"Quickly retreat!"

Fan Zeng, who was crowded in front of the city gate, reminded Shao Yu beside him.

Because a man appeared on the city tower.


Standing on the castle tower with a sword.

Look for prey outside the city.

However, fortunately, Fusu did not find them.

After the two left in a hurry, Fusu discovered his target.

Wei Zhuang of Ghost Valley, Gai Nie, and Chilian of Quicksand.

Fusu jumped directly off the city tower, frightening the people around him to flee.

It's okay to jump down so high, it must be a bad character.

Gai Nie bowed to Fusu, "I have seen His Highness." Wei

Zhuang and Chi Lian had no intention of saluting.

However, Fusu did not mind.

"Do you participate in creating rumors, spreading false divine wills, and privately recruiting troops to prepare for rebellion?"


Fusu nodded, "Bai Feng said the same. The

corner of Wei Zhuang's mouth twitched.

Bai Feng, Hidden Bat, and Mo Yu Qilin did not come out, it seems that they have been arrested by Fusu.

Wei Zhuang said respectfully: "This matter has nothing to do with Ghost Valley and quicksand, and I hope that His Highness can release the three of them." "


Fusu sneered, "Yes, yes, but I want to borrow someone from you."

Wei Zhuang asked with a wary look, "Who?" "

Moyu Qilin!"

Wei Zhuang frowned, what did Fu Su borrow the Mo Jade Qilin for?

Mo Yu Qilin's ability Fu Su should know.

He wouldn't want Mo Yu Qilin to pretend to be someone else, right?

"If His Highness borrows something from her, maybe I can do it for me."

"There are some things you can't do for you."

"Okay, I'll tell her about it."

Fusu waved his hand at Yu Ji on the city tower.

Yu Ji gulped; "Open the city gate and let in the people of Ghost Valley and Quicksand."

After the city gate opened, several people walked in without hesitation.

Fusu did not directly strike, which shows that there is still a little trust in them.

Following Fusu to the prison, Wei Zhuang was not relieved to see his three subordinates.

Fortunately, Mo Yu Qilin was not hit hard, and Bai Feng was fine.

It's just that the hidden bat is not lightly injured, but this is already the best result.

Wei Zhuang ordered the Moyu Qilin when he was about to leave with the others.

"Several, I have important things to do, trouble a few of you to stay here for a few days, good wine and meat treats."

Ganie: "!!!! Wei

Zhuang: "!!!! Chi

Lian: "!!!! "

It's so shameless to trick them in."

Several popular gritted their teeth.

But I can't help Su what it is.

Once there is a conflict with Fusu, it means anti-Qin.

This bastard is playing tricks.

Watching Fusu take the Moyu Qilin away, everyone was speechless for a while.

"How about I go out and see what's going on?"

Chi Lian scanned the circle and found that there was not a single guard here, and there was no guard outside the door.

Wei Zhuang said coldly: "He wants us to go out." "

As long as they step out of here, Fusu has an excuse to give them a crime."

Ganie said; "Just stay here for a few days, we don't want to get involved in the outside thing anyway."

Fusu came to the county seat of Jiujiang County.

It was found that the door was also closed.

He had a bad premonition in his heart.

Fusu found a place where there was no one and quickly rushed to the head of the city.

I saw that the city was full of soldiers, and the direction they were facing was the inn where he was staying.

The identity of the Great Commander has been exposed, what is going on?

Countless bows and arrows were aimed at the inn, and there were even a few bed rages.

Yin Tong was leading his soldiers to attack the inn.

"The people inside listen, as long as you give up resistance, I will not embarrass you, I know your identity."

"If you want to get me, you have to see if you have the skills."

Dasimei's voice came from the inn, with a slight anger in his tone.

Yin Tong laughed, "After being hit by the water poison of the Yin Yang Family Water Department, your current strength is greatly reduced, it is better to obediently tie up your hands, so as not to suffer from flesh and skin."

"You're going to rush in!"


Yin Tong is not talking nonsense anymore.

The longer it drags on, the worse it will be for him.

After the first dozen soldiers rushed in, there was no sound.

Yin Tong frowned, this Mrs. Xiang's poison is not good.

The Great Commander was even able to resist.

"Drop the arrow!"


Countless arrows shot directly into it.



Two pawns suddenly rushed towards the archers on the roof.

Yin Tong looked horrified.

Among his soldiers, there was an undercover agent of the other party.

The swordsmanship of the two soldiers is very proficient.

Fusu, who was watching not far away, was surprised in his heart.

It turned out to be the two sisters of Turning Soul Annihilation.

How could they be here?

After not seeing them for so many days, Fusu thought that something had happened to them.

The second daughter's sudden move caused Yin Tong a lot of trouble.

His pawns were already in chaos.

"I'll deal with them, you catch the big master as soon as possible."

A gloomy female voice came from a distance.

Yin Tong agreed, then commanded the soldiers and rushed to the inn again.

The Great Commander should be able to cope by now.

It is said that Daishi hit the water poison, and he himself does not believe it.

Her body has long been poisoned by her own moisture.

Daishimei must have some plan.

The second group of soldiers he had assembled from Songhai was still on the way, and if the city gates were opened at this time, the news would surely spread.

"Nuo Min, you go and urge the soldiers from Songhai City to come here as soon as possible, Yu Ji, you go to Shen's Salt Estate and control Shen Yuan for me."


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