Half an hour later, Xiaomeng's injury recovered.

She still has important things to do and can't afford to waste time here.

When everyone came twenty miles outside Xianyang City, Zhang Wei made everyone stop.

Zhang Liang asked puzzled, "Why didn't General Zhang enter the city directly?" "

You don't know about the situation in Xianyang City, now Xianyang orders Zhao Cheng, but Zhao Gao's younger brother, we can't enter the city so blatantly until we don't know if the other party has received Zhao Gao's order."

Han Xin said: "In my humble status, no one should notice me, I can go to the city to investigate."

Zhang Wei was speechless, "What about the sword behind you?" "

That's really just...

The sword of the Six Sword Slave is almost a household name in Xianyang.

If Zhao Cheng saw it, he would definitely be arrested and tortured.

Han Xin took the sword off and handed it to Zhang Wei and said, "You will help me keep this sword first!"

"Why aren't you leaving yet?"

Zhang Wei looked at Han Xin staring at him blankly, and his heart was full of doubts.

Is there anything else to account for?

"Your sword!"

Han Xin said expressionlessly.

"My sword?"



Zhang Wei looked depressed, what is the exchange...

It won't be that you want to use Zhengang and return my sword.

"Are you still worried that I lost it?"

"My submerged sword."

Zhang handed his sword to Han Xin with a dark face.

This bastard really knows how to do business.

Don't lose at all.

Han Xin went quickly and came back quite quickly, and came out in less than half an hour.

"The city is tight inside and out, and there are nets of eyeliner everywhere, and they are most likely waiting for their prey to be delivered to the door."

Xiaomeng, who was meditating on the side, suddenly said: "In order not to dream a lot at night, we need to see Yingzheng immediately after entering the city, otherwise, we may be attacked by Luo Net at night." "

There are few masters of Luo Net, they naturally don't need to worry, but they are afraid of what conspiracy Zhao Cheng plays.

"Boss, look at the person carrying the burden in front, he seems to be the third leader of Confucianism, Mr. Zhang Liang."

Zhang Liang, who was carrying the baggage, had just entered the city not long after he was targeted by the secret sentry of Luo Net.

"Follow him!"

Zhang Liang blatantly walked towards the direction of the palace, making these people more sure that there was something wrong with what Zhang Liang was carrying.

"Go and inform Lord Zhao!"

When Zhang Liang was about to walk to the east gate of the palace, Zhao Cheng led someone to block Zhang Liang's way.

"Mr. Zhang Liang of Confucianism, where are you going to go?"

Zhang Liang smiled and said, "On the order of Fusu Gongzi, I specially sent some of the words made by Fusu Gongzi in Songhai to his house."

Zhao Cheng's face sank, to send this thing, do you still need the three leaders of the Confucian family to personally send it?

"Recently, the remnants of the Six Nations have appeared in the city, and all suspicious items must be checked."

"Lord Zhao can think about it, this is Fu Su Gongzi's thing."

"His Majesty has an order that no matter who it is, it must be investigated."

Zhang Liang took off the baggage, handed it to Zhao Cheng and said, "Gongzi once explained that when he entered Xianyang City, who stopped who sent things to his house.

Zhao Cheng's eyes narrowed, is this threatening himself?

After he took the burden, Zhang Liang turned his head and planned to leave.


"Is there anything else going on with Lord Zhao?"

"Why are you going?"

"Of course it's Songhai, my things have been delivered."

Zhao Cheng opened the package and looked at it, and it was indeed full of books.

"I also want to trouble you to send this to Fusu Gongzi's Mansion."

Zhang Liang smiled and said, "What Gongzi ordered, how dare I disobey."

"You act like nothing happened today."

Just when the two were deadlocked, suddenly a fast horse ran over.

"Lord Qiyu Zhao, General Zhang Handan, and Master Xiaomeng of Taoism have entered the city, and they seem to be carrying a box and are heading towards the west gate of the palace."

Zhang Liang glanced at him with a smile, and Zhao Cheng was shocked in his heart.

He fell for the plan to move the tiger away from the mountain.

Things should be in Zhanghan.

Abominable Zhang Liang, I'll trouble you next time.

He threw the package to Zhang Liang and sped towards Ximen.

He had to verify the Stone of Confusion before Zhang Wei entered the palace.

Zhao Gao had already told him that on the stone of confusion, it was written that the first emperor died and helped Su Li.

If there are these words, the stone of confusion is real.

Zhao Cheng rushed to the west gate in a hurry, but he didn't know that Han Xin and Lianyi, with the real stone of confusion, had already entered Xianyang City.

The two teams of people, one bright and one dark, had already attracted all the spies of Luo Net.

"Slow down!"

Zhao Cheng ran to the west gate sweating, just as Zhang Wei and Xiaomeng walked to the door.

It wasn't so much that he happened to be as that Zhang Wei was deliberately waiting for him.

"Xianyang Ling, Lord Zhao, I don't know what is stopping us?"

Zhao Cheng said breathlessly: "General Zhang, I am under the order of Your Majesty to strictly investigate the passers-by here. "

Lord Zhao won't be trying to check on our shadow guard, right?"

Zhao Cheng hesitated and said, "Of course not.

"Do you want to check on Madame Gongzi?"

"What lady?"

Zhao Cheng involuntarily looked at Xiaomeng, is she Mrs. Gongzi?

"I'll check this box you guys have."

Xiaomeng said with a cold face: "The price of searching my things is very expensive. "

I have His Majesty's edict, even if Prince Fusu is here, I have the right to search."

Xiaomeng said, "Since Lord Zhao wants to pay the price, the thing will be handed over to you to present to Your Majesty."

As soon as Xiaomeng's words fell, the maid holding the box walked up to Zhao Cheng and handed it to him.

When Zhao Cheng was about to open it, Xiaomeng suddenly reminded: "I heard that the Zhongche Mansion makes adults have great powers and unfathomable skills, I don't know how many percent you have learned?" Won't give me something in the box that shouldn't be there, will it?

Zhao Cheng's hand shook.

He hesitated a little.

What if after opening the box, it wasn't a stone of confusion?

I won't frame myself for losing things.

Zhao Cheng looked at a guard beside him and said, "You open the box." The

guard trembled and opened the box, and inside lay a black tornado scroll alone.

Frightened, he plopped down on his knees.

Zhao Cheng was shocked into a cold sweat, what's going on with the Black Dragon Scroll?

Where is the Stone of Confusion?

On the streets of Xianyang City, Han Xin pulled a cart with Lian Yi and a cart of tree branches.

The two of them swaggered into the city, and no one intercepted them or followed them.

"Girl in Lianyi, where are we going?"

"Imperial Lieutenant's Mansion!"

Han Xin frowned, he didn't know where the Imperial Lieutenant's Mansion was.

And can you go to the Imperial Lieutenant's Mansion if you want?

"Why are we going to the Imperial Lieutenant's Mansion?"

"When my father was a Xiangbang in Xianyang, he was the closest to him, and if he wanted to see His Majesty, maybe he had a way."


Han Xin had to follow Lian Yi's guidance and rushed to the Imperial Lieutenant's Mansion.

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