"Caomin Lu Wen, I have seen His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

"Duke Lu doesn't have to be polite, please sit."

After Lu Wen finished his job, he asked respectfully, "I heard that His Highness wants to recruit talents?"

"Yes, I wonder if Duke Lu has any talent to recommend to me?"

"In Pei County, there are two big households, one is the Wang family and the other is the Yong family, and Wang Ling of the Wang family and the Yongya of the Yong family are both local heroes, and His Highness can be reused."

Wang Ling, Yongya!

Fu Su thought about it, these two were Liu Bang's subordinates.

Especially Yongya, who came from a noble background, looked down on Liu Bang and rebelled against Liu Bang many times.

But Liu Bang remembered his bravery, but could not bear to kill him.

Yongya fought bravely, and every charge was a pioneer.

Only his mouth is a little problematic.

Even if he looked down on Liu Bang before, after being made a marquis, he still looked down on Liu Bang.

Wang Ling needless to say, he was just a reckless man.

Although this person is from a large family, he does not learn or have no skills, and he befriends heroes all day long, and he is brave and ruthless.

Fu Su looked depressed, what kind of person are these.

He wanted to find someone who could be the warden of Surabaya County.

But these hometowns of Liu Bang are also qualified by Xiao He and Cao Shen.

Do you have to mobilize a few people from other places?

Surabaya County is a large county with a large population and many fields, and the county keeper here must be a wise man.

"It just so happens that I lack a few adjutant generals, so let the two of them be my adjutant generals."

"I'll go inform them."

Lu Wen went for less than two hours, and then hurried back.

"Your Royal Highness, Wang Ling has not returned home for many days, and he doesn't know where he went, and the grass people only invited Yongya."

Fu Su frowned, this Wang Ling won't be participating in the anti-Qin forces, right?

Another day, let Chitaki count him a trigram.

"Caomin Yongya, I have seen His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

The five big and three thick teeth were very respectful in the face of Fusu.

He had heard of Fusu's martial arts.

Songhai City severely damaged Xiaoyaozi, the head of the Taoist family sect, and Gai Nie, the heir of Ghost Valley.

There were only two or three people left in the Mo family who fought alone.

Several masters of Luo Net died under his hands.

His three-legged cat's kung fu can't compete with Fusu at all.

"Yongya, Hengshan County lacks a county lieutenant, you go there to serve, and assist Lord Maoyi, the county guard."

"Hengshan County?"

Yongya looked confused.

He thought that Fusu let him come, so that he could stay by his side.

Who knows if it's going to be sent out of town.

However, the official position of county lieutenant is not small.

Among the counties, the military generals are the first.

"How? You're not interested?

Fusu's face sank.

A grass people, directly promoted to the rank of county lieutenant, you are still not satisfied?

Believe it or not, I will find you an anti-thief leader and let you die in vain.

"Willing, willing!"

Yongya hurriedly thanked him.

Although not an official in Surabaya County, it is not bad.

Being able to be appreciated by Fusu will definitely have a future in the future.

"Do a good job, when I recruit a foreign race one day, I may recruit you."

"The subordinates must do a good job of assisting the county guard and governing Hengshan County."

After Yongya left, Fusu took out a brocade silk and handed it to Lu Wen, saying, "I heard that there is a butcher named Fan Yu in Peixian, you find him for me."

Lu Wen asked with a puzzled look, "Does His Highness want to eat meat?" There are many in the old man's house, and I sent someone to send them.

"I lack an executioner, there are a bit more anti-thieves caught in the past few days, and there are not enough knife and axe hands in the county guard."

"Uh..." "

This matter is done, appoint you as the county commander of Pengxian County."

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Xianyang Zhangtai Palace.

Huan Zheng looked at Fusu's recital, and his face finally eased a lot.

Previously, Fusu went to Surabaya County to investigate the trouble of salt merchants, but he did not expect to dig up a major case of rebellion.

The three county guards of Surabaya, Jiujiang, and Hengshan all participated in the rebellion.

Fortunately, Fusu discovered it in time, and with a thunderous momentum, he served the thief army in the three counties in one pot.

It's just that in Hengshan, the 50,000 rebel troops hidden in the mountains don't know where they went.

Meng Li and Wang Li were leading the army to clear it.

Although there were successes, all he caught were small fish and shrimp, and important generals such as Xiang Liang, Xiang Yu, and Fan Zeng, were not caught.

"The three counties of Surabaya, Jiujiang County, and Hengshan County are too shou to rebel, and the position of taishou is vacant, Fusu only appointed Mao Yi of Hengshan County, and Surabaya County Taishou Mengyi, Jiujiang County, there is no candidate yet, you Ai Qing, can anyone choose?"

Feng Hao said: "Your Majesty, Li Chengxiang's son, Li You, has followed Prime Minister Cheng for many years, and has also learned the Prime Minister Cheng's seven or eight leads, and it is just right to be the taishou of Jiujiang County. Several

ministers who had befriended Li Si came forward one after another to echo.

Huan Zheng looked at Li Si and asked, "Li Aiqing, what do you think?" "

Although Li You assisted me in handling official affairs in the past, he rarely participated in local management, and it was a little reluctant to be a taishou, and if His Royal Highness the Crown Prince could guide one or two, the minister would be grateful."

"Okay, then let Li You be the taishou of Jiujiang County."

After the downward movement.

Lees hurried home.

He wanted to tell Li You that he must never conflict with Fusu and never work against Fusu.

If it's in the court, it's nothing.

But in the locality, where Fusu has the final say, although Fusu is a thorn in history and has no right to appoint and dismiss, he still has an identity, the prince of Daqin.

As long as Li You is not satisfied, he can find a reason to remove Li You.

Previously, Fusu was on Xianyang Street and killed Feng Yao's son, and His Majesty killed him if he killed it.

Feng Hao, who was angry, could only cry in his heart.

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