Hu Hai glared at Fusu with a depressed expression.

How so?

Is it so easy to fight a war?

He had previously defeated the Hu people in the north, and was married by his father and crowned prince.

Now that the battle has been won in Baiyue again, or is it a victory without suspense, what will be rewarded this time?

"Your Majesty, Meng Li led an army of 200,000 and entered the Lishan camp, waiting for His Majesty to summon him!"

Huan Zheng was surprised: "Fusu, who is commanding the 100,000-strong army of Baiyue?" "

Han Xin, when the son was in Songhai, he discovered a wizard of the army, although his ability is not as good as that of Wu Anjun, but it may be no problem to cultivate it and catch up with General Wang Chui."

Catch up with Wang Yi?

Ying Zheng was speechless for a while.

Now that Baiyue has been pacified, what kind of war can allow him to surpass Wang Yi.

Could it be that he was transferred to the Northland?

The minister of the DPRK was also confused.

Who is Han Xin? They haven't heard of it.

Li Si reminded: 'Your Majesty, it is really inappropriate to hand over an army of 100,000 to an unknown young general. The

imperial lieutenant stood up and retorted: "Lord Li does not understand military affairs and cannot command blindly, after all, Prince Fusu won the battle in Baiyue, and he knows the situation in Baiyue very well, I believe that Prince Fusu is well thought out."

Meng Yi also said: "Your Majesty, the minister believes that the vision of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is definitely not simple to be entrusted with a heavy task by the Crown Prince.

Fusu said: "The son left him an army of 100,000 to let him attack the country of Yelang, and he also promised me that within three months, he would capture the entire territory of the country of Yelang, capture the king of the country of Yelang alive, and escort him to Xianyang." "

Yelang Country....

Everyone was shocked again.

Some of the strangers have never heard of this name.

Ying Zheng asked: "Yelang Kingdom has always been self-defensive and rarely sets foot in the Central Plains, why did Wu'er attack Yelang?"

"Father Emperor, the sons and daughters will not only attack Yelang, but also attack the Qiang tribe in the west of Yelang and the Mauryan Dynasty in the southwest."

What the hell is the Mauryan dynasty?

Everyone looked confused.

Where did Fusu Gongzi hear about it.

Ying Zheng asked, "Where is the Mauryan Dynasty?" How have I not heard.

"Yelang can reach the Mauryan Dynasty more than two thousand miles to the southwest, and it is said that there are no less than 20 million people there."

"Twenty million..." Everyone

looked shocked.

How can there be so many people.

Our Daqin has a population of about 20 million.

"Wu'er really said this?"

"Father and Emperor, the sons and daughters are now unable to think about the situation on the front line, and it is also tiring to deal with this intrigue between the DPRK and China every day."

"Come on, pull those six sluts out and divide the corpses for five horses."

Whether they have a relationship with Hu Hai or not, this matter has already touched his bottom line.

The people taken away from Huhai Mansion, he did not believe that it was arranged by Fusu.

Just stunning themselves at them is enough for them to die 10,000 times.

For the execution of six concubines by Ying Zheng, Fusu had nothing to say.

Just now beat Hu Hai a few times, he has already explained that killing and not killing, a few beatings are nothing.

Ying Zheng was reluctant to kill, how could he kill Hu Hai.

But this guy is quite resistant, he used internal force just now, and he didn't expect Hu Hai to stand up.

Fu Su looked at Hu Hai and said, "Eighteenth brother, I said just now, beating you is angry for Concubine Hu, you actually found some women for the emperor, I don't know if Concubine Hu will lock you up."

Hu Hai's body trembled.

Fusu actually wanted to sue him.

His mother and concubine are still there, and he actually found a woman for his old son....

Hu Zheng darkened his face and said, "Hu Hai, punish you for not leaving the palace gate in the future, not participating in imperial politics, not contacting ministers, and serving your mother and concubine well."

"Father Emperor..."

Hu Hai instantly collapsed to the ground.

The father did not trust him, and everything was passed in one fell swoop, and the punishment was directly given.

Li Si looked at Hu Hai and sighed.

In the future, it seems that it is necessary to distance himself from Hu Hai.

"Father Emperor, the sons and daughters want the father emperor to withdraw the decree on the sons and hundreds of families."

Huan Zheng frowned and asked, "Why?"

"The cause of the matter has also been understood, my teacher Chun Yuyue joined forces with several great Confucians, wanting to get the father to abolish the county system and replace it with a sub-sealing system, but this has nothing to do with the sons and hundreds of families."

"How does it not matter, if it were not for these doctrines to mislead people, how could they say such things? You don't know how many of the anti-Qin forces are disciples among the hundreds of families.

"Father Emperor, among the hundreds of sons and families, there are also many who have turned to my Daqin, and if you do this, won't it chill their hearts."

Li Si said: "Your Royal Highness, if this matter is benevolent, it will definitely bury the root cause of the disaster at that time.

"Such a radical approach, Lord Li has already angered the people of the world."

"Who among the Seven Kingdoms dares to disobey, the Great Qin Lion Million, and who dares to resist!"

Fu Su said categorically: "No one dares, but how long can the father and emperor hold down?"

Li Si hurriedly said: "Your Royal Highness, Your Majesty is an immortal body, how can you say this."

"Father thinks so too?"

"Isn't it?" Ying Zheng's face sank.

Fu Su looked at the Star Soul and said, "National Master, trouble give my father the elixir refined by the Yin Yang family."

Star Soul took out a box from his body in confusion and handed it to Fusu.

After Fusu took it, he opened it and saw that there were indeed a few pills inside.

"Father Emperor definitely can live forever with this thing, then eat it as much as you like in the future!"

Ying Zheng's hand couldn't help but shake.

Since eating the elixir given by Xiaomeng, his body has gradually become stronger.

This is an effect that elixirs cannot achieve.

But there is only one elixir.

Elixir...... Elixir....

It's hard to choose.

When Star Soul saw Ying Zheng hesitate, he had already determined in his heart.

Ying Zheng questioned the elixir of the Yin-Yang family.

Fu Su continued: "Father Emperor, Lord Li has followed his father for decades, and his hard work is high, and in the future, Daqin cannot be without Lord Li, and the sons and daughters petitioned to reward Lord Li with a few pills to assist the father emperor to continue the Great Qin Dynasty.


Li Si rolled his eyes.


How dare he eat.

Except for His Majesty, who does not know that the elixir is a lie.

"Li Si, these immortal pills have been rewarded to you, help me protect Daqin."

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