Duanmu Rong came to the first floor and couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the two people guarding the door.

Fusu hadn't left yet, what did he want to do.

"You two follow me to the Assassin's House."


Duanmu Rong pulled the snow girl to walk in front, and Fusu and Lin'er followed behind.

Coming to Wei Zhuang's residence, Duanmu Rong was surprised to see two corpses in the courtyard.

In the Assassin History Mansion, you still dare to commit murder, don't you want Chi Lian to live.

"Wei Zhuang, what's going on?"

"Someone tried to assassinate me yesterday."


Rong was stunned, assassinating Ghost Guzi, this is really ridiculous.

These assassins won't be impatient.

They must have thought that Wei Zhuang's poison had not yet been solved.

"I have already prepared the medicine, you boil it twice a day morning and evening, but you can hang her life."

"Thank you!"

Wei Zhuang, who has always been not polite with others, made an exception today and bowed to Duanmu Rong.

Duanmu Rong said a few more words and left.

"Sister Xue, aren't you going to supervise the shipbuilding?"

The snow girl was stunned, what did it mean.

Is this disgust for yourself getting in the way?

In front is Fusu's residence.

Could it be that Fusu is inside?

"Sister Rong, take care, I'll come to see you tomorrow."

After the snow girl left, Duanmu Rong directly pushed the door and walked in.

Fusu's residence has four floors, each with many rooms.

However, Duanmu Rong was not interested in the rooms on the ground floor.

Went directly to the fourth floor, then looked left and right, pointed to the middle room, and asked with an uncertain look: "Is this your room?"

Fusu nodded, and Duanmu Rong pushed open the door.


How can there still be people here?

Not only Duanmu Rong was surprised.

Fusu, who followed behind, was also surprised.

What is Flame Lingji doing here?

"Who are you?"

Duanmu Rong looked nervously at Flame Lingji who was meditating on the ground.

Flame Lingji smiled and said, "Ask the people behind you if you know?"

Fusu frowned, she actually recognized herself.

"I didn't expect me to hide so tightly, you can still recognize me."

"No matter how tightly hidden, it is impossible to escape my fire spell tracking."


was depressed.

When did she put a fire spell on herself.

Don't you feel the slightest bit of this thing?

"Thank you for your elixir, my injury has improved a lot."

"You are hurt for me, thank you."

Fusuyou took out a medicine bottle from his arms, handed it to her, and said, "After this bottle of medicine is eaten, your upper will be fine." But

Flame Lingji didn't answer.

"Do you know what happened last night?"

"I know."

"They're just tempting, and there will definitely be moves in the future."

"There are many people who want Wei Zhuang's life, for example, in this city, many people have gathered now, all of whom want Wei Zhuang's life."

Lin'er had already told him that King Luo's secret agent in the city had inquired clearly.

Someone is secretly contacting Wei Zhuang's enemies, wanting to kill Wei Zhuang.

"He should be able to handle it himself, but I want to know, where is Donghuang Taiyi?"

The mirage was taken over by Fusu.

After Donghuang Taiyi captured Hu Ji and the female heroine, he disappeared.

And Orchid and the female heroine are now fine.

This Fusu should not kill Donghuang Taiyi.

"I don't know where he is, but a few months ago, he was expelled from the house by the Yin-Yang family."

"Eviction from home?"

The head of the Yin-Yang family.

Heads can be evicted from their homes.

Then this yin-yang family is really sad enough.

"Is it because you offended the Empire?"


Flame Lingji frowned.

The Yin Yang family is really clean.

Expelling Donghuang Taiyi from the sect dissipated Yuzheng's anger.

"Now the only people who know the truth about Han Fei's killing are Li Si and the former Donghuang Taiyi, Li Si is now in a high position, will you allow me to arrest him?"

"Catch the prime minister of Daqin? Unless you don't want to make Hyakuetsu feel better. Flame

Lingji sighed.

The strength of the former Donghuang Taiyi is definitely above her.

If you want to go to her, I'm afraid it's really unrealistic.

Even if she is with Wei Zhuang, I am afraid that she is not his opponent.

And now Wei Zhuang, he can't walk away at all, Chi Lian's body is not as good as a day, how can he rest assured.

"I should be fine if I stay with you for a few days, right?"

Flame Lingji squinted at Duanmu Rong.

When Duanmu Rong came in just now, the expression on her face was very rich.

But after seeing myself, I was a little unhappy.

"My identity, I hope you don't say it."

Flame Lingji nodded and said: "Baiyue's corpse control technique, I have found the secret method of cultivation, but my practice is special and I can't cultivate the magic technique, do you want to find someone to cultivate?" "

Controlling the corpse....

Duanmu Rong was shocked.

She had heard the master say that this could restore the dead to action.

However, their IQ certainly does not have or is flexible at the time.

As the saying goes, death is great, and this is an evil art that hurts heaven.

"Do you practice?"

Fusu looked at Duanmu Rong.

Duanmu Rong quickly shook her head.

Such evil arts are inconsistent with her status as a healer.

"Then I'll cultivate by myself!"

Fusu turned out that Flame Lingji handed it over densely, and put it in Duanmu Rong's hands.

"I, can I not practice?"

Duanmu Rong looked at Fusu with a look of embarrassment.

"You hold it for me first."


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