"Child, you are definitely my child of Xinqujie."

Xin Qujie hugged Fusu excitedly.

Fusu looked confused.

"Head Xin, you recognized the wrong person."

"No, absolutely not, you are my child."

Xin Yanyan said with a look of excitement: "In the future, you will really be my eldest brother, and I have an older brother."

She pulled Fusu's arm, and tears of shock remained.

"Head Xin, my father is Su Yi..."

"Child, there are some things you may not know, sit down, I'll give you a good talk."

Xin Qujie pulled Fusu back to the inn.

"Child, your adoptive father Su Yi is more familiar to me than you, I am also half of his benefactor, his wife is born infertile, it is impossible to have a child."

"How is this possible!"

Fusu was shocked.

"Child, did you bring this jade pei from below?"

Xin Qujie took the yin and yang jade pei and asked.

"Yes, I've always carried it with me."

"Then you can't be wrong, this is a promise token I gave to Song Yuna, she will definitely not give it to outsiders for no reason."


Fu Su looked at Duanmu Rong with a bitter face.

"Junior Sister, I..."

"Senior Brother, some things are really unimaginable, but Boss Xin should not lie to you."

"But, I can't accept it for a while."

Xin Qujie said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay, as long as you know about it, even if you don't call me father, I'm happy." At

Xin Qujie's request, Fusu and Duanmu Rong began to tell them about Song Yun'er's past in the Cangsong faction.

It was sad to hear Xinqujie.

It's all their own fault, let their mother and son suffer for so many years.

"Hey, sister-in-law, your jade is so beautiful."

Xin Yanyan stared curiously at the jade pei on Duanmu Rong's waist.

Fusu and Duanmu Rong looked at each other.

Their eyes are finally not blind.

Finally saw this jade pei.

Black-clothed and white jade pendant, so conspicuous, only now noticed.

"If my sister likes it, I will give it to you, this is Master's relic."

Duanmu Rong took off the jade pei and put it in Xin Yanyan's hands.

"Dad, look, my sister-in-law gave me a gift, it's good to have a brother."

Xin Qujie didn't care.

He had just had a son, and the joy in his heart had not yet dissipated.

Where is the leisure to pay attention to Duanmu Rong.

However, Xin Yanyan shook it in front of his eyes with the jade pei.

When he saw Yupei's appearance, his face turned pale with shock.

"White fish Yupei!"

"How can you have a white fish jade pei!"

Xinqujie snatched it and held it in his hand.

Vigilantly glanced around.

I'm afraid someone will rob it.

"This is my Master's relic."

Xin Qujie hurriedly asked, "What's your name?"

"Nian Rong!"

Nian Rong?

He had not heard of this name.

"Is this jade pei sure that it is a relic of Song Yuner?"

"Yes, Shi Niang asked me to take this jade pendant and hide it in the secret compartment under her bed, those killers who killed her, after killing her, they still rummaged around the house for a long time, as if they were looking for something."

Xinqujie was so shocked that he broke out in a cold sweat.

"Father, this is what you said, the white fish jade pei that your master exchanged for the Juxian Pill? How could it be in the hands of Aunt Yoona?

Duanmu Rong was surprised: "Uncle, do you know the origin of this jade pei?"

Xin Qujie put away the jade pei and said: "I will save this for you first, we will immediately gossip about the gate, it is too dangerous here."

He speculated that the extermination of the Cangsong Sect must have a lot to do with this.

Although they all participated in the assassination of Wei Zhuang.

But knowing that this jade pei was in Wei Zhuang's hands, there were only a few masters.

Before they could make a move, they were targeted by the people who were in the net.

How could the Cangsong Sect have this thing.

They must have acted ahead of time.

Only then did their whereabouts be revealed.

Follow Xin Qujie back to the Bagua Gate.

Xin Qujie instructed the disciples in the door, led by Lu Yuanding, to patrol the outer mountains.

Make sure that people who are in the net do not infiltrate.

"Mother, I'm a brother again!"

Xin Yanyan pulled a beautiful woman to Fusu's residence.

Although Gu Lan is very well maintained, the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes reveal her age.

"What nonsense, where did you come from brother."

"Really, mother, he's my long-lost brother."

Gu Lan asked with a dark face: "What's going on, your father went out and found you a brother?" "

Mother, his name is Sufu, and he is Aunt Yun'er's child."


Song Yuna?

She has children....

Why hasn't she heard of Song Yuna having children for so many years?

Xin Qujie dared to hide himself!!!

"Brother, brother, I brought my mother to see you."

The two who were whispering in the house were speechless for a while when they heard Xin Yanyan's mother coming.

This Xin Yanyan really doesn't treat them as outsiders.

Anyone dares to bring it here.

"Hello Aunt Gu!"

Gu Lan stood at the door and stared at Fusu's face.

This is really very similar, there is the shadow of Xin Qujie, and there is also the appearance of Song Yuna.

Damn Xin Qujie, he dared to hide himself for so many years.

"What are you doing here?"

"On the order of the family master, come here to deliver something."

"Your Cangsong Sect should have been wiped out."

Gu Lan's tone was very unkind.

Xin Yanyan looked at her mother who was about to get angry, and suddenly panicked.

"Mother, brother, he came here to send yin and yang jade pendants."

"Leave after delivery, you are not welcome here!"

"Mother, what are you doing, the Cangsong Sect has been wiped out, and they have nowhere to go."

"Who knows if they are treacherous in the net."

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