The next morning.

When Fusu walked to the court, some ministers who did not know why were surprised in their hearts.

Is the war in Baiyue over?

But I have not heard of a large army returning to the dynasty.

Before the government arrived, these ministers began to talk about it.

Fusu suddenly appeared in Xianyang, for what.

Could it be that he specially came back to hold a crown ceremony and then canonized the crown prince?

However, what surprised these ministers even more was that Ying Zheng was late today.

This is something that is not always possible.

In their hearts, His Majesty is very diligent, and sometimes they have already come before His Majesty.

But today, for some reason, it has already been three days old, and the government has not yet come.

Everyone waited for another half an hour, feeling that something was wrong, so they asked the temple people to urge.

A quarter of an hour later, the refreshed, red, and smiling Ying Zheng walked to the dragon chair.

"Let you Aiqing wait."

Fusu looked at Ying Zheng's expression and was surprised in his heart.

His complexion changed, and he really used the medicine Xiaomeng gave her.

This is the best, at least he knows that the elixir cannot give him immortality.

Ying Zheng sat down, and Zhao Gao stood up.

"Your Majesty, the old minister wants to impeach Gongzi Fusu."


The minister of the DPRK instantly fried the pan.

Zhao Gao impeached Fusu, I am afraid that there is no good show again.

Fusu's rash return to Xianyang will definitely make some people nervous.

He Zhao Gao is one of them.

"What is Zhao Aiqing impeaching?"

Huan Zheng looked at Zhao Gao with a calm expression.

Yesterday, although Xiaomeng told him about doubting Zhao Gao, but there was no real evidence, how could he embarrass Zhao Gao.

You just need to be prepared for it later.

But I never expected that after Zhao Gao came back, he would still think about how to cure Fusu's crime.

"Your Majesty, although Fusu Gongzi rushed to Dongjun on orders, he wantonly killed Luowang masters in Dongjun, causing Luowang to suffer heavy losses, and also sheltered Gai Nie and Weizhuang in Ghost Valley."

"And this?"

Huan Zheng frowned and looked at Fusu.

Fusu stood up and said, "Father, there is indeed such a thing!

"Daring, Luo Net is for the empire, how can you say kill and kill."

Ying Zheng pretended to be angry and glared at Fusu.

Although Luo Wang helped him do many things, being able to kill Luo Net Killer shows that Fusu also has capable people in his hands.

Wouldn't it be better to gradually lose control of the current Luowang, clean up the portal, and then re-recruit a few people you trust?

However, protecting Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang, this is absolutely not allowed.

If he didn't explain it to himself today, he wouldn't be able to do it for a few days.

"Father, the emperor, the sons and daughters went to Dong County, but not for the sake of their sons and daughters, Baiyue occupies a disadvantage, mostly because my sergeant is not good at jungle combat, I went to Dong County this time to pull the peasant family under my command, and then with the help of the peasant family's 100,000 disciples, pacify Baiyue."

"As for wantonly killing Luo Net masters, I want to ask Lord Zhao, who did I kill?"

Zhao Gao gritted his teeth and said: "My daughter, son-in-law Hei Bai Xuanxuan, and two more cover the sun, Luo Net Six Sword Slave."

Almost all of Luowang's masters died in the hands of Fusu, which surprised Ying Zhengdu.

Are there so many capable people under Fusu?

Xing Soul, who was standing beside Ying Zheng, looked at Fusu with a frown.

This guy is ruthless enough, he actually destroyed so many masters of Luowang.

Luo Net is afraid that it will not be scrapped in the future.

The Eight Swords of the King of Yue have no life, and if he wants to reassemble, I am afraid that it is impossible every three or five years.

"Lord Zhao said that I killed the Six Sword Slave, but is there any evidence?"

"At the scene where the Six Sword Slaves were killed, the old minister saw the traces of the Giant Que Sword and the Ten Thousand Leaves Flying Flower, and Sheng Qi and Shao Si Ming were both princes, isn't this enough to explain the situation?"

"Lord Zhao's words are not right, the giant que sword is not false to Sheng Qi, but this Ten Thousand Leaves Flying Flower Flow, in the Yin Yang family, there is more than one young master, you met her on the spot?"


Zhao Gao shook his head, if he saw him, he would directly arrest them, do you need to wait until this time?

"Lord Zhao dares to frame the people of our Yin Yang family without real evidence?"

Star Soul glared at Zhao Gao with an angry expression.

Based on his own analysis alone, he dared to sue in front of His Majesty, which is really bold.

When Zhao Gao was about to explain, Fusu said again: "Father, the sons and daughters have evidence to prove that the Six Sword Slaves were not killed by my people.

"What evidence?"

Ying Zheng was also about to be confused by them.

A good early dynasty, almost their dialectical meeting.

"The Six Sword Slave's transformation and soul extinguishing can testify to me, and the Six Sword Slave was not attacked by my people, but was extinguished by the black and white Xuanxuan."


Zhao Gao looked at Fusu with a shocked expression.

Even if he turned to Fusu, he couldn't be framed like this.

However, what Zhao Gao didn't expect was that after Zhuanlu Soul was summoned to the court, he was convinced that the Six Sword Slave was unfavorable and was killed by Black and White Xuanxuan.

Fortunately, Katsuchi and Shaoji passed by there at that time and saved the lives of both of them.

Although the fighting venue left traces of Katsuchi and Shaoshimei, it was left by the battle with Black and White Xuanxuan.

Zhao Gao glared at the two of them angrily.

The Six Sword Slaves were cultivated by themselves, and they would lie for Fu Su.

Star Soul, on the other hand, saw some of the clues.

He found that the look of the soul extinction was abnormal.

A bit of a shadow of the Yin-Yang Family Soul Control Technique.

The corner of his mouth smiled slightly, this Zhao Gao is afraid that he is not going to plant it today.

If you turn around and destroy the soul and say some exciting news, I am afraid that it will not be directly pulled out and divided into corpses.

Not only does Star Soul think so, but many people in the dynasty have this idea.

But things backfired, although Zhao Gao did a lot of evil, he was loyal to Yingzheng.

He asked Hu Ji to interrogate the Soul Destroyer, and he couldn't ask for any useful value at all.

"Zhao Aiqing, do you have anything else to defend?"

"Your Majesty, the old minister let the Six Sword Slaves watch over the prisoners, and they deserved it."

Zhao Gao had to eat a dumb loss.

Turning the soul extinguishing to Fusu was something he had never thought of anyway.

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