Under the leadership of Dianqing, Liu Ji quickly broke out of the encirclement.

Tian Zhong asked with a puzzled expression, "The second in charge, why don't we start to surround and kill them?"

Tian Hu explained: "A Yan has received news that Four Seasons Town has laid a net of heaven and earth, and they can't escape.

"The eldest lady really had no strategy, and she knew that the Zhu family would grab the Stone of Confusion."

"The Zhu family is just a praying mantis."

Among the Shennong Inn in Four Seasons Town.

Fusu's injury was already healed, and Xiaomeng was tired and sweating.

"It's not too much of a problem for you to get hurt, go take a shower, I'm going to recover."

Xiaomeng was about to wipe the sweat on his forehead, but was grabbed by Fusu's small hand.

"What for!"

Xiaomeng's eyes widened instantly, and she glared at Fusu nervously.

She doesn't have much internal strength now, and if Fusu comes chaotic at this time, she probably won't have the strength to resist.

Fusu took out a handkerchief from his arms, then helped her wipe her sweat and said, "What are you so nervous about."

"If you dare to take advantage of the danger, I will return to the Heavenly Sect."

"How could I possibly take advantage of people's danger."

Fusu wiped the sweat on her forehead and helped her wipe the sweat on her neck and shoulders.

Xiaomeng sat in front of Fusu and did not dare to move, for fear that he would be touched by Fusu under his chaos.

Fusu looked at the medicine bottle thrown on the bed, then picked it up and shook it, and found that Xiaomeng really did not eat it.

"Drink it, it will not only help you quickly improve your strength, but also allow you to recover quickly."

Xiaomeng's face turned cold and said; "I said, we Tianzong don't need this thing."

"Heavenly Sect doesn't need it, doesn't mean you don't need it."

Fusu removed the cork and poured it into his mouth.

This is a mixture of his own blood and the Yin-Yang family's real human pill, which is definitely comparable to the elixir.

Xiaomeng looked at Fusu with a puzzled expression, didn't he let me eat? How did you eat it yourself?

Taking advantage of Xiaomeng's stunned, Fusu took her into his arms and kissed her red lips.


Xiaomeng pulled out Qiu Li and directly touched it at Fusu's throat, Fusu looked depressed, and almost kissed it.

Or a gamble?

Fu Su moved forward, suddenly felt a pain in his neck, and a blood stain flowed down Qiu Li Sword.

However, Fusu still kissed Xiaomeng.

With the hands holding Xiaomeng, Xiaomeng's body was directly attached to Fusu.

Fortunately, Xiaomeng let go of the sword, otherwise his trachea was likely to be punctured.

A quarter of an hour later, Xiaomeng hurriedly patted Fusu's back with his hand, and Fusu hesitantly let go of Xiaomeng.

Seeing that her cheeks were red, her eyes were tearful, and she stared at Fusu breathlessly.

Fu Su smiled slightly, and then put the Qiu Li sword that fell between the two to the side and said, "Do you want to take a bath together?"


When Xiaomeng stood up and was about to leave, he was pulled into his arms by Fusu again.

This time, Xiaomeng did not resist, but his eyes always looked away, and a pair of small hands that had nowhere to place had to protect his chest.

"After taking a bath, digest the medicinal effects!"

"You can let me go."

Xiaomeng's voice was not so cold.

The feeling just now is really indescribably wonderful.

She really wanted to do it again.

Realizing that something was wrong, Xiaomeng suddenly felt that her face was hot.

What I was thinking, I was obviously insulted by him just now.

Looking at Xiaomeng's red and pretty face, Fusu thought to himself, strike while the iron is hot, otherwise I don't know when it will be next time.

Fusu kissed Xiaomeng again, and after a long time, Fusu took Xiaomeng's hand and took it away from the evil position.

Xiaomeng's originally stiff body suddenly struggled.

"If I dare to mess around again, I'm really angry."

Fusu was helpless, so he had to continue to kiss Xiaomeng's red lips.

Half an hour later, Dasimei looked at the large tub in the room and said to himself with a depressed expression: "The water is cold, if you don't wash it, I will wash it myself." "

Bang bang!"

There was a sudden knock on the door of Dasimei's room, who was taking a bath.


"Sister Xiaohong, I'm Lianyi!"

"Is there something going on?"

"Is my brother back?"

"Next door!"


A wicked smile appeared at the corner of Dasimei's mouth.

Dare to waste my painstaking efforts, let you chickens fly and fight!

Bastard Fusu, he used to be so cruel to me, why was he so gentle with Xiaomeng, and there was no sound at all.

"Bang bang!"

"Brother, I'm Lianyi, Lianxin is awake!"

However, after waiting for a long time, no one in the room responded.

Lianyi hesitated for a moment and went back to her room.

She has not seen Xiaomeng yet, and she does not know that Xiaomeng lives next to her.

If he knew it was Xiaomeng, she would not have bothered them by giving her ten dares.

Xiaomeng in the room heard a knock on the door, suddenly froze, and said softly: "Someone is looking for you." "

Her room was cut off by her Taoist exercises, and outsiders could not hear the sound in the room.

"What is important that can make me give up enjoying the results of the battle!"


The next morning, Fusu, who was still sleeping, was suddenly awakened by the sound of birds outside.

Fusu touched Xiaomeng beside him, and as a result, he felt lonely.

He suddenly opened his eyes and saw that Xiaomeng had already dressed and was sitting on the edge of the bed meditating.

Was yesterday real, or was it a dream?

However, Xiaomeng's hair is loose, which should not be a dream.

"Bang bang!"

There was a knock on the door, Fusu got dressed, stood behind the door and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Husband-kun, six waves of enemies came in last night, all of which have been cleaned up by the shadow guards and Xiaomeng's maids."

Fusu frowned, did the farmhouse start?

Then he looked at Xiaomeng, who was still meditating, this will not take several days.

He somewhat regretted not reminding Xiaomeng.

Now is not a good time to absorb the medicinal effects, if this building is demolished, wouldn't it be very dangerous for her.

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