition process of that silver corpse.

Ye Kong didn't want to make a silver corpse anymore, but it was more arrogant than Jiedan's ancestors. If he really recognized the fat man, he would be more troublesome.

"Little zombie, want to haunt me too?" Ye Kong snorted coldly, took out a small black flag, and took a move in the wind, only to see a blue-white light group falling out.

When the light mass fell to the ground, a big, strong wolf appeared beside Ye Kong, scaring Liu Ying quickly back to someone.

Howling Wolf King hasn't come out for a long time. He flew out and immediately shook his body. Then he raised his head and yelled, "Oh ..."

The howling sound was ethereal and penetrating. It made people feel scared when they heard it, but it was not unpleasant. Liu Ying secretly went to see the wolf larger than himself, and was amazed. This Li Heizi actually has such a powerful fairy Pet, where does he come from?

"What is it called, work hard!" Someone impatiently slapped him on the back of a wolf. The wolf king's lyrical roar was interrupted, which seemed very unpleasant, but it didn't matter when he met the owner.

Seeing the eyes of Xiaofeng Wolf King, Liu Ying wanted to laugh. This blackbird is really brutal. He is so brutal to his own fairy pets. He was also brutal to himself in the sarcophagus just now. This must be a brutal man.

Although Xiaofeng Wolf King was dissatisfied, but he fought hard to fight. As soon as he came forward, he used his latest learned spell ~ ~ Extreme Cyclone Blade!

I saw the wolf king open his mouth, and several wind blades blurted out. Each of the wind blades was bright and transparent blue and white, about the size of a palm. Each wind blade was flying and spinning, so fast that it could not be seen by the naked eye. The blade of the windblade looks like a round blue-white disc.

The copper corpse is so tough that even the top flying sword wasn't cut off. Can these wind blades work? Liu Ying couldn't help worrying.

Sure enough, those wind blades were chopped on the copper corpse, and they were unable to crack the copper corpse's skin. However, those wind blades turned amazingly, and they did not stop hitting the bronze corpse, still flying.

Finally, Doraemon broke the hard skin of the copper corpse, the wind blade immediately penetrated through the body, and the black blood was splashing everywhere.

The howling wolf king worked in a single blow, immediately spit out a large number of wind blades, and swooped over the copper corpse.

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