Wei Zhuang can't die.

With his skills, he can still be severely damaged.

The people who hurt him are certainly not ordinary.

Xiaomeng will now copy books with Taoists, and there is time here.

"Miss Rong, for my sake, how about healing him?"

"If you don't limit me anymore, I promise you."

Fusu thought for a while.

Duanmu Rong should be very entangled now.

She doesn't have much to do with Ganie.

Struggling with whether or not to leave.

"Okay, but don't go somewhere too dangerous."

Duanmu Rong was speechless for a while, what is a place that is too dangerous?

This definition can be large or small.

Dangerous to whom?

Duanmu Rong returned to Wei Zhuang and inspected his wounds.

"It's not a sword wound, it's a knife wound."


This is a very uncommon thing.

"The knife is still coated with poison, this kind of poison I have not seen, but it can be coated with poison on weapons, and people who generally use it have an antidote."

"Can you solve it?"

Duanmu Rong said: "His blood is coagulating, if he can't detoxify within three hours, his life will be in danger, even if I can configure the antidote, it's too late."

Fusu frowned.

Such a weird poison?

This poison cannot be immediately fatal, indicating what the other party wants to get from his target.

Otherwise, it would definitely be more convenient to directly apply the poison that is stained and killed.

"Is there another way?"

Duanmu Rong said coldly: "Aren't you able to save him?

Just as Fusu was about to explain, Chi Lian came outside the house.

Nuo Min walked in and asked, "Your Highness, Chi Lian wants to see Wei Zhuang."

"Let her in."

Then Fu Su pulled Duanmu Rong out of the back room.

Chi Lian glanced at Duanmu Rong and hurriedly went to the back room.

Fusu said in a low voice: "I can save it, but after I save it, his skill will increase."

"Is it the effect of the three-legged golden crow?"

Since Duanmu Rong knew that Fusu fused the three-legged golden crow, he knew that he was extraordinary.

And Fusu once saved himself in this way.

For detoxification, I am afraid it is a breeze.

Fusu shook his head and said, "The three-legged golden crow does not have such an effect, I have already asked the Eastern Emperor Taiyi."

"Have you eaten Fuso Shenmu?"

"Eat? Breathing air under its tree doesn't count.

Duanmu Rong gave him a blank look and said, "This is very strange.

"Now is not the time to study this, hurry up and find a way to save him."

Weizhuang still has more than two hours of life.

If he didn't think of a way soon, then he could only use soul control.

Thinking of soul control, Fusu suddenly remembered a person.

"Nuo Min, call me the little boy!"

Little obedient?

The corner of Duanmu Rong's mouth twitched.

What the hell is this?

It sounds like a weird name.

After a while, Donghuang Taiyi was brought over.

"What are you looking for me for? If you don't let me cultivate, forget it, I don't even cultivate myself. "

This is the little boy?

Duanmu Rong's face changed slightly.

Although she is beautiful, why does she speak colder than her.

Shouldn't this be a proper title?

"I have a patient here who needs your treatment."

Donghuang glanced at Duanmu Rong and Fusu in surprise, and said, "You two can't be saved, what use do I have?"

"The other party has a special identity, and I can't save him with blood."


Fusu nodded.

"I know..."

Donghuang followed Fusu into Wei Zhuang's room.

At this moment, Chi Lian was already crying so that his eyes were red.

Seeing a few people come in, Chi Lian hurriedly looked at Duanmu Rong, then plopped down and knelt on the ground.

"As long as I can heal Wei Zhuang, I am willing to make you a cow and a horse."

Duanmu Rong looked embarrassed.

It's not that she doesn't heal, it's that she can't do anything.

"Chi Lian, I can't solve his poison, it's better for you to ask His Highness, he may have a way."

A chill flashed in Chi Lian's eyes, and then he knelt down in front of Fusu.

"Your Highness, trouble you..." "

Didn't I bring someone here?"

Chi Lian hurriedly kowtowed in thanks.

However, Fusu did not accept her salute.

If the Donghuang can heal Wei Zhuang, it means that he has a great life.

If he can't heal Wei Zhuang, then he can only ask for blessings.

Donghuang Taiyi looked at Wei Zhuang's wound, stunned for a while, and then said: "The poison of the blood demon karma, this poison is a chronic poison, after poisoning, you only need to use the wings of the thousand-year-old cold cicada to crush into powder, and you can detoxify it by taking it." "

Millennium chill?"

Fusu looked depressed.

I don't have this thing myself.

Haven't heard of this stuff either.

He looked at Duanmu Rong.

Duanmu Rong shook her head.

She also doesn't have a millennium chill.

According to legend, this only lives on the cedar trees in the north.

"The thousand-year-old cold cicada lives in the extremely cold north, only the cedar more than a hundred years old will attract the cold cicada, only the cedar more than a thousand years old has a hundred-year-old cold cicada, and the cedar over 10,000 years old can live with a thousand-year-old cold cicada."

Duanmu Rong's explanation left Fusu speechless.

Ten thousand years of snow cedar, even if there is no chill, it is extremely rare.

"I beg His Royal Highness the Crown Prince to save Wei Zhuang, I am willing to be a cow and a horse."

Bang bang!

Chi Lian kept buckling his head at Fusu.

But Fusu remained indifferent.

The buckle is useless.

"Chilian girl, I don't have this thousand-year-old cold cicada, and you don't have to do this."

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