The female Ying hurriedly asked, "You can see your husband under the water?"

"What did the husband go underwater?"

Dasimei's face was full of doubts.

"He dragged Donghuang Taiyi to take a bath in the water, and he hasn't come up for so long."

"It's not going to happen, is it?"

"It's okay."

Luna said with a firm face.

Fusu's ability to be underwater, they do not yet know.

Even if you stay for ten days and a half month, you can't die.

What's more, he also brought a Donghuang Taiyi.

"How do you know it's okay?"

Dasimei looked at Luna with a puzzled expression.

Do they have any hidden secrets?

"Do you look at the ripples on the surface of the water in the distance, as if something is going on? Donghuang Taiyi should worry about his own safety.

"That's called ripples?"

Such turbulent ripples directly refreshed their three views.

"Ah, husband-kun, wouldn't do that kind of thing under the water..."

"It's okay anyway, let's get ashore as soon as possible, don't disturb their good deeds."

"No, such an exciting thing doesn't take me, I must give them a warning."

Daishi ordered to jump on the organ Xuanwu, and then came to the control room, swinging Xuanwu's limbs and head vigorously.

The organ Xuanwu fluttered for a while, frightening the people on both sides of the strait, and they hid to the high ground.

"But what kind of stimulation can this be?"

People on both sides of the strait speculated one after another.

Such a big turtle is at work in the Yangtze River, I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse.

When the mirage landed again, a step stretched out from the dragon's head of the mirage.

The disciples of the Yin-Yang family, under the order of 'Eastern Emperor Taiyi', all went down to the mirage.

Lin Er looked at Dasimei and said: "In the room of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, there are many treasures, and there are also many pills in the alchemy room of Yunzhong Jun, should we take them all away?"

Luna said, "Take away? This mirage will be ours from now on, so I don't want to live in the Assassin House. "

I can go back to my room again." The

young master said, "I'm going to take a look at Fuso Shenmu!" "

Daishi Order:"!!!!

Ji Ruqian looked at the mirage with a sad expression and said, "If only this mirage had wings, we could get it to Xianyang."

"Let the public lose the revenge to see the improvement, so that in his lifetime, he must equip the mirage with wings, even if he can't fly, he must be able to run on land."

Da Si Ming said: "Then what are you waiting for, quickly call the public revenge, and also call the giant son of the Mo family chosen by the husband, and give us the mirage to perfect." "

End the Spring Festival and return to Yangzhou Mansion.

Looking at the mirage parked on the shore, I wondered in my heart.

Didn't the mirage sail into the sea? How did it come back?

Suddenly, he remembered Chu Nangong's words, which would surely satisfy him within three days.

Isn't today the third day?

"Li Si, let Meng Li and Zhang Wei lead the army to the mirage to see if the people of the Yin Yang family are still there."

Li Si summoned the two and conveyed to them the order of the victory.

Zhang Wei explained: "Your Majesty, the disciples of the Yin-Yang Family on the mirage have all been driven off the ship and are currently in the Assassin History Mansion.

Huan Zheng frowned and asked, "Then who controls this mirage now?" "

Several crown princesses."

Ying Zheng was shocked.

His daughter-in-law's ability has surpassed that of Donghuang Taiyi?

After being captured by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, he was able to control the mirage...

After Zhang Han's careful explanation, Ying Zheng finally understood the truth.

Under the protection of the Shadow Guard and the Golden Fire Cavalry, Ying Zheng ascended the mirage.

"I've seen my father."

Several crown princesses saw the arrival of Ying Zheng and hurriedly saluted.

"Where is Fusu?"

"Back to Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and the Eastern Emperor took a bath in the sea, and they have not returned so far."


What a bath!

Is it time to take a shower?

Ying Zheng looked at the female Ying and asked, "You didn't suffer any harm, did you?" "

Thank you Father Huang for your concern, I'm fine, Donghuang Taiyi didn't hurt me, she took me here, just wanted Xu Zheng to help the child in the womb, just count it as a trivia."

"Xu negative?"

Ying Zheng's face changed instantly.

Xu Ying was actually on the ship.

"What about her?"

"He was killed by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and later beheaded by His Highness, and then thrown into the sea to feed the fish."


Si's back was instantly soaked with cold sweat.

This is also too cruel, deal with a woman like this, if you offend his anti-scale somewhere....

"Li Si, how many have you caught?"

"Yangzhou's Xiangshi has captured no less than five hundred people."

"Five horses divided the corpses and threw them into the sea to feed the fish."


Lees walked a little floating.

All five hundred people were divided into corpses and thrown into the sea to feed the fish.

Da Si Ming said: "Father, under the guidance of Shang Shan Sihao, Na Xu changed his life against the sky, saved Xiang Yu and Liu Ji, and let the two go to Buyeo in the north to develop their forces. "


Ying Zheng was even more angry.

These masters really wanted to destroy Daqin.

"Dare to use the power of a foreign race... Unforgivable, you sent someone to inform Wang Ban and let him lead an army to attack Buyeo in the north.

"Father, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince said that he will personally lead a large army to conquer the foreign tribes in the north."

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