"Lord Qiyu, the palace is suddenly under martial law now, the early dynasty does not end, and no one is allowed to enter."

When Zhao Cheng received the report from his subordinates, he did not pay attention to it.

It's no different from usual.

Unless there is any urgent situation that needs to be reported to His Majesty, the ministers of the upper dynasty can only be contacted after the end of the early dynasty.

"Take care of Xianyang Prison, no one is allowed to come near here."


Zhao became just in case, and transferred nearly two thousand city guards.

Two thousand people were crowded in this small Xianyang prison, and even if the other party had great skills, they could not escape.

Zhao Cheng yawned and went back to sleep.

His place is only two streets away, so if there is any movement, he can come in time.

When it was almost dawn, six black shadows suddenly came to Xianyang Prison not far away, observing the movements of Xianyang Prison.

These six people are Bai Feng, Hidden Bat, Moyu Qilin, Dasiming, Zhang Liang, and Han Xin.

The Great Commander explained: "Except for the people of quicksand, Zhang Liang and Han Xin are not allowed to use their swords, so as not to be recognized by them, and try not to kill people, after rescuing Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie, you quickly left the city, and there were Chi Lian and Nuo Min outside the city."

Everyone nodded, and after the Great Si ordered to leave, several people changed into the armor of the Qin army.

The Moyu Qilin can transform into anyone, which is their best breakthrough.

"I've seen adults!"

The soldiers at the door saluted Zhao Cheng one after another.

"Your Majesty wants to see Gai Nie, Wei Zhuang, you take the two of them out, I will escort them to the palace."


Zhao Cheng personally took away the prisoners, and these people didn't think about it so much at all.

Zhao Cheng looked at the hidden bat behind him and said: "Xiaozhao, you lead a hundred soldiers, press the two of them to wait at the gate of the palace first." "


After the hidden bat left with the people, Zhao Cheng came to the city gate with Bai Feng and a few soldiers.

"Open the gates, I'm going out of the city to do something."

The captain guarding the city gate asked with a puzzled face: "Sir, this is not yet the time to open the city gate.

"Do I still have to wait until the gates are open before I can go out?"

"No, no need."

The captain hurriedly ordered the soldiers to open the city gates.

At the moment when the city gate opened, Bai Feng suddenly used the six illusions of the phoenix dance to subdue the soldiers in front of the city gate at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, Mo Yu Qilin also quickly knocked out the dozen or so pawns behind him.

"Bai Feng, you go to support Lord Wei Zhuang, I'm watching here."

The white phoenix figure disappeared in a flash.

"Captain Xiao, why are we taking the trail?"

A centurion in charge of escorting Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang asked with a puzzled look.

Hidden Bat smiled strangely and said, "Because it's easy to do here!"

Before the centurion could understand what was going on, he was slapped unconscious by Zhang Liang behind him.

"There are assassins!"

Han Xin quickly cut off the iron chains on Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang's bodies, so that these soldiers could fight.

With a few of them joining forces, a hundred soldiers, it is not a problem at all.

However, the Great Commander ordered that no one be killed, and they did not dare to make a heavy move.

After they had solved these soldiers, the supporting soldiers had not yet arrived.

It was here that a large bird suddenly flew over their heads.

Bai Feng, who was standing on the big bird, waved his hand at the people below, and Zhang Liang, Han Xin, and Hidden Bat quickly withdrew here.

Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang, jumped on the big bird, and flew away.

After Zhao Cheng, who was pretending to be a Moyu Qilin, received Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie, the Great Commander who was hiding in the shadows quietly came to the gate of Zhao Cheng's mansion.

Da Si Ming estimated the time, felt that this was almost the same, and knocked directly on Zhao Cheng's mansion.

"What kind of man, this morning, let no one rest."

The guard who guarded the door poked his head out from behind the door, saw a big beauty in front of him, and quickly wiped the eye feces from the corner of his eye.

How can there be a beauty coming to their Zhao Mansion in the morning, could it be that the adults have taken peach blossom luck?

But, my lord, cough, he's a eunuch....

"Am I good-looking?"

The corners of Dasimei's mouth turned up slightly, and he ruffled his hair.

The guard nodded frantically.


A sudden big slap directly fanned him out.

"Assassins, there are assassins!"

"I'm Daishimei!"


Those soldiers who rushed over, as soon as they heard the name of the great master, instantly broke out in a cold sweat and stopped their figures.

Lady Gongzi, the elder of the Yin-Yang family.

They're in trouble.

"What are you doing stunned, hurry up and report to me."

"Yes, yes, ma'am, wait a minute!"

These soldiers quickly ran towards Zhao Cheng's residence.

After a while, Zhao Cheng, who looked confused, shook his body and came to the door.

He is Xianyang Ling, and these guards are afraid of the order of the great master, but he is not afraid.

"Madame, what is she doing here early in the morning?"

Da Si Ming said coldly: "Fusu Gongzi is worried that the two felons have escaped, so he specially asked me to take a look." "

Escape? How can they escape, what is Xianyang Prison, how can they escape, please rest assured that Gongzi and Gongzi's wife can rest assured, I dare to guarantee with my life, they will definitely not be able to escape.

But as soon as Zhao Cheng's voice fell, a soldier ran over in a panic.

"Lord Qiyu, the prisoner has escaped!"

"Which prisoner escaped?"

Zhao Cheng hurriedly asked.

"Wei Zhuang, Gai Nie!"


Zhao Cheng was shocked.

There are so many prisoners in Xianyang Prison, why did the two of them escape?

"More than two thousand soldiers guarded, how did they escape?"

"Sir, just now you took the soldiers to raise the prisoners, saying that His Majesty wanted to interrogate them personally, so you took them away, but the adults had something on the road and suddenly left, and the prisoners took the opportunity to escape."

"When did I go? What do your dog's eyes see.

"Sir, all the soldiers guarding Xianyang Prison have seen it."

The soldier was terrified.

I'm afraid it's not, Zhao Cheng wants to find a substitute for the dead ghost, and then deliberately pretend to be confused.

"Take me to see it."

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