Looking at the map drawn by Fusu, Ying Zheng looked incredulous.

Why is his Daqin so small?

"Fusu, are you sure this is our Daqin?"

"That's right, it's our Daqin, Father Emperor, even if we add the entire territory of Huaxia Jiuzhou, our territory is still not large."

"Li Si, have you ever heard of the Mauryan Dynasty?"

"Your Majesty, the minister has never heard of it."

"Hey, does this island to the south really exist?"

He pointed to Malaysia.

"If the father and the emperor don't believe it, you can send someone to take a look, anyway, there are so many idlers, let them find something to do."


Lees suddenly tensed up.

Do you mean me?

I'm not idle.

Huan Zheng asked, "Fusu, where do you think we are going to develop next?" "

Develop a troll army."

"Water army?"

At this time, the water army did not occupy a position.

If it is like the Three Kingdoms, it is really a little difficult for Ying Zheng to fight the Yangtze River.

"Father, to develop the water army, we must first build ships, and only by raising shipbuilding to a certain level can we lead the army and conquer the whole world."

"Li Si, you immediately notify the counties and summon the craftsmen who will build ships."

Fu Su suggested: "Father Emperor, the public loser and the Mo family have both studied shipbuilding, and I integrate all the sons and hundreds of families to obtain their technology and then seek benefits for Daqin."

"Good, this is good, anyway, the people of the Mo family are much more honest, let them participate in shipbuilding, it can be regarded as atonement for their merits."

"Father, the peasant family has performed very prominently in Baiyue, you have the edict that does not allow the peasant disciples to be officials, can you take it back?"

Ying Zheng thought about it.

I did say such a thing myself.

However, the performance of what Fusu said was outstanding....

What to highlight?

You don't know when I don't know.

You fought a few battles in Baiyue, and then the people surrendered.

The peasant family didn't do anything at all.

For Tian Yan's sake, I will withdraw the edict.

"Li Si, in the name of Xuan, abolish this edict."

"Your Majesty, the people and dragons of the peasant family are mixed, and you still need to observe more."

"Fusu, you let Tian Yan supervise them, and you must not make any more trouble."

"The sons and daughters take orders."

After Fusu left Yingzheng's dormitory, he returned to his residence.

He promised Zhang Liang to copy a copy of the books of the hundreds of families, and now the amount of rice paper is enough.

"Xiaomeng, you took part of the rice paper shipped from Xianyang and copied all the Taoist books."

Xiaomeng asked curiously, "Do you want to send you a copy of the exercises?"

"Why do I want this?"

"Husband-kun, don't you want to learn the escape of the dream butterfly in the getaway?"

"What for? In your in, you don't have to knock, do you?

Xiaomeng said coldly: "If this is really the case, I am afraid that you will enter someone else's room."

"You have to teach me the loss of heaven and earth, I think this skill, combined with my murderous qi, will definitely be able to double the effect with half the effort."

"If you don't teach, if you want to learn, you can learn the rejuvenation of all things in the human sect."

"Don't teach?"

Fusu's hand quickly reached out to Xiaomeng's creaking nest.


"Teach or not?"

"No... Teach. "

Hahaha..." "

I, I surrender."

"Husband, you have learned that heaven and earth are discolored, let me do something."

"Is it bad to have a husband and teach children?"

"It's not good, I still have to accompany you to fight the world."

"Xiaomeng, why didn't you react?"

Xiaomeng's pretty face instantly became delicate.

"Husband, why didn't people react? I don't believe you touch it.

"I'm talking about how you weren't pregnant, what were you thinking?" "


"How can you not react at all?"

Fusu is very strange.

The female hero was pregnant in more than ten days.

As a result, none of these young ones were available.

"Is there something wrong with me?"

Xiaomeng looked at Fusu nervously.

If he can't give birth, then Fusu is not very disappointed....

"What problems can you have."

If it weren't for the fact that the female heroine was pregnant, he suspected that he had a problem.

Among these women, the moon god is the second oldest and must find time to try.

Is it because of age.

After all, this is a fantasy world.

No one can say for sure what the problem is.

"Husband, this is good, I don't want not to have children for a while, my strength still needs to be improved, and I can't beat my master now."

"How much worse?"

"Actually, my master is a little weaker than you."

"A little weaker than me?"

Fusu frowned.

This Beiluzi is indeed a worldly master.

"Are there any more powerful of your Taoists?"

"I don't know about this, anyway, among the sects, my master is the most powerful, but according to what my master said, there are a few people in this world who do not ask about the world, they live in seclusion on a certain immortal mountain, and they see the road of enlightenment."

"Can you still become an immortal?"

"According to what my master said, the senior Zhuang Zhou of the Taoist family has comprehended the heavenly machine."


Zhuang Zhou."

It's all rumors.

Who knows if it's true.

"How long did it take your master to reach his current level?"

"Three hundred and twenty years."


Fu Su thought again, whether he continued to kill.

Maybe it really can....

"Nuo Min, you go and inform my father and ask him to give Meng Tian a military order not to attack the Hu people for the time being."

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