Fusu was stunned.

How can there be so many?

Shouldn't there be only eight doppelgangers in the Nine Palaces Soul Shifting Technique?

Even if you add the Soul Dragon Tour, there are only ten people.

How one more.

Fu Su put his arm around Shao Simei and groped up and down for a while.

This caused Shao Si Ming's little face to turn crimson, and he glared at Fusu with anger.

"Husband, what are you doing!"

"Are you real? Who is that other one?

"Husband, do you think that's the Nine Palaces Soul Shifting Technique? The Nine Palace Soul Shifting Technique couldn't get so far away from the formation.

Fusu hurriedly asked, "What new skills have you learned?"

"Hee-hee, guess what!"

"I think it's more direct to torture."

Dasimei looked at Shaoshimei with disdain.

"I think it's possible."

Fu Su pinched Shao Simei's face and threatened: "Tell me quickly, otherwise, I will limit your doppelganger at night." Shao

Si Ming's face changed, and he hurriedly said: "I put the Nine Palace Soul Shifting Technique under the Fuso Divine Wood, and then with the help of the power of the Fuso Divine Wood, these doppelgangers temporarily have the ability to stay away from the formation.

"I'll try it too!"

Daishimei ran to the mirage with a look of excitement.

The young master ordered ten doppelgangers and was defeated by the four rays of the Oniya Valley.

The disappearance of the two doppelgangers is not that the young master was careless.

It was that she was touched by Fusu just now, and her mind was confused.

Caught by the other party.

However, in the face of eight to two, she still has the upper hand.

Fusu looked at it for a while and asked in a low voice, "What's going on with the other doppelganger?" Why is it different from the others?

"I used the Soul Dragon Wander to transform ah, two at a time, it's a little difficult."

However, the two transformed ones have already been killed.

The remaining eight are all doppelgangers of the Nine Palace Soul Shifting Technique.

"Your strength has grown by leaps and bounds recently, have you found another way?"

"Do you think there are a few people like you in this world who can help me improve my skills."

The young master raised his wrist and shook it in front of Fusu.

Fusu's face sank, and he asked coldly: "Which man gave you the bracelet, why is it so out of grade."

The young master was speechless: "You have to pay attention to somewhere, can't you see this?" This is the young branch of the Fuso sacred wood. "

It also boosts your strength?"

"With its power, don't forget, I'm Elder Mu, but the Great Master may need your comfort and comfort."

Fusu was speechless.

Feelings are all with the help of the power of Fuso Shenmu.

This stuff is wonderful.

"Don't pull it out."

"How come, I just took such a little bit."

Shao Simei's breakup was broken again.

The strength of several other doppelgangers is also slowly decreasing.

It looks like the time is almost up.

However, the four rays of the Ghost Valley are no better.

All four of them had already been injured by the doppelganger of the young master.

Although not fatal, the injury is not light.

"Husband, these four people are also the strength of that Bai Qianhong, and the others are a notch worse than her."

Fu Su said meaningfully: "After all, it is an elder, just like the Yin Yang family, the gap between you and the Yunzhong Jun is not quite obvious. Speaking

of Yunzhong Jun, Fusu suddenly remembered.

Yunzhong Jun really wanted to get together with Zhang Cangguan.

I don't know if this guy's alchemy can be learned.

But among these people around him, who is more suitable for refining pills?

Do you want Duanmu Rong to try it?

The Yin Yang family's elixir is of great use.


With a loud bang came.

The last doppelganger of Shao Si Mei was kicked out by Bai Qianhong.

The four of them panted and looked at Fusu and the young master beside him.

There was a hint of incredulity in his eyes.

It's endless.

How is there another ....

Shao Siming's fingers moved slightly, before the four of them could detect the abnormality.

Their feet were already trapped by Qiulan on the flat ground.

Then, with the rapid spread of Qiulan on the flat ground, it soon trapped them strong.

Bai Qianhong tried to use internal force, wanting to shatter these vines.

"Break it for me!"

Bai Qianhong shouted loudly, bursting out with an amazing temperament, and the fallen leaves around him were all shocked back dozens of steps.

But the vines on her body are still intact.

The young master muttered in a low voice, "With this bit of strength, you dare to come out and be arrogant."

"Several inferior disgraces disturbed His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and hoped that the Crown Prince would forgive him."

At this moment, an old man came to the side of the four people and bowed to Fusu.

At the moment when he bent over, the vines on the four people suddenly cracked.

Then it is directly turned into powder.

Shao Si Mei and Fu Su were surprised.

This old man's strength is definitely far above the four rays of Ghost Valley.

It's not that I don't know what purpose he came here for.

"Are you Xu Rang?"

Fusu looked at the old man suspiciously.

Xu Rang nodded and said, "Your Highness, the old immortal revived the Ghost Valley, willing to serve Daqin, and I hope that His Highness can hand over the rebellion of our Ghost Valley so that I can clear the portal."

"What if I don't give it?"

"Your Highness, Wei Zhuang is not of much use to you, several of my disciples are comparable to him and loyal to the empire, so in exchange, Wei Zhuang is better to let us deal with it."

"Please come back, I don't need you to contribute to Daqin, of course, if you want to go against Daqin, I am very welcome."

Want to rob my head?

There are no doors.

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