Yangzhou will be under the mountain, in Yang Ruihe's camp.

Yang Xiong and Yang Xi crouched in front of Yang Rui and the bed, crying incessantly.

Yang Ruihe's body was already very weak, but seeing the appearance of his two sons, he said with difficulty: "The boy does not flick if he has tears, look at your current appearance."

However, the two brothers could not care about Yang Ruihe's words.

Yang Ruihe's body, Duanmu Rong has been diagnosed, she can't do anything, she can treat the patient, but the person whose life has come to an end, she can't do anything.

Yang Ruihe is sixty-four this year, and he has been fighting on the battlefield for many years, leaving behind a dark illness.

"Compared with your eldest brother and second brother, you two are really incomplete, if they are, I can safely hand over the army to the two of them."

Yang Xiong said: "Father, I am willing to lead the army to conquer the land of a hundred crosses, and never disgrace the Yang family."

Yang Xi also nodded.

"Call Fusu Gongzi, I have something to ask him."

Yang Xi hurriedly ran out and went to call Fusu.

Xi Yan looked apprehensive, facing some people who were not familiar with Fusu, she could still pretend.

But Yang Ruihe is a veteran of the Qin Kingdom, he often discusses things with Fusu, can this be concealed from him?

However, before leaving, Fusu had already explained to her, Yang Ruihe would not pierce her, after seeing Yang Ruihe, find a suitable opportunity to inform him of the situation.

"How does the old general feel physically? I'll ask Miss Rong to give you acupuncture again."

Yang Ruihe shook his head, then looked at his two sons and said, "You two, go outside the door and show me!" "


The two wiped their tears and got up to leave.

"Xi Yan doesn't dare to hide Old General Yang!"

Yang Ruihe said weakly; "I found out the first time you came to see me."

"The old general knows everything, how can the slave be able to hide the old general's eyesight!"

"Did Gongzi go to Dongjun?"

Xi Yan was shocked in his heart, but he didn't expect that Yang Ruihe was on the front line, and he had heard about Dongjun.

"The slave doesn't know!"


Yang Ruihe smiled, and did not continue to ask.

The less people know about it, the better.

From his side, he took out a box and said, "This is the tiger talisman of the 200,000-strong army of Donglu, you keep it, and when the time comes, give it to Gongzi and let him transfer it to Your Majesty."

Xi Yan respectfully took the box in Yang Ruihe's hand, and then turned around and said, "Yang Xiong, Yang Xi!" "

The end is coming!"

The two walked into the big tent and bowed to Xi Yan.

"The 200,000 troops in the battalion, I will hand over to you to command, you must not dishonor the reputation of the old general, and if you are not decided, go to the big account of the Chinese army to consult with me."


Yang Ruihe looked at Xi Yan in surprise, he knew that all this was ordered by Fusu, but he did not expect that Fusu would give the military power to his two sons so easily.

With the help of his attendants, he sat up with difficulty, looked at Xi Yan and said: "Gongzi, the two of them are my sons, how capable they are, I still know very well, they can't command an army of 200,000, and 20,000 per person is enough."

Xi Yan looked embarrassed, this was explained by Gongzi, she did not dare to disobey Gongzi's order.

Yang Ruihe continued to explain: "Gongzi, as the commander of an army, only has a 50,000-strong army, and letting his subordinates command an army of 200,000 is not in line with Qin Law, Gongzi should take back his life and give them 20,000 each.

"Well, okay!"

Xi Yan had to do this first, and when Fusu returned, he would be asked to redistribute.

In the spring of 214 BC, Yang Ruihe died of illness in the camp of Huiji Mountain.

'Fusu' ordered that all the 250,000 soldiers in the camp wear linen and filial piety and send Yang Ruihe off.

According to Yang Ruihe's last wishes, Fusu went to the imperial court and allowed Yang Ruihe's body to be buried in his hometown with his two sons.

Yang Xiong and Yang Xi did not return to Xianyang with Yang Ruihe's coffin, and Yang Ruihe explained to them before he died, and after the world was stable, he would guard the tomb for himself.


"Prince Qiyu, the shadow secret guard sent four black dragon scrolls!"

Xi Yan looked surprised, why would he send so many at once?

She quickly called Shao Siming and Hu Ji Ji over.

"Young lady, the shadow secret guard sent four black dragon scrolls!"

The young master said: "The black dragon scroll is only used by the top secret of the empire, and there must be something important.

Orchid asked, "Do you two know how to open it?" Shao

Siming shook his head, and Fusu did not tell her how to open this.

However, Xi Yan nodded, "I know the password!" The

second daughter looked at her in surprise, but she didn't expect Xi Yan to know so much.

Xi Yan took the four scrolls and opened them.

But it was empty.

Xi Yan was surprised; "How could it be empty?"

Shao Siming and Hu Ji were also puzzled, the black dragon scroll was only used by important secrets of the empire, but they didn't expect it to be four empty.

There must be something wrong with this.

Xi Yan said in a deep voice: "Come, call me the captains of those four teams of shadow guards!" After

a while, the four shadow guards came to Fusu's big tent.

"See Gongzi!"

"Can there be an accident on the road?"

One of them explained: "Gongzi, General Zhang Wei has explained, the letter has been delivered!" "


Xi Yan frowned, what does it mean that the letter has been delivered?

"You guys go down!"


Xi Yan looked at the young master and asked, "Young lady, do you know the meaning?"

"I guess Zhang Wei should know where Gongzi is, otherwise he wouldn't have said that the letter had been delivered."

Zhang Wei gave the order before sending the shadow secret guard, which means that this letter has long been delivered to Fusu.

The three of them discussed it and felt that it should not be wrong.


At this moment, a soldier came to the outside of the big tent and said, "Prince Qiyu, Han Xin asks for a meeting!" The

three looked at each other, this guy has been doing his duty since he came to the meeting with the army, helping the rear army prepare food and grass.

Fusu also explained that he must keep an eye on him, and at the same time reuse him.

This is a good helper to be one's own person, and a very tricky opponent to be an enemy.

"Let him in!"

Xi Yan sorted out her emotions, turned her back to the door of the big tent, and wiped the Tangxi sword in her hand.

"Xiaguan Hanxin, I have seen the three ladies!"

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