Outside Four Seasons Town, not long after Black and White Xuanxuan walked out of the city, he met Dasimei, Hu Ji, Nuo Min, and Zhuan Lu Soul Destroyer.

The two had a bad premonition in their hearts that these refugees were probably here to help Su get out.

"Yan'er, you go back first to inform the order of the Chinese Carriage Mansion, I am here to keep an eye on them."

Zhao Yan nodded, and when he was about to leave, two figures suddenly appeared behind them.

Wei Zhuang said coldly: "I heard that you are black and white Xuanxuan?

Gai Nie said: "Look at the appearance of their swords, you can't be wrong."

Yan Le glanced at Wei Zhuang coldly and said; We don't have time to entangle with you, Bai Tu, take them down!"

Bai Tu agreed, and when he was about to make a move, the Great Commander suddenly said: "Bai Tu, Fusu Gongzi has an order, and the 100,000 disciples of the peasant family have come to descend, for fear of causing trouble, let you maintain good public order, don't make a big mistake because of the small." As

soon as the words of the Great Commander fell, the peasant disciple suddenly pulled out his weapon, which shocked Bai Tu.

If these people take advantage of the opportunity to make trouble, his two thousand people will not be able to stop so many people.

He looked at the black and white Xuanxuan with a embarrassed expression, and Zhao Yan glared at Dasimei and said, "You are causing trouble for Fusu."

"I don't know if you can cause trouble, but you two have caused Zhao Gao a lot of trouble."


Wei Zhuang pulled out his sharktooth sword, threw away his coat and rushed straight over.


Yan Le took Wei Zhuang's sword hard, but his strength was not as good as Wei Zhuang, and he was forcibly pushed back a few steps by Wei Zhuang.

"You also deserve black and white Xuanxuan!"

"Don't be too rampant!"

Yan Lebi lost to Wei Zhuang in his strength, which made him feel a little resentful in his heart.

The jade sword in his hand kept waving, and every move and every style rushed towards Wei Zhuang's vital point.

Yan Le's wild attack surprised Wei Zhuang.

Unexpectedly, Yan Le's attack could also bring him some trouble.

"I'll take a look at the Sword Saint Ganie's high moves."

Zhao Yan pulled out his sword and directly pointed it at Gai Nie.

The four fought outside the city, which amazed all the masters present.

This can definitely be regarded as the pinnacle duel of swordsmanship.

There is not much difference in the swordsmanship of the four people, and they can cooperate in pairs.

Whether it was the Great Commander or several hall masters of the peasant family, they were amazed by the sword skills of the four people.

Tian Yan said in a deep voice: "Several hall masters, now you believe it, Black and White Xuanxuan does have the strength to kill the six elders.

Tian Hu said angrily: "These two people must not let them leave alive today, dumb slave, bone demon, you lead the disciples of the Qianyou Hall, give me to entangle Bai Tu's army, but try not to use weapons." "


Tian Yan looked at the Zhu family and Mei Sanniang and said: "Hall Master Zhu, Sanniang, you lead the disciples of Shennong Hall, Siyue Hall, entangle the defenders of the other three gates, don't let them come here." "


"Sheng Qi and Wu Kuang, two uncles, you take Kui Kui Tang, help these refugees rush out of a road, don't use weapons."

No weapons?

Sheng Qi felt that this matter was still the most suitable for him to celebrate, "Xia Kui, I want to borrow the celebration of Shennong Hall."

Tian Yan looked at the Zhu family and said, "Hall Master Zhu, is it okay?"


Tian Yan arranged it, and then watched the fight intently.

She found that her strength was still a bit far from the four people in front of her.

She wanted to study the swordsmanship of the four people well, maybe she would use it in the future.

The single strength of the black and white Xuanxuan is not comparable to Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang.

But the tacit understanding between the two joining hands is stronger than theirs.

For a while, none of them could help the other.

Just as the four were fighting, a group of people walked out of the city, it was Xiaomeng and her six maids.

Xiaomeng came to the Great Commander and said; "Gongzi asked me to take the Stone of Confusion away."

Without hesitation, Daishimei handed her the Stone of Confusion.

"Where is Master Xiaomeng going? Do I need a Zhang Han escort?

Zhang Wei came to Xiaomeng and looked at Xiaomeng respectfully.

Xiaomeng said: "No need, General Zhang is still needed here.

Xiaomeng rejected Zhang Han's kindness.

But she asked Zhang Han for a few fast horses, which is not close to Xianyang, and she doesn't know when she will go on foot.

However, when Xiaomeng was about to leave, Cover Sun suddenly blocked their way.

"Master Xiaomeng, you can leave, but the Stone of Confusion and these six maids can't leave."

Zhao Gao's order came here to intercept Xiaomeng, on the one hand, in order to capture Lianyi, who had escaped, and on the other hand, to retrieve the Stone of Confusion.

"Just because you alone, you dare to stop me?"

Xiaomeng glanced at him coldly, and the Qiu Li in his hand was unsheathed at some point.

"Then I will learn the strength of the head of the Taoist Heavenly Sect."

As soon as the words of Cover Sun came out, the four people of Dasimei, Nuo Min, and Zhuan Lu Soul Destroyer directly surrounded him.

"I heard that you have a very high status and strong strength in Luowang?"

Daishimei looked at him with disdain.

"Turning the soul to extinguish, you two dare to betray Luo Net."

Hu Ji said with a smile: "They just abandon the dark and turn to the light, and there is no future in following Zhao Gao." Cover

Sun snorted coldly, he didn't expect this scene outside the city.

Fu Su broke the jar and broke, intending to directly attack them.

"Our net is His Majesty's sword, if you dare to oppose us, are you not afraid that Your Majesty will blame us?"

"A sword that loses control, break it early, so as not to hurt yourself."

The Great Master ordered no more nonsense, and a Yin and Yang handprint attacked the cover sun.

The cover sun quickly used the internal force to resist the internal force attack of the Great Commander.

Watching Xiaomeng leave, the cover became anxious, and the attack became extremely fierce.

He wanted to fight off Dasimei as soon as possible, and then go after Xiaomeng.

But the strength of the Great Commander made his heart jump.

He thought that the five elders of the Yin-Yang family were also a first-class strength in killing.

However, through the fight with Dasimei, I found that Dasimei's strength is definitely not weaker than Tianzi.

The heritage of these old sects is really not ordinary strong.

But not long after Xiaomeng left, Xiaoyaozi quietly left.

Chi Lian, who was standing not far from Xiaoyaozi, said in a low voice: "Bai Feng, did you see it? Xiaoyaozi seemed to leave in the direction of Xiaomeng. "

I'll take a look!"

Xiaoyaozi went to chase Xiaomeng, not knowing what it was for.

If he went for the Stone of Confusion, then this Xiaoyaozi would have a big problem.

Xiaoyaozi's departure attracted the attention of many people.

Zhang Liang and Han Xin also took the opportunity to leave.

The battle between Black and White Xuanxuan and Ghost Valley has not yet been divided, and the side of the cover sun is almost unstoppable.

Dasimei's internal strength exceeded the understanding of the sun, and after fighting for so long, Dasimei's yin and yang spell marks were one after another, but she was not found to have any signs of decline.

He also had to pay attention to the people around him, and he was afraid that those women would sneak up on him while he was not paying attention.

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