"Dress up as Xiang Liang, and then let them stop, find that something is wrong, and run away immediately!"

After that, Fusu changed into the clothes of a sergeant and mixed into the chaotic team.

Taking advantage of Yin Tong's order to attack the inn here, he followed and rushed in.

Fusu, who had just entered the door, took advantage of the lack of attention of the surrounding soldiers and directly drew his sword and killed everyone.

Da Si Ming, who was hiding at a corner on the first floor, was excited to see that it was Fusu who came in.

"Are you poisoned?"

Da Siming said with a look of disdain: "Just that old woman's poison, is it worth showing it?" "

Fire and water, whoever is stronger has the advantage.

"It's okay if you're okay, you can handle it here, I'll go and arrest the old woman."

"No problem!"

"Stop it!"

Mo Yu Qilin, dressed as Xiang Liang, came not far from the inn and yelled at Yin Tong.

When Yin Tong saw Xiang Liang, he couldn't help frowning.

How did this guy come here.

"General Xiang, there are people who are extremely beneficial to us, and capturing her can make us a lot smoother."

"Who let you do it without my order."

Yin Tong looked depressed.

You are not here, how do you know the situation here.

After capturing the Great Commander's order, and then threatening Fusu, he will definitely be able to quickly occupy several surrounding counties.

"General Xiang, there is no turning back."

They have already done it, and once they let the big boss inside run, then they will be accused of killing the head.

The entire Jiujiang County would be slaughtered by the Great Qin Iron Horse.

Now let them stop, impossible.

"Yin Tong, you dare to disobey my orders."

"General Xiang, how is it a cooperative relationship, not a relationship between superiors and subordinates, I can follow you to revolt together, or not."

Yin Tong's face became ugly.

Just as they diverted their attention, a dark shadow left the inn in the blink of an eye.

"Continue to attack, don't stop, burn the inn to me, I don't believe that the people inside won't come out."


The big master inside raised his eyebrows.

You actually used fire against the Yin Yang Family Fire Elder?

You have a hole in your brain....

Countless rockets were fired at the inn, and in less than half a quarter of an hour, the inn was in a sea of fire.

"Mrs. Xiang, I have been looking for you for a long time, but I didn't expect to meet you here."

A voice sounded from behind Mrs. Xiang.

It scared her into a cold sweat.

Although the strength of the Soul Destroyer was a little different from her, the cooperation between the two was extremely close, and she couldn't take them down for a while.

But I didn't expect that at this time, they actually came to help.

"Who are you!"

Mrs. Xiang quickly flashed to the side, distanced herself from the Zhuanlu Extinguishing Soul, and stared dead at Fusu, who was standing not far away.

"Obediently tie your hands, and I'll tell you who it is."

"Hmph, I know if you don't say it, you are Fusu!"

Zhuan Shun Soul looked at the strange face with a puzzled expression.

Is he Fusu?

Although the height and body type are similar.

But this appearance has changed a little ah, and his face is full of beard.

Fu Su smiled slightly, and the figure suddenly disappeared.

Mrs. Xiang was shocked in her heart.

What a fast speed.

"I'm behind you."

Fusu's voice sounded in Mrs. Xiang's ears, causing goosebumps all over her body.

She could clearly feel Fusu blowing into her ears.

Definitely on purpose.

When she turned around, she found that there was no one behind her.


Next to Mrs. Xiang's other ear, she was blown by Fusu again.


Fusu slapped a palm on the back of her neck.

A feeling of vertigo came, and Mrs. Xiang instantly lost consciousness.

"You are an evil cultivator, and you dare to call me shameless!"

Fu Su picked up Mrs. Xiang, looked at Zhuanlu Soul and asked, "Your mind control curse has been lifted?" The

second daughter nodded.

"Who helped you lift it?"

"Star Soul!"

Fusu frowned.

This little fart dares to make trouble behind his back.

Next time I see you, I'll let you feel the power of my hands.

"Do you have a place to go now?"

"You're going to let us go?"

"As long as you don't kill indiscriminately, this is your freedom."

The two were stunned.

Is it so simple to let them go?

Not a word of retention.

When the second daughter was about to leave, Fusu suddenly asked, "Where are you going?"

"There is no task, there is no desire or want, just wander around."

"If you are tired of shopping, then go back to the prince's mansion to report!"

"Uh..." The

two were speechless for a while.

Isn't this still an attempt to restrict their freedom?

What to do.

It's about keeping going.

Or stay....

Seeing that the two were hesitant, Fusu knew what was in their hearts.

"You two look at her, I'll go and arrest Yin Tong."

Fusu handed Mrs. Xiang to Zhuan Wei and rushed towards Yin Tong.

"Sister, what should we do? Do you want to take the opportunity to leave?

"Can you escape?" You see that speed, even if we run a quarter of an hour in advance, I am afraid that we can catch up with us.

"But if we don't run away, we will live a life without thoughts."

"If you escape, you may die!"

Yin Tong's soldiers are all ordinary people, and they can't stop Fusu at all.

What's more, there is also a violent master.

At this moment, Dasimei has completely fallen into a state of madness.

Mainly in the eyes of these ordinary people, it is a state of madness.

As soon as the big master ordered his palm, several people turned into ashes.

"Yin Tong, as a county guard, you dare to rebel."

Fu Su's sword directly touched Yin Tong's throat.

Yin Tong trembled with fright.

"Kill me, none of you can get out."

A cold glint flashed in Fusu's eyes, and he said coldly: "But I don't want you to live now."

Fusu's words made Dasimei even more crazy.

As long as they were armed with weapons, they all became her revenants.

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