"Your Majesty, there are many displaced people ahead."

After Zhang Wei informed Huan Zheng of the information ahead, Huan Zheng looked surprised.

"Where are the displaced people here?"

This is the hinterland of the Central Plains, there are no floods, there are no wars, and where did the displaced people come from.

Tian Yan walked out of the carriage.

Looking at the displaced people in the distance, a trace of essence flashed in his eyes.

No matter how well it is hidden, it can't hide her observations.

These people clearly have internal strength.

Tian Yan said: "General Zhang Handan, you go and inquire where the other party came from.

Then she walked to the carriage of the victory.

"Father, it seems that we are going to take a break."

Tian Yan had already guessed what these people wanted to do.

The only passage that can enter Chengyang here is blocked by the other party, and the other party must have some purpose.

After a while, Zhang Wei rushed back.

"Your Majesty, they are refugees from Jiujiang County."

"Is there any catastrophe in Jiujiang County?"

"Previously, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince hunted down rebels in Jiujiang County, and these people felt that Jiujiang County was not safe, so they planned to migrate to Dongjun."

Huan Zheng snorted coldly, and when he was about to get angry, Tian Yan said: "Father, the people of Jiujiang County have made a register, let them go to Dong County, wouldn't it cause trouble to the officials of Jiujiang County, it is better to let them return to Jiujiang County."

Huan Zheng thought about it and felt that what Tian Yan said made sense.

"Zhang Handan, use your identity to warn them that they must return to Jiujiang County."


In the evening, these people, driven by Zhang Han and others, rushed towards the direction of Jiujiang County.

Ying Zheng successfully entered Chengyang.

Ride the hill in the middle of the city late at night.

Six dark shadows weaving back and forth on the rooftops of the city.

After a while, he came to Fusu's residence.

These six people were the six sword slaves who were out on a mission.

The two soul destroyers came to Fusu's door and said in a low voice: "Your Highness, there are suddenly many people of unknown origin in the city. Fusu

was overjoyed.

The other party is about to act.

It seems that this Chengqiu City is where they started.

"Where is my father's convoy?"

"Already moved into Chengyang."

Chengyang is more than thirty miles away from here, how can the other party guarantee that the government who has received sufficient rest will stop here again?

It seems that their plans are very well planned.

"How many rebels are there in the city?"

"There are about three or four thousand people, and there are not a few crossbowmen."

"Where is Nomin?"

"Outside Chengyang City."

Fusu called Yu Ji over and ordered, "You have to be fast, go to Puyang to inform Meng Li, let him lead the golden fire cavalry, and quickly come here." "


The other party has already laid an ambush, so there should be no one watching over there in the camp.

At this time, it was the best time for Meng Li to lead his army to attack.

"The Six Sword Slaves immediately returned to Chengyang to make sure that no one would disturb my father and emperor tonight."


Early the next morning, Ying Zheng's team came to the outside of Chengqiu City.

However, the road around the city was destroyed, and if you want to continue south, you must either detour forty or fifty miles, take Dingtao, or enter through the city.

The road was destroyed, and the intentions of the other party were already very obvious.

Ying Zheng and Li Si couldn't help but worry.

The only way is this hill.

It seems that there are quite a few people waiting for them inside.

"Your Majesty, what should we do?"

Lees looked worried.

Do you really want to go into town?

Huan Zheng thought for a while and said: "Inform the defenders of Chengyang and let them build the road, in the city, the other party has the advantage, we will not enter the city." "

In the city of Chengqiu, inside a certain dwelling.

Tian An, Zhao Jie and others gathered together to discuss the final action.


"Ying Zheng's motorcade suddenly stopped outside the city."

Tian An asked, "Why didn't he enter the city?" Did you perceive something?

"I don't know, but the three hundred defenders of Chengyang have come and are repairing the roads outside the city."

"Build roads?"

Tian An frowned.

"It's not good, the other party noticed something and immediately went out of the city to surround them."

Zhao Jie said: "So many of us have entered the city, someone must have noticed it, or withdraw, Ying Zheng is already prepared."

"I finally waited for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, how could I let it go?"

If five thousand people can't take a dozen more, there is no need for them to rebel.

If they let Yingzheng stay in the army, they will have no chance.

Zhao Jie sighed and said, "Once the army of Ying Zheng arrives, these brothers will have no chance to escape. "

In order not to be noticed, they were all pawns and did not ride horses.

If the Golden Fire Cavalry arrives, who can run away?

"Therefore, we must kill Yingzheng as quickly as possible, without further ado, and act immediately, so that the brothers outside the city who pretend to be refugees will surround them first, and the brothers who are ambushing on the road will cut off their back road."

Looking at the refugees approaching step by step, Li Si was flustered in his heart.

That's more than a thousand people.

"Your Majesty, those refugees are coming at us."

Huan Zheng looked at Xiaomeng on the side, and Xiaomeng gave him a reassuring look.

As soon as she waved her hand, several Taoist masters greeted her.

"Stop immediately, otherwise, you're welcome."

But the refugees had no intention of stopping, and although their speed was not fast, they were gradually surrounding the convoy of victory.

"Your Majesty, it's still too late to go."

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