Fusu looked surprised, "Your uncle? Chang Wenjun?

"It's not Changwenjun, it's the uncle of the Chu royal family, Xiong Xin!"

Fusu frowned.

The name Xiong Xin was all too familiar to him.

Xiang Liang rebelled and elected Xiong Xin as the king of Chuhuai.

This guy is hiding here.

After the mind control spell of the Great Commander was completed, Fusu asked, "Are you Xiong Xin?"


"Selling fine salt in private everywhere, but telling others why they only sell Qin people?"

"In order to let the people of the Six Nations rebel against the tyranny of Qin."

"Is it related to you that Surabaya County took the lead in spreading the ban on salt sales?"

"It was I who sent people to intercept the messenger of the will, and then burned the divine decree and controlled the messenger of the decree."

"How is it controlled?"

"The Yin-Yang family's mind control technique!"

Yin-Yang family?

Fusu frowned.

The star soul is in Xianyang, and the only one who can help Xiong Xin do things is the moon god.

No, there is also a fish that slipped through the net.

Mrs. Lao Xiang, Minister of Yin and Yang Family Water.

Previously, he asked the peasant disciples to look for Mrs. Xiang, but found that there was no one in Xiaoxiang Valley.

"Who helped you from the Yin-Yang family?"

"Mrs. Xiang."

Dasimei was surprised.

Why did Mrs. Xiang help the remnants of the Chu State.

"Why would she help you?"

"I don't know, she found me and asked me to do this."

Mrs. Xiang!!

Fu Su snorted coldly.

"Do you have private soldiers?"

"Yes, in the Hengshan Mountains, hide these 50,000 armored soldiers."

Fusu raised an eyebrow.

Fifty thousand armored soldiers, really planning to rebel.

"Who are you with?"

"Jiujiang County Shou Yin Tong, Surabaya County Shou Gong Ao, Hengshan County Taishou Wu Rui."

Fusu was stunned.

Is this Nima considered to be all the catch?

It seems that three thousand people will not be able to cope.

The other side has 50,000 soldiers, supported by three counties, and I don't know how many of the county guards are their people.

"Do you know the whereabouts of Mrs. Xiang?"

"She lives on the top of Hengshan."

Tian Yan said in a deep voice; "Husband, I'll go and get her."

"Don't hit the grass and startle the snake, let's press the soldiers first, lest the other dog's jump off the wall."

If they raise troops at this time, there will definitely be many people who will respond to them.

After Fusu sent Xiong Xin back to Shen's mansion, he wrote a letter asking Tian Yan to bring back to Xianyang, and at the same time bring Chitaki and Shaoshimei with him.

Early the next morning, Fusu got up early, intending to walk around Shouchun City.

"Gongzi, the big thing is not good."

Yu Ji ran to the inn sweating profusely and brought bad news to Fusu.

"Lord Meng Fu was arrested by the county guard Gongao of Surabaya County."

"Are you exposed?"


Fu Su frowned, Meng Fu was openly responsible to mobilize grain, but he didn't expect Gong Ao to be so bold and dare to detain Xianyang Ling's son.

"Dasimei, you are here to monitor Shen Yuan."


Songhai City.

Since the owner of an inn, Yu Ding, was killed, this place has been taken down by a man named Qian.

This unexpected group of people gathered here today.

Zhang Liang, Wei Zhuang, Gai Nie, Gao Wanli, Shao Yu, Xiang Liang, Fan Zeng, and others.

Gai Nie asked, "Zifang has made great achievements in the Northland, why did he come to this Songhai City?"

Zhang Liang said: "I came to be a lobbyist." "


Everyone looked surprised.

Come here to persuade something.

It won't be to persuade them not to oppose Qin, right?

"The doctrine that Ying Zheng ordered the collection of the sons and daughters of the hundred families must be very clear to you."

Gao Wanli said: "Of course, Tyranny Qin is digging his own grave.

"Fusu promised me that he would settle this matter in a year."

"A year later?"

Gao was speechless for a while, and a year later, the books were burned out.

Shao Yu said: "What guarantee does Fusu use, our books are burned out, how can we guarantee it?"

Zhang Liang explained: "Now that the books are only collected and placed in the imperial womb, they have not been burned, and Fusu said that he will copy all the teachings of the sons and hundreds of schools within a year."

"And this matter, Ying Zheng has already agreed, so I advise you to stand still for the time being, and do not seek your own death."

Gao Wanli, Shao Yu, Xiang Liang, and Fan Zeng's brows frowned.

Are they all bullied to this extent, and they still don't move?

Gai Nie saw that several people scoffed at Zhang Liang's suggestion and reminded: "Our Ghost Valley is now neutral, everyone, we need to be cautious in our actions, Fusu has just won the Battle of Hundred Yue, and the morale of his subordinates is strong, and you have no chance of victory."

Wei Zhuang said: "Fusu has always been able to do what he says, since he promised, why don't you wait?"

Shao Yu said, "We have contacted more than a dozen anti-Qin forces, and we are about to..."

Fan Zenggan coughed twice and interrupted Shao Yu.

What kind of occasion is this, can this kind of thing be said?

Zhang Liang was obviously on Fusu's side, and the two of Ghost Valley also showed their attitude, and they didn't help each other.

Once this matter leaks out, I am afraid that it will cause immeasurable losses to the Allies.

Zhang Liang looked at several people with a shocked expression.

These people really can't sit still.

"I advise you not to act, otherwise you will regret it."

"Mr. Zhang Liang, this is a matter for our soldier family and the Mo family and the nobles of the six countries, so you don't bother."

Zhang Liang was speechless for a while.

How much these people believed in themselves in the first place, why did they not listen to advice at this time.

If Fusu is so easy to deal with, he Zhang Liang will still turn to Fusu?

He also wanted to avenge Korea, but he couldn't fight Fusu.

To fight to the end, there is only one way to die.

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