Looking at the big bird in the distance, Donghuangtai was shocked.

How did you meet Fusu here.

Didn't he go to Songhai?

Damn it.

The speed of the mirage can't run the white phoenix at all.

After a moment's effort, Fusu came to the top of the mirage, and then jumped down and stood beside the female heroine.

He helped Nu Ying and Hu Ji loosen the chains, and glared at Donghuangtai with a gloomy face.

"Nüying, how are you?"

Fu Su saw that her clothes were full of blood, and he immediately became angry.

Nuying said: "It's okay, just a little frightened, husband, don't get excited, this blood is not mine." "

Not your blood?"

Fusu pulled the female Ying's clothes and looked at it, and found that there were no wounds on her body.

Then he helped the female heroine to take a pulse and found that after the heart beat faster than usual, there was no other abnormality.

The female hero blushed shyly, and said coquettishly: "Husband, under the public, what are you doing." Donghuang

Taiyi, who was glaring angrily at Fusu on the side, was disgusted by the actions of the two.

What two shameless people.

"Fusu, return the three-legged golden crow to me."

"Wasn't your visit rude?"

Donghuang Taiyi said coldly: "Polite? You robbed me of my chance, and I will never give up.

Fusu was speechless for a while, "When did I rob you of your chance."

"That three-legged golden crow is what I used to refine immortals... Refining elixirs. "

Don't you think it's a bit wasteful to take the three-legged Golden Crow Alchemy Pill?"

Fusu no longer took Donghuang Taiyi.

Want to use three-legged golden crow alchemy?

Dream away.

It can't be in this life.

Fusu asked Hu Ji again, and found that she was not harmed, so he was relieved.

I saw a corpse lying on the ground.

Fusu suddenly became interested.

Fusu looked at Xu Ji on the ground and asked, "Who is this person Hu Ji?"

"Husband, this person is Master Xu Ying."

"Xu negative?"

Fusu looked confused, what is the situation, why did he die here?

Look at the blood on the female Ying's body again, "Nu Ying, did you kill this person?"

"How could I possibly kill her, I don't know her, but this person is so good or bad that he actually instigated the Xiang family to go to a foreign race, wanting to rely on the foreign race to destroy Daqin."

"Xiang Yu went to the foreign clan?"

Fusu was surprised.

If you say so, Liu Bang was also rescued by this female physiognomist?

It's so hateful, blind to this good face.

Fusu raised his hand and directly cut off his head with a sword.

Frightened, Donghuang Taichi took a step back.

Dead people are not spared.

"You didn't do anything irreparable in Yangzhou."

Hu Ji said: "Husband, we were forcibly arrested.

"Shouldn't it have been invited?"

Fusu stared at Donghuang Taiyi with an unkind expression.

Donghuang Taiyi said coldly: "You robbed me of my chance, and you still expect me to beg you to come?"

"Then what are you arresting them for?"

"Husband, she used my blood to divinate the future of the child in the womb, as well as your luck."

Fusu's eyes narrowed.

Dare to hurt the female heroine!


Fusu quickly stabbed a sword towards Donghuang Taiyi.

Donghuang Taiyi's momentum suddenly exploded.

If you want to escape from Fusu's hands, you must exert all your strength.

When Fusu was fighting with Donghuang Taiyi, Lin'er, dressed as a sun warrior, suddenly disappeared.

Passing through a place where no one was, he transformed into the appearance of Donghuang Taiyi and walked towards the tallest attic of the mirage.

"Fusu, your enemy is not me, I just want to know what you will become after fusing the three-legged golden crow."

"Dare to forcibly arrest people on my territory, how can it be done without paying a price."

Fusu had no reservations, directly releasing all the murderous aura, and the sky was instantly covered with dark clouds.

Donghuangtai looked at Fusu, who was entangled by countless black dragons, with a shocked expression.

"Your internal strength is actually able to transform into shape..." Although

her soul dragon you was also a true qi transformation form, she only did it at that time by relying on the exercises of the Yin Yang family.

But Fusu didn't even need any exercises, and the internal force released was directly transformed.

Such strength....

"Fusu, you are a big fool, you actually waste your strength so badly."

Donghuang was furious.

With such a strong strength, he only exerted less than fifty percent of his power.

"Am I stupid? So how strong can you be? "

Fusu's Yue Nu sword technique is so fast that people can't see the route of the attack.

Wherever Fusu's sword passes, it will take away a trace of crumbs.

Less than ten breaths.

Donghuang Taiyi's black robe was stripped clean by Fusu.

A pair of big dark eyes, firm and stubborn eyes stared at Fusu.

Like peach-colored delicate red lips, delicate and delicate little Yao nose, white as snow, flawless face.

Her arms and neck exposed her white jade-like skin.

Fusu looked at Donghuang Taiyi's appearance and was stunned.

This shouldn't be hundreds of years old.

Even if the maintenance is good, it is impossible to exceed twenty-five years old.

Is it really Donghuang Taichi?

It won't be his daughter or granddaughter fake.

"O fairy on earth."

The female hero exclaimed.

When she saw Xu Negative before, she thought that Xu Negative could already be regarded as a fairy.

But compared with the Donghuang Taiyi in front of him, it is far worse.

Can strong strength really change temperament?

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