"Paper can be used to write words."

"Isn't the bamboo Jane used well?"

Xiaomeng was puzzled.

Look at the things that Fusu wrote, it must be very complicated.

Is it necessary to look far and near?

"There are too many uses for paper, such as these dozen bamboo tablets in front of me, if you use paper, it may weigh less than one of your hands."

Fusu said, dragging Xiaomeng's hand and weighing it.


Xiao Meng sat up straight.

"Are you sure the husband didn't say brocade?"

"Of course not, although brocade is good, it is not easy to write too small words, and it is still a little difficult to carry compared to paper, and the price is also very expensive, not easy for ordinary people to use."

"The paper that the husband said is so that ordinary people can use it?"

"Well, not only can ordinary people afford it, but there are also many uses, such as burning paper money for dead people, wiping their farts, wiping their mouths after meals..."

Xiaomeng rolled her eyes.

Can this be confused with wiping your mouth?

It's disgusting to think about.

"Husband, how do you know so much?"

"I know much more than what you see, let's change the way today."

Early the next morning, Fusu gave up the morning dynasty again.

At noon, Fusu, under the service of Lianyi, Xiaomeng, Shaoshimei, and Dasimei, got dressed and followed him to Chunyuyue's house.

After Chun Yuyue was condemned by the Nine Tribes, this place became vacant.

Fusu unceremoniously occupied this place.

Lianyi asked curiously, "Husband, what are we doing here?"

"This is the paper mill from now on."

"Paper mill?"

The crowd simply did not ask.

Not what they wanted to know anyway.

Under Fusu's guidance, the peasant disciples began to get busy.

Tian Yan never expected that their peasant disciples, in the hands of Fusu, would actually do this...

First salt production, then paper.

What are you going to do next time?

Peeling, mashing, steaming, fermenting, beating...

It was a long process, and Fusu didn't expect it to be completed in a day or two.

Only if the preliminary work is prepared first.

"Prince Qiyu, Confucian Zhang Liang asks for a meeting!"

Fusu frowned.

Zhang Liang did not do a good job in assisting Meng Tian in clearing the Hu tribe in the north, and ran back to Xianyang to do something.

"Zhang Liang has seen His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

"What is the subroom doing when you come back?"

Zhang Liang's face was extremely ugly, "Your Highness, Your Majesty has ordered the collection of the teachings of the Hundred Schools of Knowledge, and the ancient books and famous books want to be burned to force the people of the Six Kingdoms to learn Qin Law, isn't Your Highness worried about them rebelling?"

"Zifang, don't open your mouth and shut up the people of the Six Kingdoms, the Six Kingdoms are dead, they died a few years ago, do you still want our Daqin's army to be on the side of the Qingqing?"

Zhang Liang frowned, he didn't expect Fusu's attitude towards him to change.

Without waiting for Zhang Liang to answer, Fusu continued: "Zifang, those books that were collected are all piled up in my mansion, and there is nothing you said to burn."

"His Highness said in front of His Majesty that he would burn these books."

"That was a year later."

"Isn't it going to burn down in a year? What's the difference from burning down now?

Fusu said coldly: "Zifang, if Han Wang An unified the land of these seven countries back then, do you think he would allow others to learn languages other than Korea?"


He couldn't answer this question.

Although I know what other people will think after unifying the six countries.

"Sub-room, unified writing is inevitable, what I want to do now is to use the unified text so that you can learn those things you like, but it will definitely not dominate."

"Now that the DPRK has begun to formulate a scientific examination system, when the time comes, the people of the whole world, who want to serve as officials in the Qin State, must learn unified things."

"Since you are here, I want to borrow your mouth to inform those anti-Qin elements of the Six Nations that after a year, if they are not satisfied, they can raise troops at any time, but now, who dares to move, I will be the first to not let them go."

"A year?"

Zhang Liang's heart was depressed.

He is not the leader of these people, for a year, what excuse do he have to say?

"Zifang, I have already arrived at the Lishan camp with an army of 200,000 people who have collected Baiyue, if anyone dares to rebel, I will let them know the consequences."

"Your Highness, after one year, can you guarantee that these books will be returned to them?"

"No, not only can't, I'll let them burn themselves!"


Zhang Liang was puzzled.

Didn't Fusu understand what he meant?

Now those forces that secretly want to oppose Qin have begun to collude with each other.

If Fusu could not handle this matter as soon as possible, it would not take a year for them to rebel.

"Because you don't need it."

"How could it not be used? That's their lifeblood. "

Some of the sons and daughters have been passed down for nearly a thousand years, some have been passed down for hundreds of years, and some have been passed down for a hundred years, how can they not be used.

Once their doctrine is abolished, can these people not resist?

"Because I've already thought of a replacement, and in a year, you'll happily burn these books."

Zhang Liang was speechless for a while.

Let them burn happily?

It won't be sending hundreds of thousands of troops to watch them burn.

"Your Highness, can you reveal what way you plan to use to calm the emotions of the hundreds of families?"

"What happened a year later, now I tell you that you don't understand, and now I can only use soldiers to appease."


the end, it's still strong."

Zhang Liang somewhat regretted agreeing to help Su and help him fight the Hu clan.

If you continue to play like this, Daqin will be finished.

"Zifang, in a year, not only will I come up with a way to replace those books, but the first imperial examination will also be held."

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