"Husband-kun, Chitaki is in danger."

The young master ordered to take advantage of the time when Fusu helped Lin'er detoxify, and through the law of astrology, he helped Surabaya County take a trigram.

But she accidentally found that a familiar aura entered Surabaya.

And is coming this way.

She quickly thought of Ji Ru Chitaki.

When they left Jiujiang County, Chitaki was ordered to go to Songhai City to see if Xu Fuzi had made those swords.

However, now Chitaki actually rushed here.

Fu Su's eyes narrowed, and he said in a deep voice: "You go to help, I'll be there later."

After the young master ordered to leave, Fusu looked at Lu Xi on the side.

"Do you have a problem looking at her?"

"It should be fine, right?"

"Then be careful and don't give her any chance to resist."

Lu Xi nodded.

Fusu and Lin'er also rushed in the direction of Chitaki.

If Chitaki can encounter danger, then the strength of the other party is at least at the level of the master.

I really don't know who can have such great ability to intercept Chitaki.

Following the mark left by the young master, the two came to a small col north of the Surabaya Pavilion.

Here, Fusu meets the man who intercepted Chitaki.

The moon god of the Yin-Yang family.

At this moment, the moon god is fighting with the young master.

The difference in strength between the two is not large, although the young master is stronger in internal strength, but the experience of the moon god is richer than her.

Moreover, he is familiar with the spells of the Yin-Yang family and knows how to deal with them.

Fusu came to Chitaki and asked, "Are you injured?" "


"Why did you meet the moon god?"

"We met in Songhai, when I divined her location, and she also divined mine."

"How did you get into conflict?"

"She wants to get me back."

Fusu pulled out his sun-covering sword and quickly rushed to the moon god's side.

"Less you step down."

In the face of Fusu's attack, Luna was a little unable to cope with it.

"Why did you catch Chitaki?"

Fusu questioned the moon god while attacking.

But Luna didn't want to answer his question.

She was figuring out how to escape.

Lord Donghuang had already warned her to leave as soon as possible if she encountered Fusu.

With her strength, she can hold up to one hundred and ten rounds in Fusu's hands.

But now, she feels that she may not be able to last fifty rounds.

Fusu's sword was full of anger, and there was a hint of murder.

He got it right.

"Don't talk? Then I will arrest you, and I will see if Donghuang Taiyi will come in person." "

Fusu's attack is not airy, which makes the pressure of the moon god even greater.

She wanted to use the magic to leave, but Fusu did not give her the opportunity to cast a spell.

After a quarter of an hour, Luna's attack suddenly slowed down.


Luna snorted.

But Fusu didn't want to stop at all.

"It's useless to shout stop, you don't have to tie your hands."

"Do you really want to fight against the Yin-Yang family to the end?"


The blade of the Sun Covering Sword slapped directly on the back of the Moon God. This

blow is like a leather whip on the body.

A heart-piercing pain came, and the moon god directly panicked.

In the Yin-Yang family for so long, she has not encountered this situation.

Her strength simply could not hurt her.

"You died early."


Fusu struck another sword and slapped it on her lower abdomen.


Fu Su sneered, "If it weren't for capturing you, you would already be a revenant under my sword." "

Luna's movements are even slower.

Now it was very difficult for her to resist Fusu's sword.

"I'm almost out of internal strength, have you figured out what to use to resist my sword?"

The internal power of the moon god was used a lot when hunting down Ji Ru Chitaki.

Earlier, he fought with the young master for a while.

Now her internal strength is about to bottom.


But she didn't have as strong a sword technique as Fusu.


Fusu's sword suddenly rested on her shoulder.

"Compared with Star Soul, the gap is in fighting skills, and you are not good at fighting."

The moon god was so angry that his face turned livid.

She is not good at fighting, and her biggest advantage is stargazing and divination.

Fu Su looked at the disciples of the Yin Yang family not far away and said, "You can pick someone and help me go back to report the letter." "

Pick someone?

And what about the rest?

There are more than a dozen of them, and there are only three of you, can you stop them?


A dozen people fled in different directions.

Fu Su snorted coldly, flashed, came to the back of the moon god, and stunned her with a palm.

Then he took his sword and chased after a person.

In less than ten breaths,

these people were killed by Fusu to the point that only one person remained.

"You go back and tell Donghuang Taiyi that you dare to move the Crown Princess of Daqin, he is the first and last, within three days, if you can't send Concubine Yan, he will wait for the Yin Yang family to become the wanted sect of Daqin."

Fusu directly scrapped his hands and let him leave.

"Thank you, Fu-kun!"

Ji Ruqian bowed to Fusu.

She didn't expect that Fusu would exchange the moon god for her mother.

Her mother suffered a lot in the Yin-Yang family.

If you can really change her back, it will be a great joy.

"Your internal strength is also consumed a lot, recover as soon as possible, we still have things to do."

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