"Even if I hand over Yangzhou to you, you can't be such a loser."

Fu Su defended: "Father, the weapons of the Six Kingdoms that you collected are not useless, they are all cast into Qin Banliang."

"I intend to cast a bronze man to remind future generations."

"Father and Emperor, the sons and daughters suggested, mint Qin Bantael, the current Qin Banliang is in short supply, if you don't make more coins to come out, there will be a big mess."

After the unification of the six countries, the currency was also unified, all of which were Qin half and two, and the currencies of other countries could not be exchanged.

For a while, Qin Bantael was in short supply, and only three Qin Bantaels were sold for a bucket of rice.

It is equivalent to one pound of rice and one Qin half tael.

Since there were few greens and meat at this time, and they were very expensive, the main foods were millet, rice, and wheat.

A person eats close to a pound of grain a day.

The lack of money for food will also make them complain.

"If you make any mess of Yangzhou for me, I will remove your assassination history and abolish the state assassination history system by the way."

"Father, how can the sons and daughters decide their own future."

"Li Si, pass on my order, send a million pounds of bronze weapons to Yangzhou, and let Fusu handle it himself."


Su rolled his eyes.

Make money, Daddy.

How can you be so casual.

"Why, you still have questions?"

Seeing that Fusu's expression was very ugly, Huan Zheng asked with a displeased face.

"Father, making money is a big thing, you must not be so casual, you better send the money after Xianyang is built."

Li Si also persuaded: "Your Majesty, the prince is right, making money is a big thing, you can't be so casual."

Huan Zheng snorted coldly and said, "Let Meng Yi send ten million Qin and a half taels."

"Thank you, Father!"

Fusu immediately called Li You over and ordered: "You go and post a notice to inform the people of Yangzhou that you can exchange the currency of the six countries for Qin half and two, but the weight will be doubled, and our craftsmen will also have to pay wages for casting."

"What did you say?"

Ying Zheng glared at Fusu with a shocked expression.

This loser actually wanted the people of those six countries to exchange their own currency for Qin Bantael.

"Father, don't be angry, I'm also thinking about Daqin, the money in their hands is cast in bronze, once hoarded in their hands too much, if they can't use it, they will definitely be used to make weapons, which is not good for Daqin."

"Son, Daqin's hundreds of years of inheritance, I don't want to destroy it in my own hands."

"Father and Emperor, the sons and daughters know the importance of the matter, there will definitely be no chaos, the remnants of the Six Kingdoms have been almost cleared, and the lives of the people must return to the right track."

Ying Zheng was speechless.

Wasn't it on track before?

He wanted to see what Fusu had done in this Yangzhou.

Coming to the prefecture capital Yamen, Huan Zheng called Li You over.

"Li You, are you in charge of the laws of Yangzhou?"


"Can it be different from other counties?"

Li You glanced at Fusu cautiously.

I was afraid that what I said would make Fusu unhappy.

Ying Zheng's face sank, and he said in a deep voice: "What can't be said?" "

Your Majesty, this, this law of Yangzhou, is too different from Qin Law."

"Tell me about it."

Ying Zheng had already guessed that Fusu must have changed Qin Law.

This is also the purpose of his claim for the independent governance of Yangzhou.

"For example, in the field, the Qin law stipulates that the Qin people have the qualifications to select good land preferred, but in Yangzhou, it has become a good land that is uniformly distributed by the prefecture capital."

"For example, the several counties under the jurisdiction of Yangzhou Assassin History Prefecture are not allowed to recruit farmers for free, forcibly recruit soldiers, recruit family members privately, and must not..."

Hearing this, Ying Zheng was terrified.

The angry Li Si had bruises on his head.

Did this bastard listen to his own opinion.

This kind of thing, let Fusu himself say, why do you have to say it yourself.

Don't you know that Fusu still has several years to serve?

When the time comes, find you an oil head to save you, how else do you do Yangzhou thorn history.

"Fusu, are you trying to subvert Daqin?"

In the face of Ying Zheng's questioning, Fusu was not nervous at all.

"Father Emperor, the sons and daughters do this, it is also better to think about Daqin, and the people feel happy, so that they will not think of rebelling."

"I ask you, you must not force the soldiers, how do you deal with emergencies?"

"Li You, did you say less? What are the conditions for me to recruit soldiers?

Li You hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince stipulates that all unemployed vagrants between the ages of fifteen and forty-five in Yangzhou must serve in the military, and in case of temporary emergencies, they will be recruited from the service soldiers.

"What is an unemployed vagrant? City scoundrels?

Ying Zheng looked confused.

Why does this Yangzhou not feel like Daqin's.

So many words he hadn't heard.

Fu Su reprimanded: "Li You, because you are still in charge of the law, do I stipulate that all of them must serve in the military?"

Li You hurriedly explained: "Yangzhou Prefecture stipulates that unemployed vagrants do not include women, disabled people, people with meritorious reputations, and people with records of committing adultery.

Lees asked, "If you have a meritorious name, you don't need to serve in the military?" "

If that's the case, then can't you be a general if you test your name?"

"Military service is five years, after five years they will leave the barracks, unified arrangements for withdrawal, those with meritorious reputation, can directly sign up for the army, priority is given to promotion."

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