"Did you ask everything?"

"Asked, as for whether it's true, I don't know."

"A good beauty, tortured by you like this, you haven't even got a definite answer."

"I'm just enhancing my relationship with Sister Nuying, and I don't really want to know the truth about Han Fei's killing."

Fu Su looked at Dasimei speechlessly.

What do you call relationship enhancement?

"Let her rest well."

Fu Su said a word, and when he was about to leave, he was suddenly put around his neck by the arm of the big master.

"Husband, have you missed me after not seeing me for many days?"

"Then we'll have to go back to your room."

"This is my room."

Looking at the two who were becoming more and more intimate, Nuying suddenly panicked.

"You, what are you two going to do."

The big sime was busy and sneaked around, he smiled and said: "Torture to extract confessions!"

"I said everything I had to say."

"But you haven't done it yet."

Fusu spent the night here with Dasimei in confusion.

He didn't know why Daishi had done this.

When the rooster crowed, Dasimei suddenly got up and left.

"Husband, the female sister is emotional, I won't bother."

Fusu looked at the female Ying who was tied up on the side, and quickly untied her.

Early the next morning, Fu Su put his arm around the female hero and praised: "What has Xiang Jun been doing in Xiaoxiang Valley for so many years?"

"I kind of understand why Dasimei is not jealous with other women, it turns out that she is not jealous."

At noon, Nuo Min came to Fusu's room.

Listening to the still lingering voice inside, I couldn't help frowning.

Nuo Min stood outside the door and waited for half an hour, still not seeing the two of them about to end.

Just as he was about to knock on the door, Daishi came over.

"Nuo Min, what's going on?"

"The eldest lady, Li You, the eldest son of Prime Minister Li Si, came to Jiujiang County, and he came to appoint the commander of Jiujiang County."

Daishi frowned.

Li came here to grab the right with Fusu?

Li Si didn't come in person and let his son come to die, didn't he look down on them a little too much.

"I already know about this, I'll deal with it later."


When Nuo Min was about to leave, he was stopped by Daishi Ming.

"Nuo Min, you are also not small, why don't you take the initiative? Cheap is taken advantage of by others.

Nuo Minqiao's face blushed, "Madame, what are you talking about, I don't know!"

"Really don't know?"

Daishi pulled her towards the outside.

After following Fusu for so long, Fusu never hid anything from her.

Can be by Fusu's side at any time.

Such a relationship, what else can she say.

You can't always cheapen others.

Coming to the door of the backyard, the big master said in a low voice: "The first time for the female heroine, she may be a little uncomfortable, you go and support her." "


Nuo Min's pretty face was shy and delicate.

She's the first time, shouldn't I?

Da Si Ming patted her little hand and said, "Look, this is the gate of the backyard, whether you want to go out or go back, it's up to you." Nuo

Min was speechless for a while, how can there be such a thing as you.

If you want me to make a choice, why pull me out.

Standing in the doorway of the backyard, it's hard to choose....

It is not a short distance from Fusu's room.

Daishimei smiled meaningfully and left.

Leaving a hesitant look on Nomin.

Nuo Min stayed in place for a quarter of an hour.

Just as she was about to return to the backyard, she suddenly saw Fusu come out.

Fusu shouted at Nuo Min: "Nuo Min, order your subordinates to prepare some hot water and send it to my room." "


Nomin trotted away.

Two quarters of an hour later, a large bucket of hot water was ready.

Nuo Min said carefully: "Gongzi, the hot water is ready, how can Mrs. Ying pass?" Do you want me to find a futon and carry her?"

Fusu smiled at her and said, "Who said it was for her, she has fallen asleep now." Fusu

suddenly took a step ahead and clinged to Nuo Min.

The previous conversation between Daishi and her fell into Fusu's ears word for word.

Nuo Min has been with him for almost a year.

The four words of hard work and grievances are vividly reflected in Nuo Min.

Let do whatever you want.

Such a good employee is really unjustifiable if he does not reward it.

"Your Highness... You..."

Nuo Min lowered his head shyly, not daring to look directly at Fusu.

Fusu held her in his arms and said softly: "From the moment you were willing to poison me and cheat the Jade Blood Jade Leaf Flower, you were my woman." "


Nuo Min looked at Fusu in surprise, plucked up his courage, and kissed Fusu on the face.

"Your Highness, you are tired today, let's wait for the evening."

"Tired? How could I be tired.

"Your Highness, indulge in excessive injury, or..." Fu

Su directly picked up Nuo Min and walked back to his room.

"Let's take a shower first."

"Your Highness, I serve you."

"No, let's wash it together."

Inside the council chamber of the county shogun.

Li You, Dasimei, and Yan Lingji had already taken their seats, and officials from other county guards were also arriving one after another.

Da Si Ming looked at Flame Lingji and asked, "Why did you come to the Central Plains, do you have any wrong thoughts about my family husband?" "

You guys know each other?"

Li You looked at the two with a shocked expression.

"You shut up!"

The two reprimanded Li You in unison.

Li You that bitter ah, can you find a place where no one is in private words.

This is the council chamber.

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