Zhang Handan, who was in despair, closed his eyes slightly, waiting for death to come.

He did not expect that he would not die at the hands of the remnants of the Six Kingdoms, but would die in the hands of Luo Net.

Luo Net is the murder weapon of the empire, but I didn't expect it to become a personal tool in the end.

But this is no longer something he should worry about, he is now relieved.

The wind whistled in his ears, and he knew in his heart that as long as there was no river behind him, he would definitely die today.


Just when Zhang Wei was still about three feet away from the ground, suddenly a black shadow rushed over and put his arm around Zhang Han's waist.

But after losing too much blood, he was already confused, and he didn't feel that he was rescued at all.

On the cliff, after the salamander led the people away, Yan Le, who had been following Zhang Handan, jumped off the cliff without hesitation.

He received an order to kill Zhang Handan, but the shocked salamander knocked Zhang Han off the cliff, although she also jumped off the cliff immediately, and the shocked salamander's sword still had blood stains on it, but to ensure that Zhang Han was dead, he had to see Zhang Handan's body.

Yan Le stepped on the branches and stones protruding from the cliff, and reached the bottom of the valley in less than half a quarter of an hour.

He searched around for nearly half an hour, but did not find Zhang Handan's body, and a bad feeling rose in his heart.


Woo~" "Woo~"

At this moment, several wolves ran past him, and there were blood stains on the corners of their mouths.

Yan Le frowned, could it be that he was taken away by the wolves?

But this is the Central Plains, where did the wolves come from?

Yan Le followed the wolves, and on a large tree not far from where he was standing just now, there was a handsome figure half-crouching, dressed in a tights with a front and back, it was obviously a girl.

She smiled slightly, and then followed the wolves forward.

In a certain mountain col five miles away, this group of wolves stopped, and Yan Le, who was hiding behind, saw a dozen wolves eating a corpse, and he couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart.

The corpse was only wearing underwear, and its body shape was somewhat similar to Zhang Handan, but in order to ensure that this person was Zhang Handan, Yan Le decided to take a closer look at the body.


Yan Le, who had just taken a step with his sword, suddenly heard another wolf cry behind him, and his muscles all over his body tensed.

When he turned his head to look behind him, a strange wolf appeared not far behind him, this wolf was covered in silver hair, much larger than the previous ones, and his eyes were red.

He was sure that this wolf was definitely not easy to mess with.

But this is only for ordinary people, as a first-class killer, how can he be afraid of a wolf.

"Just stripped you and made a wolfskin coat for Gongzi."

"I want to peel you too, feed my silver wolf!"

And someone?

Still a woman.

Yan Le was surprised.

Why didn't he feel the presence of the other party?

Being able to hide her breath, it seems that this woman's strength is not low.

Yan Le searched for a long time, and finally found his target in a big tree.

The girl held a pair of ring knives in her hand and stared at herself very unkindly.

Ring knife!

What a weird weapon.

This thing is by no means from the Central Plains.

Yan Le was shocked in his heart, and he thought of a person.

According to the information provided by Luo Net, there was a woman using a ring knife next to Fusu.

Moreover, the order of the Chinese car house said that this woman came from the wolf clan of the north, the descendant of the moon wolf.

"You're Nuomin!"

"I didn't expect anyone to know my name."

The girl admits that she is Nomin.

Yan Le thought about it, if he started now, he might be able to kill this Nuo Min, but it was impossible for Fusu to send someone back.

She must still have helpers, or Fusu will come in person, this news is so important, he must go back as soon as possible to inform the CRRC government order.

"Want to go?"

Nuo Min waved his hand, and several wolves directly blocked his back path, and Nuo Min also jumped lightly to him not far away.

"You're looking for death!"

Yan Le's eyes narrowed, and the white jade in his hand suddenly crossed and rushed directly towards Nuo Min.


Two figures appeared directly behind Yan Le, and before he could rush to Nuo Min's side, two grappling hooks blocked his way.

Yan Le was shocked in his heart, this is a flying claw that turns the soul extinguished, specially used to restrict others.

How could they be here? The adults of CRRC Mansion have been looking for them for a long time.

Quickly flashed to the side and looked warily at the two people who suddenly appeared, they were both bobo heads, but one was dressed in blue and the other in purple.

The hairstyle and clothes have changed, but the appearance cannot be changed, these two are turning their souls, but they didn't expect that they would turn to Fusu.

"Two traitors dare to betray the order of the Zhongche Mansion."

Nuo Min sneered: "Luo Net is Daqin's murderous weapon, and the Six Sword Slaves also belong to Daqin, are you saying this, does Zhao Gao want to rebel?" A

cold gleam flashed in Yan Le's eyes, and the look in the eyes of the soul extinction was very wrong, and there was no trace of emotional fluctuations in their eyes.

He doesn't know the strength of this Nuomin, once he starts, it may be simple to win them, but it is difficult to completely annihilate, and once they are allowed to escape, Fusu will definitely find trouble.

Just when Yan Le couldn't make up his mind, another person walked out from behind a big tree.

She is still a woman, but this person's temperament is completely different from Nuo Min and the three of them, and her every move is very charming.

He had seen this person, and in order to contact the Northland Wolf Clan, Zhao Gao sent him to the Wolf Clan as a special envoy.

At that time, Touman happened to be attacking the descendants of the Moon Wolf, and this woman was the leader of the Moon Wolf Clan, Hu Ji.

However, he seemed to remember that this woman did not know martial arts.

However, in the next second, Orchid answered his question.

I saw that Orchid put his hands together and then operated, and a yin and yang pattern appeared on his hands.

"Yin-Yang family's, Yin and Yang handprint!"

Yan Le raised his eyebrows, he felt that Hu Ji had just learned.

But he didn't dare to gamble.

When Fusu got married, the Yin Yang family gave a lot of good things, maybe Fusu gave her one.

Nothing could be done, Yan Le had to withdraw, but Nuo Min and they were too lazy to chase.

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