Near Daze Mountain, Wang Li, who had originally besieged and killed the peasant masters, suddenly received an order from Hu Hai to lead an army to surround Siji Town.

Wang Li was already planning to make a move, but he actually let him evacuate Daze Mountain, and he couldn't help but feel a little confused in his heart.

Outside Four Seasons Town, Wang Li looked at Hu Hai and Zhao Gao with a gloomy face and said, "Gongzi, Lord Zhao, why did you let my army come here?"

Hu Hai explained: "General Wang, there is a big fish here, which is much more important than those rebels in the peasant family. "


Wang Li frowned, what a big fish, can be worth the farmer's house, even if the ghost valley and the Mo family combined, they can't compare to the farmer's household.

Not only are there a large number of peasant families, but their disciples are also all over the world, and if they can arrest all the hall masters of the peasant family, it is definitely more important to the empire than anything else.

Several people waited outside the city for nearly half an hour, and Cover Sun ran out of the city.

"Prince Qiyu, Lord Zhao, the Shennong Inn in the city, there are indeed a few people whose whereabouts are suspicious."

Zhao Gao's face sank, and he asked, "No specific news?"

"I can't enter the inn, the first floor and the second floor are guarded, and the black and white Xuanxuan also have no chance to enter the inn, they ask for a strong attack."

"Strong attack?"

Zhao Gao's face became even more gloomy.

If it is Fusu inside, they cannot storm anyway.

Zhao Gao looked at Wang Li and said, "General Wang, it's time to send troops to surround the Shennong Inn.

Wang Li nodded and said; Bai Tu, the army outside the city is handed over to you! "

Please rest assured!"

Wang Li left four generals, guarding the four city gates, Bai Tu was in charge of Dazhai, and he himself took three hundred armor-piercing soldiers, followed Zhao Gao and Hu Hai, and came to the outside of the Shennong Inn.

"Gongzi, who is this person?"

"Lord Zhao said it was Fusu."

Wang was taken aback.


Let me lead the army to surround Fusu?

You can figure it out.

You are trying to make our Wang family completely offend Fusu."

If the old man knew that he led the army to help Su, I am afraid that he would have to defend the Great Wall in the future.

Although their Wang family intends to support Hu Hai, they can't blatantly besiege the eldest son of Great Qin.

"Lord Zhao, it's a little inappropriate to lead so many people to besiege the eldest prince, right?"

"General Wang rest assured, this is not necessarily Fusu, if it is not the best, if it is, Fusu Gongzi appears here, but the crime of cheating, how can Your Majesty sit idly by?"

Wang Li raised his eyebrows, it turned out that they had hit the idea.

As the commander of the First Army, leaving the post without permission really angered His Majesty's anti-scales.

If it is not handled well, I am afraid that Fusu's life will be finished.

Chance, defeat Fusu, Hu Hai will have a chance to become a prince.

"Surround the inn and never let anyone leave the inn."

Zhao Gao's black and white Xuanxuan has been hiding in the shadows, dealing with emergencies.

Although they surrounded Fusu, if Fusu suddenly broke out and injured people, they must have enough strength to deal with it.

The third floor of the inn.

Fusu looked at Xiaomeng, who was still sleeping beside him, and couldn't help but feel a little surprised in his heart.

Since the two of them had a relationship, Xiaomeng has obviously had more opportunities to sleep.

She used to meditate to kill her evenings.

Now as long as he is here, she always puts her arms around herself and sleeps until she wakes up naturally.

Fusu took off the jade arm that was holding him, and when he was about to get up, Xiaomeng suddenly said: "Don't you sleep much?" Maybe you won't have that opportunity in the future.

"What, don't you plan to be responsible in the future?"

"It's that you're not going to be responsible."

Xiaomeng pulled Fusu, who had just sat up, into the bed again.

"I didn't say that, and I didn't intend to do it."

"People downstairs, how are you going to deal with it?"

Xiaomeng knew that Fusu was easily caught by others here.

The crime of cheating the monarch can be big or small, depending on what the government thinks.

If Zhao Gao and Hu Hai cling to Fusu, then he is really in danger.

"Aren't you going to dream of butterflies?"

Xiaomeng yawned, hugged Fusu and said: "Dream Butterfly can indeed teleport you away, but there is a limit in distance, and with Zhao Gao's ability, you can't escape at all." "

Xiaomeng's dream butterfly escape, can only teleport a distance of one mile, this distance is too close for Zhao Gao, at night is okay, this daylight, standing on the roof, you can see them.

Moreover, the city was full of Wang Li's army, and there was nowhere to hide.

Even if they are gone, what will happen to the rest of the people in this inn?

These people have all seen him, although the guards on the first floor and the second floor do not know that he is Fusu, but the people on the third floor can all know.

The more people she dreamed, the shorter the teleportation distance, and there were seven people on the third floor.

I'm afraid to teleport a maximum of one or two hundred paces away.

"Is there another way?"

"Didn't you think about the consequences of coming here?"

Xiaomeng was speechless.

Risking the crime of cheating, he came to Dongjun to kill all sides, and then expected her to give him a way to get out?

"Are you in danger, I don't worry about coming here."

"Do I still need your rescue? But if you think so, I have a solution.

"What way?"

"After His Majesty has beaten you into the cold palace, I ask him to let you join the Taoist family, and from now on follow me to practice, regardless of the world, maybe Your Majesty will agree, but those ladies of yours..."

Fusu touched a piece of Xiaomeng's intimate clothes from the bed and skillfully helped her put it on.

Two quarters of an hour later, Fusu pulled Xiaomeng to the first floor.

He looked at a few shadow guards and ordered, "Go and open the door." "


When Xiaomeng heard that he was going to open the door, he hurriedly wanted to shake off Fusu's hand.

"What are you doing, if I don't reveal your identity to Hu Hai, he will still have to think about it in the future."

Xiaomeng was slightly stunned, and then gave up the struggle.

She didn't expect that Fusu was still defending her at this time.

Xiaomeng's heart was inexplicably moved.

In any case, Fusu can't have an accident.

The prince can not do it, the prince can not do it, as long as the person is alive.

The door of the inn was slowly opened, and Hu Hai became more and more excited.

As long as it is Fusu standing behind the door, then he can smoothly sit on the position of prince.

However, when Hu Hai saw the person who came out, his heart suddenly burst into flames.

"Fusu, you dare to rob my woman!"

Hu Lai's face was as gloomy as water, and his hands creaked.

Silver teeth clenched, eyes round, staring at Fusu deadly, and Xiaomeng leaning on Fusu.

Damn Fusu, you are determined to die today, not only cheating, but also resisting the will and not doing it.

"Come, arrest Fusu for me."

Zhao Gao hurriedly persuaded: "Gongzi must not!" Zhao

Gao wiped a cold sweat, even if Fusu was guilty, they could not arrest it, they could only report this matter to His Majesty, and His Majesty would order it.

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