Qi Gill!!

Fu Su was shocked.

Isn't that Qi Ji's father?

Could it be that this girl is the Qi Ji who was cut into a human being by Lu He?

Fusu raised an eyebrow.

I didn't expect to meet here.

"Old man, what's your name?"

"My name is Qi Rong, and this is my granddaughter Qi Ji."

"Old Uncle Qi, is the anti-thief in this Changyi County very rampant?"

Qi Rong shook his head, "I used to come here to spread rumors, but recently no one has come, I heard that Prince Fusu came to Yangzhou to rectify the rebels there, and this is very close to Yangzhou, so no one dares to come forward." Ying

Zheng nodded, Fusu's suggestion to come here was correct.

Yangzhou is well governed, so that the people no longer have any opinions about Daqin, so that the world can live and work in peace and contentment, and Daqin can last for a long time.

Huan Zheng chatted with Qi Rong for half an hour, and Meng Fu returned with Qi Gill.

"I have seen Your Majesty!"

Qi Gill knelt directly to the ground.

Qi Rong and Qi Ji were stunned.

Is this person really the current Majesty Zhengzheng?

Is Yingzheng so good to talk to?

The two also hurriedly knelt down.

"Little Lao'er doesn't know that His Majesty is coming, and I hope His Majesty will forgive his sins."

"It's okay, you all get up."

Li Si and Zhang Wei helped several people up.

Qi Gill turned to Qi Rong and asked eagerly, "Father, daughter, are you all right?" The

family of three hugged and cried.

Ying Zheng sighed, these rebels, sooner or later they will all be cleaned up.

"Qi Gill, I have already heard about your loyalty to Daqin, and now I will appoint you as the lieutenant of Surabaya County, you go to Meng Fu to do things."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Qi Gill really didn't expect that when he met Ying Zheng, he could even be promoted.

Huan Zheng looked at Qi Ji and asked, "Did Miss Qi promise someone?" "

Xu Ren?

Qi Gill was stunned.

What does this mean?

Could it be that His Majesty has taken a fancy to his daughter?

Such a good thing, is it....

"No, the little girl is just fifteen and has not yet looked for relatives."

Huan Zheng's face was delighted, and he said: "Anyone who is loyal to my Daqin will be commended, let your daughter marry Fusu." "


Qi Gill looked confused.

Isn't it to be an imperial princess?

How did she become a crown princess?

However, the crown princess is also fine.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

The old and young Qi Gill family once again thanked Huan Zheng.

Today, His Majesty gives marriage, which can definitely show off for several lifetimes.

And still married to the prince.

Fusu on the side was full of embarrassment.

Why did his own father suddenly become so concerned about this kind of thing.

Huan Zheng looked at Fusu and said, "Fusu, after returning to Yangzhou, Xu will personally organize the wedding for you." "


Qi Gill looked at the young man beside Huan Zheng, who was a little like him, and was surprised in his heart.

This is Prince Fusu?

"Qi Gill has seen His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

"Master Qi doesn't need to be polite."

Fusu hurriedly picked up Qi Gill.

Qi Ji on the side glanced at Fusu from time to time.

This handsome man who stood there without speaking turned out to be his future husband...

At Qi Gi's home, Huan Zheng asked how the harvest was here, and stayed until the sun tilted to the west, and then returned to Changyi City.

Since Qi Gill was going to Surabaya County, Ying Zheng also let them follow him.


As soon as he entered the city, Tian Yan saw Yan's mother standing in front of the city gate.

Fusu was overjoyed.

When the mother-in-law comes, it means that Hu Hai is also here.

Mother Yan walked to the convoy of Ying Zheng and said respectfully: "I have seen Your Majesty, I have seen the Crown Prince."

Huan Zheng smiled at her and said, "The in-laws don't have to be polite.

"Your Majesty, Hu Hai has been escorted over."

Yan's mother recounted the story of the incident to Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng's face turned cold.

This rebel son Hu Hai dared to burn the prince's mansion.

Do you dare to burn the books of all the sons and daughters, when my orders cannot control him?

Return to Taishou Mansion.

Hu Zheng personally interrogated Hu Hai.

"Rebel, are you guilty?"

"Father, the emperor and the children have been wronged."

"Wronged? Catch a thief and catch dirty, what else can you say about being caught on the spot?

"The sons and daughters are bewitched."

"Demagoguery? I ask you, did you put the fire? "

No, it's not..." Seeing

Hu Hai's eyes dodging and his expression panicked, he knew that he was lying.

"Do you dare if others trick you into assassinating Xuan?"

"The sons and daughters will never do such a big disobedience."

"Hmph, burn the books of the hundreds of families, and then let the children and hundreds of families collectively oppose Fusu, right? Even if everyone in the world is against it, the position of this prince is his.

Hu Hai was angry for a while.

He didn't expect that Ying Zheng would say this.

"Father, the emperor, the sons and daughters..."

"Stop, die without repentance, what face is there to justify."

Ying Zheng has completely died of Hu Hai.

This is a person who will not look back.

It was a mistake to let him follow Zhao Gao in the first place.

Li Si on the side said cautiously: "Your Majesty, it is better to degrade Prince Huhai to a commoner and distribute the frontier." "

Degraded to a commoner?

Huan Zheng snorted coldly, looked at Fusu, and asked, "How do you think to deal with it?"

"Father, the sons and daughters don't want to leave a calamity around."

"Fusu, you..."

Fusu slapped Hu Hai's face.

"Forgot my words? Before me, you have to call big brother.

Huan Zheng frowned, then looked at Meng Fu and said, "Hang!" "

Father !!"

Hu Hai's face turned pale with shock.

The government is indifferent.

Hu Haiyou knelt beside Fusu and begged, "Big brother, I know it's wrong. "

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