Fusu took the jade pei in Gu Lan's hand, and then took out a token from his arms.

"Aunt Gu, trouble to give this to Yanyan, if there is any difficulty, you can take this to Hengshan County to find General Wang Li."

The king of Hengshan County was only forty or fifty miles away from Lushan.

When it really came to the moment of life and death of the Bagua Gate, Wang Li should be able to come in time.

Gu Lan took the token and looked at it, and his hand shook in fright, and the token almost came out.

This turned out to be the token of Yangzhou Mansion.

"You really are the one who caught the net."

Fusu smiled, "I'm not a net-grabbing person.

"Aunt Gu, I already know about Yupei and what I want to know, but there are still a few doubts, if you can give me the answers, then it would be great."

"What doubts?"

"Since Feng Puzi learned the secret of Baiyu Yupei from Xin Qujie, it should be strictly confidential, why would he put himself in danger."

"Second, since Xu Rang and Ma Shuijin of the Ghost Valley Sect got the white fish jade pei, why didn't anyone trouble them."

"Third, Yan Long is dead or alive!"

Gu Lan frowned.

She had also thought about these questions.

But I still don't understand why.

Perhaps only those parties know.

"I can't answer that."

"I also have a question, who spread the news of Baiyu Yupei, there are no more than five people who know."

"Not you?"

Gu Lan squinted and stared at Fusu.

Is this pretending to be confused, or is it really unknowing?

"I also just knew, you should know very well what kind of disaster it will bring to the Bagua Gate if outsiders know that Baiyu Yupei is here."

"That's really weird."

Fusu thought about it carefully.

This jade pei has always been on Duanmu Rong.

But if anyone recognizes it, it will definitely be the first to grab it.

There is no need to wait until you find a backer.

He wanted to secretly investigate the person who deliberately spread the news.

"There is something I want to tell you, even if you leave here, we will still disclose the matter of Baiyu Yupei on you."

Duanmu Rong's face changed.

If Fusu is really Su Fu, then this gossip gate is too ruthless.

In order to protect himself, he directly pushed Su Fu towards the fire pit.

"Mother, you can't do this!"

Xin Yanyan suddenly rushed in.

He looked at Gu Lan with a pleading face.

Once the news is made public, then Sufu will definitely die without a place to be buried.

"Mother, Yupei, who can't be protected by daddy, what do you let my brother do?"

"Yan Yan, one person in exchange for thousands of lives, which one do you say is worth it?"


Xin Yanyan's anxious tears remained.

Fusu sighed and said, "Even if I leave, you won't be able to stay alone, this place is already surrounded." "


Gu Lan was shocked.

"How do you know."

"Is it the one you notified?"

Duanmu Rong snorted coldly and said, "We want to destroy this place, and we can't notify people."

"What do you mean?"

"Brother, are they here to arrest you, you hurry up."

Gu Lan frowned.

This silly daughter of her own has not yet realized the seriousness of the problem.

She protected Xin Yanyan behind her.

"What exactly are you guys?"

"I will only help you this time, and it will depend on your creation in the future."

Fusu put the white fish jade back on Duanmu Rong's waist, and then led her towards the bottom of Lushan Mountain.

"Mother, how can you let your brother leave."

Xin Yanyan wanted to chase out, but was stopped by Gu Lan.

"Now go down the mountain and die nine lifetimes, and besides, he is not necessarily your brother."

Gu Lan handed over the token given by Fusu to Xin Yanyan.

"What is it!"

Looking at the dark token, Xin Yanyan's face was full of doubts.

"This is what he gave you, so that if you have difficulties, you will go to the Wang Li camp in Hengshan County."

Xin Yanyan was surprised: "Isn't Wang Li Wang Chu's grandson?" How could he know Wang Li?

"How do I know, come with me to meet your grandfather and great-grandfather."

"Grandpa is here."

Xin Yanyan ran away with a puff of smoke.

It's as if you've forgotten all your previous unpleasantness.

Gu Lan shook her head.

Who the hell is this girl like?

Gu Lan came to the council hall and found that the experts of the two factions were discussing together.

"Husband, the mountain is under siege, do you know?"

Xin Qujie said: "The disciples under the mountain have already come to report, and there are no less than five hundred masters from our periphery, and few have returned alive.

Gu Lan looked shocked.

That Sufu has a big problem.

He actually knew earlier than the masters in the sect.

Gu Buyan asked, "Did that Su Fu leave?"

Gu Lan nodded, "This person has a big problem.

"What problem?"

Everyone looked puzzled.

"When he was being watched, he knew that many people were coming down from the mountain."

"How is it possible."

Xin Qujie's face sank, "Could it be the person he notified?"

"Not really."

Gu Fei snorted coldly, "Knowing people knows their faces and not their hearts, you know it's not him."

"Intuitively, he doesn't look like a bad person, but whether he is Sufu or not is not certain."

"Who else could it be if it wasn't Sufu? Who can understand Yoona's affairs so clearly? Some

of the things that Su Fu told him were only known to him and Yun'er.

"It's just because it's too clear that he has a problem."

"Where's the geese? I've been here for so long and haven't seen my darling.

Gu Buyan looked at Gu Lan eagerly.

Gu Lan's face changed drastically.

"Didn't she come?"

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